Wednesday, 2025-02-19

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paulgkanavin_, you have got me there.   I tagged your RFC as something I needed to look into since it had the potential to make setup/configure suck so much less.01:03
paulgI just haven't got there yet, unfortunately.01:03
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paulgBelieve me, I know.  I was there in 200 trying to sell people on how kernel configuration should be BSP oriented and not about generic options like CGL or blah-blah file system this-or-that.01:07
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paulgsome guy I know who name rhymes with "wed" was there as my witness, and both of us got set on fire for suggesting "git" was suitable for mainstream use.01:09
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kanavin_RP: yeah I had to abruptly drop out :(08:32
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leon-anavihi derRichard, following up the conversation from yesterday about bmap, did you run into the same problem when flashing the image with the "--nobmap" option?08:44
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derRichardleon-anavi: well, i tried hard all night, i was unable to reproduce the issue in anyway. sadly, i don't know what was before on the sdcard.08:51
derRichardfilling before flashing with /dev/urandom also didn't help to trigger the issue :-/08:51
leon-anaviI spoke with other people and no one complained about the same. I think it was because of mismatch with the old content of the microSD card that you tried.08:53
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leon-anaviTherefore I still think it will be beneficial to leave a comment in the similar issue in GitHub about bmaptool. The one that we discussed yesterday.08:53
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derRichardleon-anavi: but bmaptool is not to blame08:56
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derRichardbefore i don't know what's really goging on i'm reluctant08:57
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derRichardwhat also puzzles me is that u-boot failed with an internal error (-EFAULT) in the bootflow logic08:58
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leon-anaviwell, it worked out with dd and you had this issue that we cannot reproduce anymore with bmap...09:00
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derRichardmaybe my sdcard reader is wonky and ate some bits while i used bmap? :D09:23
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RPderRichard: as long as it doesn't find and add them back later :)09:39
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jonmasonRP: sounding an idea off of you.  In the YP Docs for patches (  What if we added a "[reason]" after "Pending"?  I think having to justify why it's not been at least submitted might make people think twice about just throwing it out there and walking away14:28
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jonmasonWe're having that issue in meta-arm and I'm about to rage spam people about it14:29
jonmasonif you don't hate it, i'll do a patch to the docs14:29
RPjonmason: to be honest Pending was only there to grandfather in the whole mess of patches we already had14:30
RPjonmason: we can't really mandate it without adding that to all the existing patches as things like patchtest will compain14:31
RPjonmason: how about noting that Pending usually designates an older patch from before upstream status was effectively required?14:32
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wdouglassHello, i have a recipe that has a configure step that looks like14:49
wdouglassdo_configure() {14:49
wdouglass        :14:49
wdouglasswhat does that single colon mean?14:49
JPEWwdouglass: ":" is the shell equivalent of "noop". Its useful when the syntax requires a statement, but you don't want to do anything14:51
wdouglassahh, so like `pass` in python. ok cool, thanks!14:51
JPEWwdouglass: Correct14:51
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jonmasonRP: what if we saying "[reason]" is only required for patches post walnascar?14:56
RPjonmason: I think we just have to recommend a reason be given. Otherwise patchtest is going to have a hard time knowing when to complain14:59
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* mcfrisk appends "Upstream-Status: Pending" to a lot patches under development. maybe should disable the qacheck instead... gets harder with 10's of patches, rebases, revisions etc. Need for it is clear though15:06
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mcfriskhmm, git hook to automatically add it after diffstat, that could help15:07
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paulgThe whole "Upstream-Status" thing, which I never was a fan of, really becomes transparently pointless once you delegate it to scripts and robots.15:10
JPEWpaulg: It's really useful, and much better than the alternative where we have no idea what state things were in15:11
RPpaulg: and yet it actually helps an awful lot15:11
mcfriskyes but it's needed when developing the patches. writing it manually to 21 patches is not too much work, but still annoying to forget when build fails.15:11
JPEWpaulg: Also generates really useful metrics15:12
RPI can acutally prove it with numbers too, "Patch Upstream-Status Counts"15:12
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paulgooh! metrics!15:13
* JPEW suspects paulg has a science background15:13
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paulgJPEW, you wouldn't be wrong.
