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sa7mfo | Hello, I do create a UBI image with several volumes. How do I populate those volumes that are are not rootfs? I'm trying to create an empty image that only installs the files I want to have, but I cannot get rid of the root filesystem structure in a good way. Any tips&tricks? Thanks | 06:50 |
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sa7mfo | Or should I not use the image class at all? | 07:45 |
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*** RP is now away: I'm not here right now | 07:54 | |
*** Emantor is back | 07:54 | |
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*** RP is back | 08:02 | |
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*** Emantor is now away: Auto away at Fri Feb 28 08:12:53 2025 UTC | 08:12 | |
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wojci | Any of you use /etc/buildinfo? I noticed that changes to local.conf followed by a rebuild doesn't update this file. A clean rebuild changes it. Any idea if this is intended behaviour? | 08:23 |
wojci | I use /etc/buildinfo in CI so that I can track which built versions are installed on my test systems. This is annoying. | 08:24 |
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mckoan | wojci: what changes to local.conf? rebuild of what? | 08:30 |
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abelloni | Does someon know whether there is a way to add all the buildtime dependencies of a specific application to an image SDK? | 11:51 |
abelloni | knowing that the image includes the application | 11:51 |
LetoThe2nd | trying to run podman on a somewhat generic build, I get a networking error like ""cni-podman0": could not add "cni-podman0": operation not supported". if I add --network=host, then it passes but its obviously not the intended way. Does somebody have a pointer? looking at you @zeddii | 11:51 |
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RP | abelloni: not sure we have a way to do that automatically :/ | 12:34 |
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*** Saur is now away: ♫ Fabian Del Priore and Marcel Donné - "The Last V8" Race Against Time ♫ | 12:42 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Depeche Mode - Agent Orange ♫ | 12:45 | |
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*** piie is now away: Detached from screen since 2025-02-28 13:48:45+0100 | 12:48 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ The Alan Parsons Project - In the Lap of the Gods ♫ | 12:50 | |
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*** Saur is now away: ♫ Fastloaders - Golden Axe ♫ | 12:55 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Howard Shore - Treebeard ♫ | 12:58 | |
*** adadad is now away: I'm not here right now | 13:01 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ The Hooters - Satellite ♫ | 13:01 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ U2 - Where the Streets Have No Name ♫ | 13:02 | |
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*** Saur is now away: ♫ The Hooters - Satellite ♫ | 13:18 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ U2 - Where the Streets Have No Name ♫ | 13:21 | |
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*** chrissi^|lxa is now away: All Quassel clients vanished from the face of the earth... | 13:28 | |
*** sakoman is back | 13:31 | |
*** Kubu_work is now away: Je ne suis pas là pour l'instant. | 13:36 | |
*** Kubu_work is back | 13:43 | |
*** pilonsi_ is now away: Auto away at Fri Feb 28 13:43:55 2025 UTC | 13:43 | |
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*** Kubu_work is now away: Je ne suis pas là pour l'instant. | 13:50 | |
*** adadad is now away: I'm not here right now | 13:51 | |
*** amitk <amitk!~amit@> has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) | 13:52 | |
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*** RP is now away: I'm not here right now | 13:57 | |
*** Kubu_work is now away: Je ne suis pas là pour l'instant. | 13:58 | |
*** RP is back | 13:58 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ The Hooters - Satellite ♫ | 13:59 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Enya - Less Than a Pearl ♫ | 13:59 | |
*** pilonsi_ is now away: Auto away at Fri Feb 28 14:01:26 2025 UTC | 14:01 | |
*** Crofton is now away: Auto-away | 14:01 | |
*** Emantor is now away: Auto away at Fri Feb 28 14:01:57 2025 UTC | 14:01 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ U2 - Where the Streets Have No Name ♫ | 14:02 | |
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*** Kubu_work is back | 14:03 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Enya - Less Than a Pearl ♫ | 14:08 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Heaven 17 - Temptation ♫ | 14:09 | |
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*** Saur is now away: ♫ Dexy's Midnight Runners - Come On Eileen ♫ | 14:14 | |
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zeddii | LetoThe2nd: I haven't seen that for quite some time. The reference images in master all have working networking, I'd check what you are installing on that image against those references. | 14:16 |
