Wednesday, 2024-10-23

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mckoangood morning07:12
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guest68Hello everyone! I have conceptual question! Is it possible to take NXP's repository where yocto classes, settings and recipes are in built, I take my meta-layer customize some recipes from NXP along with some own machine configs, and having all the packages I define in my meta-layer to be included and not from NXP?07:54
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bhstalelHello everyone,08:05
bhstalelSomeone asked me "why SRCREV is not enough ?, Why branch parameter is needed ?"08:05
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mckoanguest68: theoretically it is doable, however this way you are breaking the Yocto operating paradigm and duplicating code. You should also consider NXP's EULA. theoretically it is doable, however this way you are breaking the Yocto operating paradigm and duplicating the code. Also you should consider the NXP EULA.08:11
mckoanguest68: I don't see the reason to do this and I advise against it08:11
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guest68mcfrisk I want to separate my layer from NXPs so I can update to latest NXP with git pull every now and then without disturbing or corrupting my changes and settings08:22
mcfriskI would review vendor layers very closely and use BBMASK to disable changes that I don't want or need, and then use as much from maintained open source layers, and update them on demand. And I would develop on master branch instead of a stable/LTS branch. I would switch to stable/LTS branch only once product ships. If at all.08:25
AdrianFguest68: The official answer is probably what mckoan wrote. But as a second opinion I can say that I never successfully used a BSP from a vendor. I always ended up with copying a few files from the vendor BSP into my layer and maintain them independently. It depends on the vendor and the exact BSP and also on the life cycle of your products if you08:28
AdrianFcan use official BSPs or not.08:28
mckoanAdrianF: that's exacly how NOT tu use Yocto :-(08:31
mcfriska lot of the vendor BSP recipes needs to be modified at least with bbappends for product. same for machine, SoC etc configs. Some issues are clear bugs and it makes sense to try to upstream them to vendor. But vendors do a lot of questionable things, like fork/take over high level SW components and thus end up locking to certain, usually old, yocto release branch. To break this lock-in, product configs08:31
mcfriskneed to limit what they take from the BSP layer, e.g. disable changes to openssl but allow building u-boot and kernel.08:31
guest68mcfrisk mckoan I have used your AdrianF approach. However it becomes very cumbersome if one wants to upstream ones system. That's why I wanted to separate them to make it more easily manageable especially for upstreams08:32
mcfriskreview the full SW stack, disable full BSP layer with BBMASK, then enable only what is absolutely needed. compare against upstream SW components and yocto community layers. What did vendor change and why? The initial POC with full vendor layers is easy but then reviewing and polishing everything for full product and long term maintenance is a lot harder08:35
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debbiemartinrburton, it needs extra config (beyond just setting TOOLCHAIN) to build the kernel with clang as detailed here: It uses linux-rockchip as an example. However, I'm facing errors when I add that config with linux-yocto-rt as my preferred provider.08:58
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guest68mckoan mcfrisk AdrianF thank you very much for your insightful inputs09:08
mckoanguest68: good luck09:17
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kanavinbhstalel, because it helps to see which branch the SRCREV is on, so that you don't accidentally update SRCREV to some dangling commit which is not on a branch, or on the wrong branch (e.g. someone's private hacks). It's a kind of supply chain security.09:56
* RP is happy to have that bitbake toaster patch series posted10:03
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kanavinseems like a large scale refactor?10:19
kanavinI was wondering about those fixup fixup fixup commits in master-next10:20
kanavinthey're actually a good sign, it happens when someone is on a roll and in the zone :)10:20
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RPkanavin: the testsuite was poor in places, it needed a lot of help10:25
RPkanavin: my local testing exposed totally different timing issues to what the autobuilder did.10:26
RPkanavin: by removing the sleep() calls, the testsuite execution time is now about 12 mins down from 45 mins10:26
kanavinsleep() in tests is almost always a red flag10:27
kanavinI've been fighting with people in mbition over this, they just wouldn't get why is that.10:27
RPkanavin: agreed, I should have spotted some of this during review previously. Some I let through as it was good to at least have some code to start from10:28
RPkanavin: I've mostly got rid of them now. There are some isolated cases which are probably ok10:29
RP(in a retry loop waiting for the browser to do something)10:29
kanavinmaybe it's not a red flag when one is cutting things with a laser, or engaging car brakes in a realtime baremetal context, but that's not what we do :)10:30
RPkanavin: you'd be truly appalled at what some of the code in there was doing. I think it is safe to say I've improved it from that perspective10:32
RPsadly more work remains10:32