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JPEWpaulg: Yep. It's always the scientists that get really excited about the graphs :)15:16
RPis it sad I know what epitaxy is without looking it up15:16
jonmasonUpstream-status is extremely useful to me15:17
jonmasonit helps me keep internal people accountable for upstreaming their stuff15:17
JPEWRP: Nah, it's just a awesome party trick.... in the right circles :)15:17
* zeddii just uses inappropriate for all his patches :)15:17
jonmasonand actually use logic on why they aren't upstreaming15:17
jonmasonzeddii: sshhhhhh15:17
jonmasondon't let them know about that15:18
zeddiiit is the medium, not the message that paulg and I object to. but I won't rehash that.15:18
jonmasonI have a script that I send to management with Pending patches and how old they are15:18
RPThe key point is that it makes people at least think about whether something should be upstreamed15:18
RPzeddi and paulg aren't the people who need that kind of hint15:18
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jonmasonyes, this is usually not needed15:19
jonmasonbut there are...groups who need something for a release, that's like 2 days away15:19
paulgzeddi and paulg aren't the people who take a hint from anybody.15:19
jonmason"we'll get back to it"15:19
jonmasonand now they are 3 years old15:19
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JPEWpaulg: There's still hope for you15:20
zeddiiI don't actually care about that, if I haven't noticed them in three years, I don't care.15:20
jonmasonwithout naming names, there is a plaform with 50 u-boot patches that are over a year old15:20
zeddiiif they've caused me pain, they'll either be updated, or chucked in the bin.15:20
jonmasonzeddii: are there any patches you maintain for the kernel?15:21
jonmasonI thought we were running stock upstream15:22
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rfs613only 50 patches? amateurs ;-)15:23
paulgI'll admit, twenty+ years ago I was all altruistic - thinking "every patch needs to be pushed upstream".  But then phones came along, with a hardware TTL of less than five years.  Do you really want/need the burden of that shit upstream? No. And so my perspective on the issue shifted.15:23
zeddiipaulg was dr death in the kernel for several years, so he walked the talk!15:24
jonmasonhaving to port someone's half-assed patch to a new version gets old really quickly15:24
RPpaulg: some stuff is really hard but there is a huge number of trivial things which really should just be sent15:25
JPEWpaulg: Also there is a huge difference between a phone manufacturer choosing to take on technical debt like that and what OpenEmbedded should do :)15:26
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jonmasonhonestly, you could just "Submit" it and throw it over the wall to a mailing list and run away15:27
jonmasonit'd like 5 seconds extra work for a mailing list15:27
jonmasonand not "Pending"15:27
paulgoh yeah, 'cause there is nothing maintainers like more than a "dump-n-run"15:27
jonmasonbetter than never knowing an issue exists15:28
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paulgactually, no.  Because it wastes the maintainer's time - it wastes the time of the readers of the stream.15:29
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RPpaulg: depends on the issue. Gnarly kernel patches are one thing but many of the smaller projects so prefer to know they broke musl or something15:29
paulgsure - trivial build breakage are another thing - but if you aren't willing to stand behind your submission and defend it technically, then just please fuck off.15:30
RPpaulg: I'm feeling really bad I didn't follow up on a go patch I submitted a few years ago and it timed out :(15:31
RPthey use gerrit though and I just can't work that which was half the problem15:31
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paulgRP, when you are standing at the pearly gates, they will ask you about that go patch you never followed through on.15:33
RPpaulg: I suspect that won't be the first thing!15:33
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jonmasonJust imagine if god cared more about technical debt than being a good person.  It seems like it should be an xkcd comic15:38
jonmason"You're going to purgatory to burn off all of the patches you did"15:40
JPEWjonmason: "But is was a devout patch reviewer at Our Mother of the Mailing List!"15:43
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jonmasonJPEW: you coveted your neighbors green CI15:44
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jonmasonJPEW: if you need sbom issue repro's, I have tons of them -
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JPEWjonmason: Ya, That would be helpful. I'm currently stuck in Compliance regulation hell, but I'll try to make some time to look at that later today15:59
jonmasonseems like clang makes it happen a ton in my CI15:59
JPEWK. You have my os.walk() patch applied?16:00
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jonmasondid that make it into master yet?16:00
jonmasonif not, no16:00
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jonmasonnot 100% reproducible AFAICT16:00
jonmasonas I just keep retrying and it works evertually16:00
RPJPEW: so you want me to look at meta-mingw if you're busy? You're probably best used on the sbom stuff16:01
JPEWI did push the pending patch, I hadn't gotten around to looking at the patch refreshes :/16:01
JPEWUnrelated: a recent change in bitbake requires Python 3.9 (I'll post SHA-1 shortly); should we bump it?16:02
JPEWLooks like it was backported to scarthgap, so at a minuimum we'll need to replace the code there16:03
frayI thought we were already requiring (scarthgap on) 3.9 or 3.10 on.. maybe I'm remembering wrong16:04
JPEWIt's still 3.8 on scarthgap according to the check and docus16:04
RPJPEW: which bitbake change? :/16:04
frayok, then I am remembering wrong16:04
