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mckoan | good morning | 07:50 |
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rburton | mcfrisk: i have no real policy. would be interesting to see if the boot is faster with all the =y turned to =m and the modules just installed into the initramfs/rootfs. | 11:31 |
mcfrisk | rburton: yes, trying that and will measure results. hunting some config dependencies etc.. | 11:32 |
neverpanic | With =m you'll pay for at least one signature validation during boot. | 11:36 |
neverpanic | one per module, that is. | 11:36 |
mcfrisk | kernel core will boot some 100 ms faster, currently on qemu at 4 seconds. Then the userspace udev impact much bigger since it takes 15 seconds to go through all events from kernel. Overall impact is that systemd based initrd boots in 30 seconds which is an order of magnitude too much, IMO. | 11:42 |
rburton | yeah | 11:43 |
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rburton | JPEW: just threw your spdx/walk patch at our CI | 15:43 |
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JPEW | rburton: Cool | 15:54 |
JPEW | rburton: My guess is that it will invalidate all the tasks and make the problem disappear, but at least when it comes back we'll have a better idea what's going on | 15:55 |
rburton | JPEW: yeah it might just do that | 15:55 |
rburton | JPEW: if it passes i'll fire it again | 15:55 |
rburton | or i would if devops hasn't broken our runners ;) | 15:56 |
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*** Lihis is back | 17:04 | |
*** druppy is now away: I am currently away from the computer. | 17:04 | |
*** druppy is back | 17:04 | |
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*** RP is now away: Auto away at Mon Feb 17 18:06:37 2025 UTC | 18:06 | |
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rburton | JPEW: ERROR: core-image-sato-1.0-r0 do_create_image_sbom_spdx: http://spdxdocs.org/openembedded-alias/by-doc-hash/c956799a28d74ed5dca43a89f95d57cb8dd2afe9b3f62865d73b82c68865d9fe/libx11/UNIHASH/package/libx11-locale/file/48 not found in /builds/software/yocto/meta-arm/work/build/tmp/deploy/spdx/3.0.1/neoversen2/by-spdxid-hash/c9/c956799a28d74ed5dca43a89f95d57cb8dd2afe9b3f62865d73b82c68865d9fe.spdx.json | 18:17 |
rburton | sorry | 18:17 |
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JPEW | blerg | 18:18 |
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*** adadad is now away: Auto away at Mon Feb 17 18:34:30 2025 UTC | 18:34 | |
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*** pilonsi is now away: Auto away at Mon Feb 17 18:40:44 2025 UTC | 18:40 | |
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khem | mcfrisk: changing y to m can also find latent issues in kernel, if you turn every possible module to be module and not bundled into kernel | 18:48 |
*** enok is now away: I am currently away from the computer. | 18:51 | |
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*** druppy is now away: I am currently away from the computer. | 19:02 | |
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*** adadad is back | 19:12 | |
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*** LocutusOfBorg is now away: Auto away at Mon Feb 17 19:14:58 2025 UTC | 19:14 | |
*** Emantor is back | 19:15 | |
*** LocutusOfBorg is back | 19:16 | |
*** jonesv is now away: Auto away | 19:16 | |
*** Fanfwe42 is now away: Auto away at Mon Feb 17 19:18:14 2025 UTC | 19:18 | |
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*** RP is back | 19:21 | |
*** RP is now away: I'm not here right now | 19:28 | |
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*** RP is now away: Auto away at Mon Feb 17 19:33:25 2025 UTC | 19:33 | |
*** sakoman is now away: I'm not here right now | 19:39 | |
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*** adadad is now away: Auto away at Mon Feb 17 19:48:35 2025 UTC | 19:48 | |
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*** Lihis is now away: I'm away.. | 19:58 | |
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*** sakoman is now away: I'm not here right now | 20:21 | |
*** ptsneves is now away: I am currently away from the computer. | 20:23 | |
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*** florian <florian!~florian@dynamic-080-171-076-216.80.171.pool.telefonica.de> has joined #yocto | 20:35 | |
*** Emantor is now away: Auto away at Mon Feb 17 20:36:53 2025 UTC | 20:36 | |
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*** frgo <frgo!~frgo@p2e57f205.dip0.t-ipconnect.de> has joined #yocto | 20:40 | |
*** sakoman is now away: I'm not here right now | 20:43 | |
*** ptsneves is now away: I am currently away from the computer. | 20:43 | |
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*** Fanfwe42 is now away: Auto away at Mon Feb 17 20:53:28 2025 UTC | 20:53 | |
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*** adadad is now away: I'm not here right now | 21:23 | |
*** KanjiMonster is now away: Auto away at Mon Feb 17 21:29:13 2025 UTC | 21:29 | |
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*** patersonc is now away: Auto-away | 21:38 | |
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*** RP <RP!~RP@user/RP> has quit IRC (Quit: Exiting) | 21:54 | |
*** RP <RP!~RP@user/RP> has joined #yocto | 21:54 | |
*** ptsneves is now away: I am currently away from the computer. | 21:57 | |
*** Fanfwe42 is back | 21:59 | |
*** Fanfwe42 is now away: Auto away at Mon Feb 17 22:04:07 2025 UTC | 22:04 | |
*** cyxae <cyxae!~cyxae__@2607:fad8:4:6:161c:6417:9205:9bed> has quit IRC (Quit: cyxae) | 22:06 | |
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*** tokamak is now away: Auto away at Mon Feb 17 22:24:01 2025 UTC | 22:24 | |
*** ptsneves is now away: I am currently away from the computer. | 22:25 | |
*** ptsneves <ptsneves!~Thunderbi@178235024240.wroclaw.vectranet.pl> has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) | 22:49 | |
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*** _lore_ is now away: Auto away at Mon Feb 17 23:01:56 2025 UTC | 23:01 | |
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*** adadad is now away: Auto away at Mon Feb 17 23:07:18 2025 UTC | 23:07 | |
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*** Fanfwe42 is now away: Auto away at Mon Feb 17 23:13:52 2025 UTC | 23:13 | |
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*** tokamak is now away: Auto away at Mon Feb 17 23:37:07 2025 UTC | 23:37 | |
*** tokamak is back | 23:50 |
Generated by irclog2html.py 4.0.0 by Marius Gedminas - find it at https://mg.pov.lt/irclog2html/!