Tuesday, 2025-02-11

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gvmesonSomeone's laptop was OOMing and when I told them about the existing tuning knobs, they asked if anyone played with /proc/PID/oom_score_adj  for bitbake builds? One can just set the parent shell that should help guide the OOM killer to reap one of bitbake's child processes.00:54
gvmesonit might be nice to add a bitbake option or a shell wrapper.  I may do that if they find that this approach helps.00:55
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mischiefis it possible to patch a git submodule in a sane way03:58
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khemgvmeson: on latest yocto pressure handing is available, not sure which version you are at. look for BB_PRESSURE_MAX_* variables04:15
khemmischief: yes it is depending upon how you are modifying the tree, git submods are easy to work with04:16
mischiefkhem: i need to patch this04:16
mischiefthe geniuses at qorvo do a git fetch and cherry pick of upstream openthread into a submodule at compile time :-/04:17
khemah quorvo stuff so perhaps not yocto then its MCU stuff right ?04:17
mischiefno, this is the rcp that runs on the (our) host04:17
khemoh compile time fetching is a bad sign04:17
mischiefright. this only appeared with the no net changes while we upgrade to scarthgap04:19
mischiefi need two changes, one to remove this git fetch and another to apply the patch to the submodule, but im not sure how to do patches to submodules.04:19
khemwell, you can use SRC_UTI with multiple git repos and fetch the openthread module and turn the cherry function into a dummy04:20
khemlook at breakpad recipe e.g.04:20
mischiefso move to two git:// SRC_URI instead of gitsm://?04:21
khemyou can even try using gitsm:// fetcher04:21
mischiefcan devtool modify work with that to create the patch?04:21
khemyeah two repos would be more expressive04:21
khemdevtool I am not sure, I usually do not use it on complex recipes yet04:22
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ndeuteronHello mischief, fancy seeing you here! :)05:21
mischiefg'day m805:25
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rburtonebassi: yeah very strong fan of removing the legacy image manifest and just having the spdx, i think we need to write or suggest some basic tooling to extract stuff like "what packages were in this image" from the spdx first10:43
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RPrburton: turning it off by default would be a good start11:00
RPrburton: JPEW should be sending a patch for that I hope!11:00
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ebassirburton: my goal is to have a CI pipeline set up some static web page like this one, populating it from the metadata: https://releases.elementary.io/12:03
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ebassirburton: so the spdx is definitely more appropriate12:04
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ebassiI might go for the full sbom for a more detailed report, but the spdx.tar.zst is a good start for a quick overview12:07
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RPebassi: is that spdx 2.2?13:16
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TyakuHello, When we have multiple layers, what is the good practice to update IMAGE_INSTALL ? currently what we are doing is probably uggly: We have "company layer" that contains the "product image", and in the "product image" we put IMAGE_INSTALL from differents layers, like "company bsp for board X" "layer for matter protocol" "layer for openthread". Long time ago I find peoples that was doing something13:40
Tyakudifferent like: Updating directly the "core image" in layer A, B, C. So that when this layers are present, the related package are automatically added to the image.13:40
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mckoanTyaku: maybe you mean dynamic-layers https://community.tmpdir.org/t/how-to-use-dynamic-layers-in-yocto/44613:49
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TyakuI was more thinking about something like this: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/52625668/yocto-development-image-with-bbappend-in-multiple-layers but instead of doing .bbappend on the "company image" (or image.bb in this example), doing the .bbappend directly to core-image-base14:28
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TyakuIf it works, is it a good practice doing like this ?14:28
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yoctonIsn't that methode specifically forbidden by yocto-check-layer? (I have not verified it). Personaly, I do not like when BSP layers do what you describe :-/14:36
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yoctonI also would recommend using the dynamic-layers mecanism on a "image" layer sitting on top of every others and appending to your image depending on what layer is added or not.14:37
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rburtonTyaku: why can't you just have a single image in your product layer that depends on all the layers you need14:54
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JPEWRP: sent15:03
ebassiRP: we're using scarthgap, so I assume not15:03
RPebassi: right, sadly that is 2.2. spdx 3 is much nicer as it doesn't need a tarball of docs :/15:04
RPJPEW: great thanks15:04
ebassiRP: I'll make a note, in case we can backport it to our tree15:06
JPEWebassi: There's been talk of making a mix-in layer to backport it also, smurray was interested (among others)15:06
RPJPEW: I think we probably need to do this15:08
JPEWRP: Ya, there is enough interest that I'm pretty sure it will happen15:09
JPEWWorth bringing up on the tech call15:09
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RPJPEW: agreed15:12
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RPJPEW: can that example script use the bindings we have in lib/oe for spdx?15:14
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JPEWRP: Ya, it can (assuming that's in the python library search path); I was trying to model how it would work if you wanted to make an standalone tool15:16
RPJPEW: right, I'm torn as someone using OE/bitbake likely has these pieces already so they can do it simpler. I'm not sure which is more useful...15:16
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JPEWRight. The difference in my mind is do we want an example that people can use to do their own thing (in which case, I think this is more useful), or an actual tool to do a specific thing (in which case, using the existing library makes more sense)15:18
JPEWOr maybe both15:18
JPEWPerhaps some sort of additional manifest-from-spdx script would make sense15:19
RPboth might be interesting if not too painful...15:19
JPEWYa, I think the hang up for me is that I don't really like "guessing" on use cases15:20
