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kanavin_ | RP: sad to see this https://git.yoctoproject.org/poky/commit/?id=cfb975c62e5b5fe3f476f44160ef479c6553f82c | 08:18 |
kanavin_ | RP: but it wasnt posted to oe-core before appearing in master? | 08:18 |
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RP | kanavin_: hmm, failed to send somehow :/ | 09:31 |
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RP | kanavin_: we're trying it as an experiment as we need to try and isolate the cause of the issues | 09:32 |
RP | kanavin_: we're running out of ideas to fix the CDN :( | 09:32 |
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kanavin_ | RP: I'm not sure what the latest fails are, but last I've seen are 504 timeout errors for the few bigger objects like go and gtk4 | 09:33 |
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RP | kanavin_: we increased the timeouts to 100s so there should be enough time even for the larger ones | 09:35 |
RP | kanavin_: https://bugzilla.yoctoproject.org/show_bug.cgi?id=15658 | 09:35 |
kanavin_ | RP: right, I didn't know there's a new ticket | 09:36 |
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kanavin_ | yeah, HTTP Error 504: Gateway Timeout | 09:37 |
RP | kanavin_: we created a new one since we'd changed infra and wanted to draw a line | 09:37 |
kanavin_ | for go-runtime | 09:37 |
RP | kanavin_: if you do go through and see which artefacts they are, could you add a summary? | 09:37 |
RP | I've been meaning to have a look at that | 09:38 |
kanavin_ | RP: Yes, I'll do that. | 09:38 |
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RP | kanavin_: I did go through our sstate objects and tried to reduce the size of them where we could too | 09:49 |
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mcfrisk | those CDN issues reminds me of a virtualization provider and their virtual block device infra which broke under virtual servers doing yocto builds. block device timeouts are not well handled by linux kernel.. | 10:14 |
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adrianalin | hello RP I added bugzilla ticket https://bugzilla.yoctoproject.org/show_bug.cgi?id=15735 related to the issue I had the other day | 11:19 |
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RP | adrianalin: thanks, it helps to know the issue is there in master | 11:26 |
RP | adrianalin: no promising on if/when someone can look at it but it is at least tracked now | 11:26 |
adrianalin | thank you too! | 11:26 |
RP | adrianalin: we did make some recent tweaks to rust so I was hoping one of them might have helped but clearly now | 11:27 |
RP | not | 11:27 |
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adrianalin | do you know what may cause this issue? some hints maybe? I looked on this for a few days now but without success (checked env vars in build.rs, cmake, all seem good); maybe is a cargo issue? | 11:33 |
RP | adrianalin: The segfault probably means it is mixing two things it shouldn't such as host and target or sdk and target or host and sdk | 11:35 |
RP | adrianalin: that is what I'd guess at | 11:35 |
RP | adrianalin: strace the failing command and see what it accesses? | 11:35 |
adrianalin | hmm would require a strace to follow all processes but there might be lots of output | 11:36 |
adrianalin | *child | 11:37 |
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RP | adrianalin: lots of output but you save to a file and filter | 11:39 |
adrianalin | yes, I will try this way | 11:42 |
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Mayur | hello guys, | 11:52 |
Mayur | i want to chnage compiler for a single recipe. GCCVERSION in local.conf acc to docs will chnage it for all. so what can be done here? | 11:52 |
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rburton | Mayur: have you already written the recipes for that different compiler? | 11:57 |
rburton | (you can't just switch compiler) | 11:58 |
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Mayur | no i have recipe for that app for now. | 12:02 |
rburton | if you _need_ to then you'll need to write your own recipes for the entire toolchain that can coexist with the standard compiler, and change the depends in your recipe. much easier to fix the code that you need a different compiler for. | 12:03 |
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Mayur | ok thaks for the info. and how can i change it then for a single recipe / which variable needs to be set. can not find it in docs. | 12:07 |
rburton | you turn off the default dependencies and then add your own for the recipes you wrote for the entire toolchain | 12:08 |
rburton | i'll say again: don't do this | 12:08 |
rburton | you either have a codegen bug in the compiler (fix it) or you have old code which the new compiler doesn't like (fix the code) | 12:08 |
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rburton | or you have something actually special like "i want to build some firmware for a different cpu" in which case there are examples for that in meta-arm or meta-ti. the meta-arm approach works but is horrible, the meta-ti approach is more complex but better. | 12:09 |
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rburton | usual 'how to ask a question on the internet' point applies: explain what you're actually trying to solve, don't ask how to do what you think you need to do. often there's a better way but if nobody knows the context then nobody can help. | 12:11 |
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Mayur | Actual Problem: | 12:15 |