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jonmasonJPEW: seems like juno and clang repro the issue fairly regularily.  I'm going to see if doing that locally helps to repro it16:05
JPEWRP: c51f01a35 ("cooker: Make cooker 'skiplist' per-multiconfig/mc")16:06
JPEWremoveprefix() was added in 3.916:06
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JPEWIt's relatively easy to write a replacement, just wasn't sure if that was preferable to bumping the minimum version on master16:07
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RPJPEW: we need to check which versions we have on the autobuilder distros16:09
RPit would be nice to use newer versions but it really depends where the distros are16:09
fray3.12 of course if the host-tools are used16:09
RPwe don't just use hosttools everywhere16:10
JPEWI suspect the distros with Python < 3.9 are using hosttools and maybe that's why we didn't see it16:11
fraythat's what I was guessing as well16:13
RPJPEW: Ubuntu 20.04 uses 3.816:14
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JPEWThat track, since that's also where we see the error16:15
RPJPEW: we don't use hosttools on 20.04 so we've been lucky16:15
frayya, my primary builder is 22.04 which is 3.10 so that explains why I haven't seen it...16:16
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JPEWOK, so probably the best option is to replace and keep the minimum 3.8 ?16:17
RPJPEW: unless we want to change 20.04 to use hosttols16:17
RPer, buildtools16:17
frayYa, for scarthgap I think so.16:17
RPwe certainly shouldn't do that for stable16:18
JPEWYa, for sure16:18
fraylooking at the hunk with the removeprefix, at first glance, it looks like it was just an optimziation of the existing code.. remove that hunk and I think it will still work right (tm)16:19
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frayhmm there might be one line in the hunk in that is needed.. the skiplist = changed how it was being set, the new version might be required with the ither lines not16:20
JPEWI have someone who can make the patch, I just was curious if needed a different fix on master16:21
fraypersonally I'm OK if master moved to 3.9 or even newer..  it's only scarthgap (and maybe styhead) we need to worry about16:21
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JPEWfray: Sure... I don't necessarily want to make a lot of work for the AB maintainers over one line though16:22
JPEWRP: Is making ubuntu 20.04 use buildtools as simple as adding "ubuntu2004*": "${BUILDTOOLS_URL}" to "buildtools" in config.json in yocto-autobuild-helper?16:24
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denixis it normal to have duplicates in OVERRIDES list? I'm seeing "aarch64" twice - first coming from TRANSLATED_TARGET_ARCH and second from MACHINEOVERRIDES which gets populated from the corresponding tunes files16:51
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denixthe only issue is that pn-XXX and layer-XXX overrides come in between those two, making it unclear which one takes precedence17:05
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RPJPEW: that and changing the min version requirements in various places17:11
RPdenix: it shouldn't be an issue and there is a defined ordering for that, forcevariable is strongest17:11
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denixRP: yeah, I know about the order. it appears if there are duplicates, the stronger one gets handled. it's unfortunate that "aarch64" is both a target arch and one of the actual tunes...17:29
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denixe.g. in ARM32 the overrides list will have "...:arm:pn-XXX:layer-XXX:armv7a:..." while in ARM64 it will have "...:aarch64:pn-XXX:layer-XXX:aarch64:..."17:31
denixa very corner-case scenario, but if you use :arm and :aarch64 overrides along with :pn-XXX or :layer-XXX, they will work differently between 32 and 64 bit platforms17:34
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RPdenix: that is very unfortunate :/17:49
RPdenix: this is why we've tried to prefix many of the overrides like pn-17:50
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NishanthMenonI was trying to build poky core-image-sato for genericarm64 with the intent of enabling img powervr and ran into this error - not sure if anyone has any suggestions (kas configuration file and error linked here)
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khemNishanthMenon: your kas config looks ok, the error however is unusual, some how while generating rpm for ofono and rustlib it failed to add correct rdepends to rpm metadata21:10
khemdo you see any crashes on your build system ?21:10
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NishanthMenonkhem: nope21:18
NishanthMenonI can try and trigger a clean build again and see..21:18
khemhow about cleaning ofono and trying to rebuild again ?21:18
khemand see if this helps21:19
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khemif clean rebuild of ofono fixes ofono errors then its some transient failure which could be hard to tell21:22
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khemperhaps the container layer from kas could be doing something who knows21:23
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NishanthMenonOk. I will try. Thanks for the hint.21:27
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JPEWkhem: Does the YP compatible badge logo in meta-clang have to have the unicode TM in the filename? It's messing up our CI21:49
khemI dont think so, I stuck whatever was handed to my by Josef, feel free to rename it and patch the README21:52
khemand what kind of CI do you use which cant handle UTF21:53
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JPEWkhem: git ls-files in some scripts21:58
khemhmm ok21:58
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DvorkinDmitryhow to correctly disable busybox in the image recipe?22:04
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