Monday, 2025-02-10

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ndeuteronHello #yocto. In the past I've used langdale to build SDKs targeting arm64 and amd64 so that I can build stuff for an imx8 as well as for PCs using essentially the same build environment and instructions. Now, with scarthgap, I'm having trouble with all the required meta layers for both machines coexisting. Is this considered a bug? Or is it expected now that I should have separate kas configs for01:10
ndeuteronbuilding each SDK?01:10
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RPndeuteron: what kind of trouble? Hard to say without knowing the details but I'd have thought it should work09:14
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ndeuteronRP: I've got it working with BBMASK:genericx86-64 now, to mask off some bits that were causing problems.10:17
ndeuteronSome of it is some inhouse stuff from another team, but meta-imx was causing me some grief too, I thought.10:18
ndeuteronI'll try enabling that layer again in a bit and see what falls over.10:18
RPndeuteron: the imx stuff is known to be problematic, we don't control that :(10:25
ndeuteronAh, right. This comes from NXP, doesn't it?10:26
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ndeuteronI guess my BBMASK is probably the way to go then.  It's only 3 lines.  Not too bad.10:27
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RPndeuteron: it does, yes10:44
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rburtonRP JPEW: proposal: start migrating pkgdata from the ugly existing files to just being in the json. the existing format is a pita to parse.11:23
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RPrburton: seems reasonable to me. They predate json support in python11:38
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kanavinndeuteron, you can create two different templates with separate bblayers.conf.sample files?11:59
kanavinthen initialize builds pointing to one or the other11:59
kanavinin theory layers shouldn't overstep, but we can't control vendors, and they sometimes butcher yocto12:00
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JPEWrburton: agreed13:46
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rburtonJPEW: fyi
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rm5248Hi, is anybody aware of a basic yocto image that uses GNOME?  I'm trying to get it working, but whenever yocto boots in qemu it's complaining about missing /usr/bin/x-window-manager.16:57
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kanavinyou probably need meta-gnome from meta-openembedded repo. Not sure if it comes with reference image recipes, you should check that17:36
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khemthere is no reference image but it should be easy to add one, inherit from core-image-base and add packagegroup-gnome-apps and packagegroup-gnome-desktop to IMAGE_INSTALL19:21
khemRP:yeah its due to glibc 2.41 headers and clang combo some FORTIFY_SOURCES thing not doing well on x8619:23
khemfor g-i19:23
khemI have submiited a fix for this to meta-clang, should be in today19:23
khembtw seems to be down with 502 Bad Gateway19:24
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rm5248khem: Ah, I didn't see the packagegroup-gnome-apps at all, I'll try that out and see what happens.20:02
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RPkhem: it was 502 as we were in the weekly maintenance window20:46
rburtonRP: cve update failed, don't merge20:50
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RPrburton: got it. Please reply on list20:51
rburtonalready have20:51
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RPrburton: thanks. I'd not looked at email yet21:05
* RP is happy to say we've moved the autobuilder to buildbot 4.x21:06
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RPthanks mathieudb and halstead21:06
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halsteadkhem: RP, I can set up a more useful 502 error page before the next maintenance period.21:09
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ebassiBefore I commit to it, are there scripts that turn an image manifest into a structured format, like JSON?21:31
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RPebassi: which form of image manifest? SPDX?21:38
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RPJPEW: did you write that script? :)21:40
RPJPEW: I did merge the fixes FWIW21:40
JPEWRP: SPDX is missing the file size property; we could add it in a custom annotation though21:41
JPEWI added the property to the SPDX spec though, so it will be in SPDX 3.121:42
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RPJPEW: right, I think even the list of things would be a good start right now...21:43
JPEWYa, just a list of files then?21:43
RPJPEW: or packages, just to show how you can process the SPDX easily21:43
JPEWYa, I have that21:43
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JPEWI can send it it as a contrib script21:44
RPJPEW: that would be cool thanks!21:46
RPJPEW: I just want to show this isn't hard21:47
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ebassiRP: the `component arch version` manifest21:59
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RPebassi: I need a hint. pkgdata? something in the package manager? sstate? SPDX? something in deploy?22:04
RPwe have far too many manifests :/22:04
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ebassiRP: Yeah, I noticed :-)22:48
ebassiRP: I mean this:
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RPebassi: I think if it were me, I'd take the SPDX and process what you need from that. Those files don't look very machine readable. I'd take patches rewriting them in json too22:51
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RPebassi: code is in meta/classes-recipe/rootfs-postcommands.bbclass in write_image_manifest() and I'm torn between deleting it and telling people to use SPDX or rewriting that to json. You can easily add your own post commands like that too FWIW22:55
RPebassi: I give it 50/50 odds the code survives past midday tomorrow if rburton reads this in the morning :)22:57
RPalternatively I might get annoyed enough with javascript and react to want to do that as therapy22:58
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