*** pilonsi_ is now away: Auto away at Fri Feb 28 14:17:26 2025 UTC | 14:17 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Alien - Only One Woman ♫ | 14:18 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Simon and Garfunkel - Cecilia ♫ | 14:22 | |
*** Bardon_ is back | 14:23 | |
*** Emantor is back | 14:24 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Yazoo - In My Room ♫ | 14:25 | |
*** Bardon_ is now away: Auto away at Fri Feb 28 14:27:37 2025 UTC | 14:27 | |
*** Deepesh <Deepesh!~Deepesh@2401:4900:632d:5db9:6845:cc28:2427:2667> has joined #yocto | 14:29 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Dire Straits - Romeo and Juliet ♫ | 14:29 | |
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*** Saur is now away: ♫ Unknown - Gone with Leaves ♫ | 14:35 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Miami Sound Machine - Hot Summer Nights ♫ | 14:38 | |
*** Bardon_ is back | 14:41 | |
LetoThe2nd | zeddii: yeah I found a note on the ipv6 DISTRO_FEATURE, but that's about it unfortunately. | 14:42 |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Elegant Machinery - Repressive Thoughts ♫ | 14:42 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ U2 - Two Hearts Beat as One ♫ | 14:45 | |
*** adadad is now away: I'm not here right now | 14:47 | |
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wojci | mckoan, In my local.conf I have: IMAGE_BUILDINFO_VARS:append = " VARIABLE" which is previously set in the same file. | 14:47 |
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*** RP is now away: I'm not here right now | 14:48 | |
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*** Saur is now away: ♫ Queen - Killer Queen ♫ | 14:49 | |
zeddii | LetoThe2nd: next up is to check the kernel configuration. I had a lot of issues with the bridges not being created due to missing functinoality in the kernel. | 14:52 |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Gary Moore - Empty Rooms ♫ | 14:52 | |
LetoThe2nd | zeddii: yeah that's my usual suspect too. just right now trying figure out if its a general problem, or a podman specific one. | 14:53 |
mckoan | wojci: I need to understand your scenario so I asked what changes to local.conf you did between the builds? | 14:56 |
*** Emantor is now away: Auto away at Fri Feb 28 14:58:08 2025 UTC | 14:58 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Nelly Furtado - One-Trick Pony ♫ | 14:59 | |
LetoThe2nd | zeddii: ok, so with docker it works. podman seems to have some additional, hidden dependency or requirement. | 15:00 |
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*** arisut is now away: Auto away at Fri Feb 28 15:01:17 2025 UTC | 15:01 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ U2 - Where the Streets Have No Name ♫ | 15:03 | |
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wojci | mckoan, I changed the value of VARIABLE in the above line. | 15:07 |
wojci | mckoan, IMAGE_BUILDINFO_VARS points to something which value changed in local.conf. | 15:07 |
*** enok is now away: I am currently away from the computer. | 15:09 | |
*** Deepesh <Deepesh!~Deepesh@2401:4900:632d:5db9:6845:cc28:2427:2667> has quit IRC (Quit: Client closed) | 15:10 | |
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zeddii | LetoThe2nd: I just verified the meta-virt podman profile on container-image-host, qemuarm64 machine. I see all the podman* interfaces coming up and being torn down properly. | 15:11 |
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zeddii | so at least that's one data point. | 15:11 |
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LetoThe2nd | zeddii: ok thanks! | 15:12 |
zeddii | LetoThe2nd: podman doesn't play well with cni anymore, so you might want to try switching in netavark and aardvark | 15:12 |
zeddii | unless it isn't cni creating those and they are just bridge interfaces that are using those names. I've done that in the past as well. | 15:13 |
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LetoThe2nd | zeddii: ok, pointer to doing that switch maybe? | 15:13 |
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zeddii | LetoThe2nd: https://pastecode.io/s/30jghsvh | 15:17 |
zeddii | that has what container-image-host in meta-virt installs | 15:17 |
zeddii | and what the "podman" container profile defines the components as | 15:18 |
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*** chrissi^|lxa is now away: All Quassel clients vanished from the face of the earth... | 15:21 | |
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LetoThe2nd | zeddii: hmm is that possibly post-scarthgap? | 15:30 |
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*** pilonsi_ is now away: Auto away at Fri Feb 28 15:34:31 2025 UTC | 15:34 | |
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zeddii | I did the work in the fall, so whatever release that is. the components are there in older releases, just not defined the same way | 15:51 |
mckoan | wojci: bitbake isn0t able to detech the change to VARIABLE, then please call: bitbake <imagename> -C rootfs | 15:51 |
