Wednesday, 2025-02-12

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Jones42Hi, if my memory serves me well, there was a yocto/oe conference in May in Nice/France mentioned at the fosdem BOF. Is that the case? Is there any information about that event online?08:33
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mathieudbJones42: Have a look at . I'm not sure we have more details so far08:41
Jones42mathieudb: great, thanks! maybe it could be added to the calendar ?08:43
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* derRichard finds that neither meta-qt5 nor meta-qt6 know about qt's syslog logging backend :-S10:27
RPLetoThe2nd: should that be on the calendar? ^^^10:31
LetoThe2ndRP: it probably should, yeah10:31
RPLetoThe2nd: I figured you might know how to fix it :)10:32
LetoThe2ndRP: it's more like not knowing but hopefully figuring out. :-/10:32
mischiefi got my milkv megrez \o/10:33
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RPLetoThe2nd: I get to do that a lot too10:35
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rburtonSaur: horrible feeling that we might need to make a cmake-cross that intrinsicly knows how to cross build. but apparently meson _should_ be configuring cmake to use the sysroot etc.11:02
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mischiefhw-probe for my megrez
mischiefmaybe more experiments later11:05
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* mcfrisk wonders how to support systemd based initrd's? Maybe add "systemd-initrd" distro feature which converts core-image-initramfs-boot to use systemd instread of sysvinit. then selftests to verify that it works. then meta-security/meta-tpm modifications to use TPM to create encrypted rootfs partitions etc.11:18
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mcfrisktypo, no sysvinit in core-image-initramfs-boot but the initramfs framework with shell scripts instead. systemd can do that too and much more, though it is a bit slower atm11:20
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*** Saur is now away: ♫ Emil Schult / Karl Bartos - The Model ♫12:34
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*** Saur is now away: ♫ Heaven 17 - Temptation ♫12:49
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*** Saur is now away: ♫ Diana Krall - Bessame Mucho ♫12:54
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*** Saur is now away: ♫ Technohead - I Wanna Be a Hippy ♫13:01
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*** Saur is now away: ♫ Phil Collins - Saturday Night and Sunday Morning ♫13:31
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*** Saur is now away: ♫ Mansun - Wide Open Space ♫13:32
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*** Saur is now away: ♫ The London Stage Ensemble - Startlight Express ♫13:37
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Dire Straits - Tunnel of Love ♫13:42
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*** Saur is now away: ♫ Clannad - Caislean Õir ♫13:50
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*** Saur is now away: ♫ Clannad - Two Sisters ♫14:01
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*** Saur is now away: ♫ Texas - When We Are Together ♫14:10
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*** Saur is now away: ♫ Docenterna - Utan dig ♫14:16
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*** Saur is now away: ♫ Beatles - While My Guitar Gently Weeps ♫14:22
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Depeche Mode - Stories of Old ♫14:27
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Unknown - Everybody Knows.mp3 ♫14:30
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Loverboy - Heaven in Your Eyes ♫14:36
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*** Saur is now away: ♫ John Carpenter - The President at the Train ♫14:40
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*** Saur is now away: ♫ Rob Hubbard - Sanxion ♫14:48
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*** Saur is now away: ♫ Enya - The River Sings ♫14:54
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*** Saur is now away: ♫ Foreigner - That Was Yesterday ♫14:56
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*** Saur is now away: ♫ Simon and Garfunkel - Mrs. Robinson ♫15:08
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*** Saur is now away: ♫ Clannad - Battles ♫15:12
*** Saur is now away: ♫ R.E.M. - Bad Day ♫15:13
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*** Saur is now away: ♫ "Weird Al" Yankovic - Yoda ♫15:17
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*** Saur is now away: ♫ Gregorian - Scarborough Fair ♫15:21
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*** Saur is now away: ♫ Alison Moyet - Never Too Late ♫15:26
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*** Saur is now away: ♫ Depeche Mode - To Have and to Hold ♫15:30
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Unknown - An Ocean of Memories ♫15:32
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*** Saur is now away: ♫ Galway arr. Liljedahl - Galway is God ♫15:40
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*** Saur is now away: ♫ Enya - Pilgrim ♫15:48
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Ronan Keating - When You Say Nothing At All ♫15:51
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*** Saur is now away: ♫ Czech Studio Orchestra - Barbarillax ♫15:56
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*** Saur is now away: ♫ Ronan Keating - When You Say Nothing At All ♫17:37
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LetoThe2ndI'm just tinkering a bit with create-spdx (2.2, scarthgap), and I thought to remember that this gives me a big, unified spdx.json. but actually I get spdx.json.zst, which contains the per-package spdx.jsons. But it comes nowhere near those GiB sizes I remember, and I find it hard to inspect the multitude of files. so where is my mental model derailing here? any pointers?20:09
RPLetoThe2nd: one big json is spdx 320:10
LetoThe2ndRP: but wasn't it like that too earlier? like kirkstone or even before that?20:10
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RPLetoThe2nd: no, spdx2 can't do a single doc afaik20:12
LetoThe2ndRP: mkay so need to recheck with styled or later20:13
RPLetoThe2nd: the sizes swell massively if you include full source info too20:14
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LetoThe2nd*styhead, even. yeah, I have all the options enabled but I just can't get that nice bloated feeling.20:14
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rburtonJPEW: seeing a few builds fail like this: ERROR: core-image-sato-1.0-r0 do_create_image_sbom_spdx: not found in /builds/software/yocto/meta-arm/work/build/tmp/deploy/spdx/3.0.1/cortexa15t2hf-neon/by-spdxid-hash/c9/c956799a28d74ed5dca43a89f95d57cb8dd2afe9b3f62865d73b82c68865d9fe.spdx.json20:33
rburtondid anything change recently?20:34
rburtonreliably fails in ci on two specific jobs20:34
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RPrburton: master? there is a recent open bug20:50
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rburtonso there is21:29
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JPEWrburton: Do you have access to that failure and can you keep it around until tomorrow (I have to step out for the rest of today)?22:07
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khemmischief:hmm I am not surprised, there are so many different things that needs to happen to prepare a package source tree.23:25
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