kanavinRP being polite in that british way :D10:33
RPkanavin: it was great to have a test suite running on the autobuilder at all10:34
kanavinI think I've actually picked up some of those turns of phrase from you and rburton, it's a good thing when I need to be gently negative.10:35
RPkanavin: agreed, it can be quite a powerful tool in some ways10:36
kanavinwe're not native speakers, most of us, so those nuances of meaning aren't so easy10:37
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kanavinmeaning and tone10:38
RPkanavin: definitely. It isn't helped that there are different ways people use the language too. Brits do tend to use it a little differently to Americans for example :)10:40
RPkanavin: I'm also from an area with a strong local dialect too which is fairly distinct even within England10:41
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kanavinRP: can you do 'posh' southern english? :D10:49
kanavinmy way of speaking is a mix of russian english (a cringe-fest from my POV, I can't stand hearing myself talk) and finnish english, as that's where I've actually started to talk every day.10:51
RPkanavin: locals think I'm not local, my accent filters out a lot of northern elements much of the time. Apparently when I get suitably worked up about something the northern elements creep in :)10:53
RPkanavin: I guess what I do switch is the dialect as there are a lot of expressions/words that only really work locally10:54
RPkanavin: "Howay man!" :) (which is gender neutral)10:55
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DharmeshYoctoBui| libtoolize: putting macros in AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS, 'm4'.11:54
DharmeshYoctoBui| libtoolize: copying file 'm4/libtool.m4'11:54
DharmeshYoctoBui| libtoolize: copying file 'm4/ltoptions.m4'11:54
DharmeshYoctoBui| libtoolize: copying file 'm4/ltsugar.m4'11:54
DharmeshYoctoBui| libtoolize: copying file 'm4/ltversion.m4'11:54
DharmeshYoctoBui| libtoolize: copying file 'm4/lt~obsolete.m4'11:54
DharmeshYoctoBui| cp: cannot create regular file '/usr/share/doc/gtk-doc.make': Permission denied11:54
DharmeshYoctoBui| autoreconf: error: gtkdocize failed with exit status: 111:55
DharmeshYoctoBui| WARNING: exit code 1 from a shell command.11:55
DharmeshYoctoBui| ERROR: Execution of ' /build/tmp/work/cortexa9t2hf-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi/libcroco/0.6.13-r0/temp/run.do_configure.2168402' failed with exit code 111:55
DharmeshYoctoBuiERROR: Task ( /sources/poky/meta/recipes-support/libcroco/ failed with exit code '1'11:55
DharmeshYoctoBuiNOTE: Tasks Summary: Attempted 1797 tasks of which 1794 didn't need to be rerun and 1 failed.11:55
DharmeshYoctoBuiSummary: 1 task failed:11:55
DharmeshYoctoBui   /sources/poky/meta/recipes-support/libcroco/
DharmeshYoctoBuiSummary: There was 1 ERROR message shown, returning a non-zero exit code.11:55
DharmeshYoctoBuiFacing this issue when i upgrade libarchive11:55
DharmeshYoctoBuidid anyne faced similar kind of issues11:55
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qschulzmoto-timo: i have some PoC for triggering pipeline of a layer in a repo from another repo's MR on GitLab14:27
qschulzonly took me 8 months to look at it 😭14:27
qschulzfor context";14:27
qschulzand for how I did it14:27
qschulza bit ugly in some places but eh, it's a start and can get the ball rolling :)14:28
TyakuHello, what is the proper way of removing a file from the deploy folder (and make sure it is re-generated after) ? Just remove it ?14:32
RPTyaku: clean the recipe that generated is probably the easiest14:33
TyakuFor example, I want to "rm tmp/deploy/images/mymachine/bl2-mymachine.bin"14:33
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rburtonJPEW: the spdx shas like  "spdxId": "" (specifically the 7cabbc...)... where does that come from?14:39
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rburtoni have two builds which _should_ be identical but the spdx files are all different14:39
JPEWrburton: It's the taskhash. Is this SPDX 2.2 or 3.0?14:39
rburtonhm ok the taskhash most likely did change, the final binary output didn't14:41
rburtoni'll nuke the spdx and compare again14:41
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JPEWYa. It's tricky to make them unique enough that the won't conflict while keeping them binary identical. With SPDX 3, I was able to fix one major problem though in that the documents aren't linked by spdxId, but rather by a special "OE Alias" (which doesn't use the task hash and is removed in the final document). This fixes a lot of linking errors we had in SPDX 2.2 where the wrong ID's were being referenced14:43
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AdrianFWe are trying to reproduce the ppc related bug But it passes successfully on all the machines we tried. We are not yet familiar with the details of the AB. Could it be a timeout which terminates the test too early on the AB?17:14
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RPAdrianF: no, the timeout would show very differently. It is more likely load from other jobs on the system affects the test timings18:43
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AdrianFRP: Thank you. We will investigate further.18:56
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rburtonAdrianF: if you're running stuff in containers, you can limit the cpu time the guest is allowed19:26
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RPkhem: as a headsup, will break busybox in meta-clang22:55
RP(busybox upgrade)22:55
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