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derRichard | leon-anavi: lately i gave your meta-lts-mixins layer, branch scarthgap/u-boot a try on the rpi5. but it does not seem to boot, all i see is the u-boot logo on the hdmi output. | 08:28 |
derRichard | is there something new to set? i had a bref look at your howtos :-D | 08:29 |
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leon-anavi | Hi derRichard, actually, I haven't contributed anything to meta-lts-mixins layer. Tim Orling created branch scarthgap/u-boot. | 08:31 |
leon-anavi | derRichard, which image are you trying to boot on rpi5? | 08:31 |
derRichard | leon-anavi: core-image-base | 08:32 |
derRichard | just like you stated here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9tohomiv1Ug | 08:32 |
leon-anavi | what is your local.conf? | 08:32 |
derRichard | RPI_USE_U_BOOT = "1" | 08:32 |
derRichard | INIT_MANAGER = "systemd" | 08:32 |
derRichard | LICENSE_FLAGS_ACCEPTED = "synaptics-killswitch" | 08:32 |
leon-anavi | this looks good | 08:33 |
derRichard | with machine set to rpi5, of course | 08:33 |
derRichard | without u-boot it boots perfectly fine | 08:33 |
leon-anavi | Have you checked with version of the U-Boot recipe are you building in the image? You can do it with: bitbake-getvar PV -r u-boot | 08:34 |
derRichard | let me check | 08:35 |
leon-anavi | You need to be with 2024.04 or higher to boot rpi5. | 08:35 |
derRichard | it's 2024.04 | 08:35 |
leon-anavi | meta-lts-mixins layer branch scarthgap/u-boot adds u-boot version 2024.04 | 08:35 |
derRichard | as expecteed | 08:35 |
derRichard | *expected | 08:35 |
leon-anavi | hm, what is the output in the serial console? | 08:35 |
derRichard | nothing. but i have only uart at the gpios, not the new rpi5 debug uart thingy | 08:36 |
leon-anavi | you need to output from the dedicated UART connector on rpi5. Now it is different from the UART on the 40-pin header. | 08:37 |
derRichard | so, u-boot cannot use the uart on the 40pin header? | 08:38 |
leon-anavi | I suggest using Raspberry Pi Debug Probe as it has the needed cable that fits in the dedicated UART connector on the rpi5 (aka the one between the two microHDMI ports). | 08:38 |
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derRichard | anyway, do you have an sdcard image i can try? maybe my rpi5 is broken/wonky | 08:38 |
leon-anavi | derRichard, by default: no | 08:38 |
leon-anavi | no, I don't distribute binary images, sorry. | 08:38 |
derRichard | ok | 08:38 |
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leon-anavi | have a look at the UART log to debug further. If the rpi5 boots fine without u-boot most probably it is not a hw issue and some kind of configuraiton that is causing the problem. | 08:41 |
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mcfrisk | any ideas why vim suddenly starts failing in devshell with "Vim: Caught deadly signal ABRT"? | 09:03 |
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derRichard | leon-anavi: so, the problem is. u-boot does not run boot.scr, it just drops me into the u-boot shell | 10:09 |
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leon-anavi | what happens if you just type boot from the u-boot shell? Does it boot? | 10:11 |
derRichard | let me try, loading the kernel manually worked fine before | 10:11 |
derRichard | leon-anavi: https://paste.debian.net/plain/1350712 | 10:12 |
derRichard | i can sort this out myself, i'm just a little surprised that your examples does not work here | 10:13 |
leon-anavi | I am not sure what is going on your side. I guess it is a configuration mismatch. Could you please share your "Build Configuration" from bitbake when you build core-image-base? | 10:15 |
derRichard | leon-anavi: sure, here is my kas file: https://paste.debian.net/plain/1350715 | 10:16 |
leon-anavi | looks good to me. | 10:17 |
derRichard | same to me :-D | 10:18 |
derRichard | i've flashed the image using bmap, maybe something else is left on the sdcard that confuses the hell out of u-boot? | 10:19 |
leon-anavi | Btw refspec has been deprecated since kas version 14 and will eventually be removed. But I see you are using an older kas version. | 10:19 |
derRichard | sure sure | 10:19 |
leon-anavi | hm... could it be because bmap? | 10:20 |
derRichard | sure, bmaptool writes only data claimed by the image. if the image has a hole and that hole has data on the sdcard, the data is unchanged | 10:21 |
derRichard | this is a super foodgun with u-boot env on mmc. if you saveenv but define no default env in your wic file, after bmap you'll still end up with the old env | 10:22 |
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leon-anavi | A colleague mentioned he had issues with the u-boot env part of the image when using bmap. As far as I remember he mentioned it will be skipped because if it is all zeroes. This may impact u-boot.env and there is a GitHub issue about it: https://github.com/yoctoproject/bmaptool/issues/29 | 10:23 |
leon-anavi | derRichard, could you please try flashing the image with dd? | 10:23 |
derRichard | leon-anavi: yes | 10:23 |
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derRichard | leon-anavi: yes, that works. so, the wic file is wonky. it forgets to set some data which is used by u-boot | 10:31 |
leon-anavi | hehe, cool :) We have figure it out ;) | 10:31 |
leon-anavi | derRichard, could you please take one step further and leave a comment about this particular problem with U-Boot in https://github.com/yoctoproject/bmaptool/issues/29 ? | 10:33 |
derRichard | sure! | 10:33 |
leon-anavi | it is a known issue for bmaptool but I think it make sense to increase the visibility of the impact. | 10:34 |
derRichard | but i'm not sure whether bmaptool is the problem | 10:34 |
derRichard | the problem is the wic file | 10:34 |
derRichard | you need to fix it | 10:34 |