Mayur | We have a C++ lib which is working fine at the moment for diff targets / Products. g++12.0 works fine. Our target with yocto 4.2 with gcc12 was working fine till now. | 12:15 |
Mayur | Now we are updating yocto to 5.0 which brings gcc13.3.. So now our recipe for that code is failing. Fixing that app code is too much effort and will also cause problems for other owners which are using / compuling the same code. So trying to make it backward compatible with old gcc which was before. | 12:15 |
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JaMa | Mayur: having 2 different toolchains is more effort than fixing the code | 12:17 |
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Mayur | yes came to know it now. Was thinking that it is just a variable in a recipe where you can define explicit version same as you can define PREFERED_VERSIOn for a package. but now i got it that its not simple like that one. | 12:19 |
JaMa | correct and spending the time to fix the code is better for long term as you cannot be stuck on gcc-12 forever (there is already gcc-14 in styhead which brings many more build failures in not-well-maintained code) | 12:20 |
kanavin | Mayur, if the c++ is written correctly, then it should work with both gcc 12 and 13. What are the actual fails? | 12:20 |
mcfrisk | select the correct C++ standard version for the build, and fix the errors which are likely major bugs anyway | 12:21 |
mcfrisk | disabling warnings as errors may be needed for the short term, but eventually those should be fixed too. there are likely lost of real bugs.. | 12:22 |
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Mayur | Yes. Thanks for the info all. setting the same C++14 stand in cmake and its still failing at many positions like | 12:25 |
Mayur | error: 'uint32_t' in namespace 'std' does not name a type; did you mean 'wint_t'? | 12:25 |
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JaMa | well that's just missing include which is backwards compatible | 12:26 |
bjdooks | hmm, no stdint.h equivalent | 12:26 |
JaMa | cstdint | 12:26 |
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Mayur | yes i know but why its working under gcc12 then | 12:27 |
JaMa | the gcc even shows you hint which #include is missing | 12:27 |
JaMa | Mayur: because some other header file included it for you transitively and now it doesn't | 12:27 |
Mayur | ah ok. | 12:27 |
Mayur | will tryy to solve these errors if possible | 12:27 |
Mayur | thank you all for the info | 12:28 |
mcfrisk | the include changes are really simple to solve in the end. work but manageable. | 12:28 |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Adolphson & Falk - Någon ♫ | 12:28 | |
mcfrisk | other distros have done gcc updates and have possibly noted down common bugs and their fixes in large code bases | 12:29 |
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JaMa | I've added around 100 .patch files for our own components for gcc-13 and about 100 -Wno-errors for gcc-14 :/ | 12:31 |
rburton | i think gcc 13 was the one where they stopped the headers including other headers which was great for breaking code that didn't explicitly include everything it needed | 12:32 |
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*** Saur is now away: ♫ Schubert - Impromptu op 142 nr 2 ♫ | 12:34 | |
JaMa | good business for https://github.com/include-what-you-use/include-what-you-use :) | 12:35 |
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*** Saur is now away: ♫ Pet Shop Boys - I Want to Wake Up ♫ | 12:42 | |
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*** Saur is now away: ♫ Chris Abbott, Ben Daglish and Alistair "Boz" Bowness - "Trap" Battle for The Planet Part 2 ♫ | 12:51 | |
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*** Saur is now away: ♫ Adolphson & Falk - 1-0-0-1-0 ♫ | 13:00 | |
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*** Saur is now away: ♫ Era - The Champions ♫ | 14:09 | |
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RP | rburton: https://autobuilder.yoctoproject.org/valkyrie/#/builders/27/builds/964/steps/13/logs/stdio :/ | 14:30 |
* RP wonders which patch in master-next is breaking go-runtime | 14:30 | |
* RP worries it is the gold one | 14:31 | |
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rburton | RP: huh | 15:05 |
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RP | rburton: I can't merge it until we resolve that one :/ | 17:20 |
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kienan | hi, I'm building a distro with INITRAMFS_IMAGE="core-image-minimal-initramfs". In my case, I'm also installing kernel-modules into this rootfs. However, the kernel-modules for the core-image-minimal-initramfs and my other image are different and I don't catch why that might be. The two images use the same preferred virtual/kernel. Any ideas on what I should check? | 17:24 |
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*** Fanfwe42 is now away: Auto away at Fri Feb 7 23:09:00 2025 UTC | 23:09 | |
*** KanjiMonster is now away: Auto away at Fri Feb 7 23:12:30 2025 UTC | 23:12 | |
*** Kubu_work <Kubu_work!~kubu@lfbn-nan-1-335-137.w82-120.abo.wanadoo.fr> has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving.) | 23:12 | |
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*** Dracos-Carazza is now away: Auto away at Fri Feb 7 23:24:31 2025 UTC | 23:24 | |
*** florian <florian!~florian@dynamic-077-177-034-009.77.177.pool.telefonica.de> has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) | 23:37 | |
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*** Fanfwe42 is now away: Auto away at Fri Feb 7 23:46:48 2025 UTC | 23:46 |
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