RPJPEW: we're not trying to guess, more just show what is possible and both directions are something someone might want to do15:20
RPI think in time this will become easy/commonplace but until then...15:20
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wdouglassis there a way to add a layer to a yocto project from a bitbake recipe? i have a vendor that packages their sdk (for a special piece of hardware) as a set of binary libraries and a bitbake meta-layer, but it would be nice from a CI and bringup perspective for me to treat that whole vendor package as a dependency and have bitbake unpack and install it, but also expose all of the .bb packages inside. Is there any way to accomplish this o16:11
wdouglassam i out of line here?16:11
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rburtonwdouglass: yeah you can't do that.  though bitbake-layers makes it a one-liner to add a directory (or even a remote repo, i think) as a layer.16:13
wdouglassyeah, that's what we're doing now, i was just wondering if there was a way to streamline it from a devops perspective. thanks for the quick answer!16:13
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kanavinwdouglass, I think you should make a git repo for both, and do overwrite and commit in that repo each time you get a new bundle from the vendor19:04
kanavinthen fetch the layer as you would fetch any other layer19:04
kanavinand have a serious talk with the vendor, they're misusing yocto19:05
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wdouglasskanavin: no kidding, they are indeed misusing yocto, but unfortunately there's a language barrier, so I don't think i'll get anything to change. Unfortunately, I think yocto is (mis)used in different ways by many vendors -- the greatest offender i've seen is qualcomm (although they're not the vendor in question, i'll just never stop being mad at qualcomm)19:25
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rburtonI hope to see Qualcomm improve in the future, fwiw19:45
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kanavinwdouglass, you don't need to tell me, at some point I spent several months guiding qualcomm to fixup their layer to something resembling sanity from a safe distance19:56
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wdouglassrburton: me too, but i'm not holding my breath, and i'm not rushing to buy qualcomm chips any time soon20:08
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wdouglasskanavin: thank you for doing that work! i know its not easy20:08
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mischiefkhem: devtool modify doesn't seem to work with multiple git:// SRC_URI :(21:12
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RPmischief: there may be a bug open for that, if not there should be if it doesn't work21:16
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mischiefhttps://bugzilla.yoctoproject.org/show_bug.cgi?id=15162 was marked resolved but im not sure that it is truely resolved :)21:30
mischiefhttps://bugzilla.yoctoproject.org/show_bug.cgi?id=15294 remains open21:30
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rburtonmischief: use gitsm: if the sources are actually using git submodules21:50
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mischiefrburton: i had this conversation with khem yesterday who suggested splitting it into two git://21:54
mischiefi need to patch the submodule...21:54
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*** Saur is now away: ♫ Petter - Vinden har vänt ♫21:55
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*** Saur is now away: ♫ Shakespears Sister - My 16th Apology ♫22:00
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*** Saur is now away: ♫ Kraftwerk - Pocket Calculator ♫22:04
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*** Saur is now away: ♫ The Alan Parsons Project - Don't Answer Me ♫22:08
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*** Saur is now away: ♫ Bill Whithers - Ain't No Sunshine ♫22:13
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*** Saur is now away: ♫ Depeche Mode - Master and Servant ♫22:15
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jwinarskAnyone else hitting this in master?  Nothing PROVIDES 'virtual/cross-binutils'22:29
jwinarskbuilding with meta-clang22:30
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RPjwinarsk: which branches of core and meta-clang are you using?22:31
RPjwinarsk: did you update both?>22:32
jwinarskCI was failing, then I setup a local build.  Same thing22:32
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Matt Gray - Duotris ♫22:32
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RPjwinarsk: https://git.yoctoproject.org/poky/commit/?id=6b1e65b7d6ce163b9cd9515e915074248b718979 should have set that up22:33
jwinarskhold on22:33
RPjwinarsk: is bitbake up to date too?22:34
jwinarskI had meta-openembedded on styhead.  Checking again22:34
jwinarskyeah poky was on styhead too.  Sigh22:35
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jwinarskoperator error.  Thanks for the assist22:36
RPat least it wasn't my patch :)22:37
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*** Saur is now away: ♫ Shakespears Sister - Stay ♫22:42
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Apocalyptica - Sad but True ♫22:46
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SaurRP: Please hold off on my Meson patch that adds CMake support. It seems it can lead to CMake injecting host paths into Meson's target configuration under some circumstances... :(22:47
RPSaur: rburton mentioned this earlier as potentially possible so it was on hold. I'll drop it from -next until I hear otherwise, thanks for the headsup22:48
SaurRP: Ok. I think I am on track for finding a solution, but it means I have to increase my CMake knowledge above 0%...22:50
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Unknown - Yearning for the Peace ♫22:51
RPSaur: I do my best to avoid it!22:52
SaurRP: Me too...22:53
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Jeff Wayne - Forever Autumn ♫22:54
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*** Saur is now away: ♫ Chris Abbott and Alistair "Boz" Bowness - "Flash Gordon" The City Escape ♫23:04
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*** Saur is now away: ♫ The Corrs - Dreams ♫23:11
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*** Saur is now away: ♫ Camouflage - Love Is a Shield (W.O.Dub Mix) ♫23:15
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*** Saur is now away: ♫ Emil Schult / Karl Bartos - The Model ♫23:23
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Kylie Minogue - I Should Be so Lucky ♫23:23
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