leon-anavi | The wks file is part of meta-raspberrypi: https://github.com/agherzan/meta-raspberrypi/blob/master/wic/sdimage-raspberrypi.wks | 10:35 |
leon-anavi | If it works fine for dd and doesn't work properly when using bmap, I would rather describe it as a bmap flaw. What is the fix for bmap in the wks file to avoid this issue? | 10:37 |
derRichard | yeah, i'm sure it needs to install a clear u-boot env to the mmc or such. like: part u-boot-env --source rawcopy --sourceparams="file=u-boot-foo-initial-env-sd.bin" --ondisk mmcblk --no-table --align 4096 | 10:38 |
derRichard | u-boot somewhere tries to read from the mmc and fails due to old data. we need to figure what u-boot does and install that data using wic or stop u-boot from doing so | 10:38 |
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mcfrisk | linux-yocto defconfig is not very modular. What kind of requirements or issues need built-in drivers instead of modules? I presume lack of initrd infra and udev hinder a bit, then also boot without initrd to rootfs in various configs needs to work | 10:52 |
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leon-anavi | derRichard, sounds reasonable. I rarely use bmap so I don't bump often at this issue. I am a bit worried that there is a huge queue of open GitHub PR in meta-raspberrypi. According to me many of them should have been already merged as they are no remarks about them. | 11:00 |
leon-anavi | keep this in mind if you proceed with a PR to fix the u-boot-env in the wks from meta-raspberrypi. | 11:01 |
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leon-anavi | derRichard, do you encounter the same problem if you flash time image with bmap and the "--nobmap" option? | 11:09 |
leon-anavi | I shared your issue with a colleague and he suggested that this may be useful. | 11:09 |
derRichard | leon-anavi: didn't try yet. | 11:10 |
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derRichard | lunch time | 11:13 |
* derRichard hangry | 11:13 | |
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leon-anavi | hi darko311 :) | 11:16 |
darko311 | hello | 11:16 |
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kanavin_ | rburton, have you seen 'office space' movie? do you remember the progress bar scene? :D | 13:39 |
rburton | kanavin_: yes, no. but i can imagine :) | 13:40 |
kanavin_ | rburton, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1V2SHW6Qx_E | 13:40 |
kanavin_ | rburton, it's exactly what you just said on bitbake list :) | 13:40 |
rburton | yes that :) | 13:40 |
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RP | JPEW: meta-mingw needs a patch refresh :/ | 15:28 |
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JPEW | RP: ok | 15:29 |
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RP | JPEW: there is also a gprc patch on the yocto-patches mailing list | 15:46 |
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JPEW | Heh, well, that explains why I didn't see things. I forgot to subscribe to that ML when it switched over | 15:51 |
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paulg | 0: rust-llvm-1.81.0-r0 do_compile - 2h26m11s (pid 23790) 57% |######### | | 17:00 |
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paulg | Have I mentioned how much rust-llvm wastes more electrons than a 1987 fractal screen saver? | 17:01 |
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paulg | stupid steaming pile. | 17:02 |
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rburton | paulg: we _should_ be able to ditch that and use llvm | 17:04 |
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paulg | If we could, that would probably be a good thing. I'm largely ignorant to the whole rust/llvm stuff. All I know is that if you get cargo and rust-llvm and qemu building at the same time, it will OOM your kit, even if you have good stuff. | 17:08 |
paulg | And to that end, we exclude new yocto developers, because they just don't have the hardware to do a basic core-image-minimal build. That is the part that really bugs me. | 17:09 |
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rburton | we should make the quickstart turn on public sstate for speed | 17:11 |
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paulg | seems rust causes indigestion in lots of circles... | 17:19 |
paulg | https://lore.kernel.org/lkml/4cbd3baf81ca3ff5e8c967b16fc13673d84139e8.camel@kernel.org/T/#m6ef82b1f12694333960923978e1f5765ece4dd0f | 17:19 |
Slimey | there are better ways to get iron in your system | 17:22 |
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kanavin_ | paulg rburton , you should read my proposal for ditching oe-init-build-env, and using bitbake-setup with guaranteed sstate. Then even new yocto developers will be able to do builds. | 18:22 |
kanavin_ | bitbake-setup is largely ready, but not the supporting code/infra. I'm going to take the steps outlined in that proposal, then if RP takes the code, we're set. | 18:23 |
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khem | paulg: yeah rust in kernel discussions are always intresting, and tend to flair up too much these days | 19:03 |
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Jones42 | is there a wic-plugin that allows me to simply make a partition with a list of files? I'm looking for something similar to bootimg-partition but with a different list of files... | 20:49 |
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mischief | Jones42: image recipe + rawcopy? | 21:16 |
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Jones42 | miscief: hm, yeah, that should do it... thanks | 21:17 |
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RP | kanavin_: you missed the bit of the tech call today where I was sad I'm simply not getting to the bitbake setup stuff as I can't get through the patch queue :( | 21:20 |
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