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*** pilonsi_ is now away: Auto away at Fri Feb 28 15:57:03 2025 UTC | 15:57 | |
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*** Saur is now away: ♫ Nelly Furtado - One-Trick Pony ♫ | 16:08 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Jean Michel Jarre - Équinoxe Part 7 ♫ | 16:09 | |
*** Danct12 is now away: Auto away at Fri Feb 28 16:09:42 2025 UTC | 16:09 | |
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*** Saur is now away: ♫ Jean Michel Jarre - Équinoxe Part 7 ♫ | 16:10 | |
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*** pidge_ is now away: Auto away at Fri Feb 28 16:10:44 2025 UTC | 16:10 | |
*** ehussain is now away: I am currently away from the computer. | 16:10 | |
*** Saur is back | 16:11 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Jean Michel Jarre - Équinoxe Part 7 ♫ | 16:11 | |
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*** Saur is now away: ♫ Adamski - Killer ♫ | 16:18 | |
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*** adadad is now away: I'm not here right now | 16:21 | |
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*** druppy is now away: I am currently away from the computer. | 16:23 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Czech Studio Orchestra with Robin Tait - Ghouls 'n' Ghosts ♫ | 16:24 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Vangelis - Chariots of Fire ♫ | 16:27 | |
*** adadad is now away: I'm not here right now | 16:28 | |
*** ndec is back | 16:29 | |
*** druppy is back | 16:32 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Phil Collins - Colours ♫ | 16:35 | |
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*** ndec is now away: Auto-away | 16:43 | |
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*** Saur is now away: ♫ DJ Dado - X-Files ♫ | 16:44 | |
*** Kubu_work is now away: Je ne suis pas là pour l'instant. | 16:48 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Toto - Rosanna ♫ | 16:48 | |
*** sakoman is now away: I'm not here right now | 16:49 | |
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*** Saur is now away: ♫ Matt Gray - Operation Wolf (Title Theme) ♫ | 16:54 | |
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*** Saur is now away: ♫ Midnight Oil - Read About It ♫ | 16:59 | |
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*** sakoman is now away: I'm not here right now | 17:00 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Enigma 2 - Second Chapter ♫ | 17:02 | |
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*** mckoan is now away: mckoan | 17:03 | |
*** mckoan is now known as mckoan|away | 17:03 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Unknown - You Needed Me ♫ | 17:05 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ David A Stewart & Candy Dulfer - Lily Was Here ♫ | 17:08 | |
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*** Saur is now away: ♫ Cheap Trick - Mighty Wings ♫ | 17:12 | |
*** pilonsi_ is now away: Auto away at Fri Feb 28 17:15:08 2025 UTC | 17:15 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Camouflage - Strangers Thoughts ♫ | 17:16 | |
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*** ello is now away: Auto away at Fri Feb 28 17:25:26 2025 UTC | 17:20 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Dire Straits - Your Latest Trick ♫ | 17:21 | |
*** Kubu_work is now away: Je ne suis pas là pour l'instant. | 17:22 | |
*** JaMa <JaMa!~martin@user/JaMa> has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) | 17:23 | |
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*** Saur is now away: ♫ R.E.M. - Man on the Moon ♫ | 17:27 | |
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*** Saur is now away: ♫ Spandau Ballet - True ♫ | 17:32 | |
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*** Saur is now away: ♫ Alison Moyet - Weak in the Presence of Beauty ♫ | 17:38 | |
*** ndec is now away: Auto-away | 17:42 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Queen - Play the Game ♫ | 17:42 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ The Corrs - Runaway ♫ | 17:46 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Inner City - Good Life ♫ | 17:50 | |
*** ndec is back | 17:51 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ U2 - Where the Streets Have No Name ♫ | 17:53 | |
*** Bardon_ is now away: Auto away at Fri Feb 28 17:58:55 2025 UTC | 17:58 | |
*** chep is now away: Auto away at Fri Feb 28 17:59:32 2025 UTC | 17:59 | |
*** RP is now away: Auto away at Fri Feb 28 18:07:33 2025 UTC | 18:07 | |
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*** Saur is now away: ♫ Inner City - Good Life ♫ | 18:29 | |
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*** Saur is now away: ♫ Howard Shore - Twilight and Shadow (Featuring Renée Fleming) ♫ | 18:30 | |
*** pilonsi_ is now away: Auto away at Fri Feb 28 18:32:43 2025 UTC | 18:32 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ EMF - Unbelievable ♫ | 18:33 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ The Rasmus - Time to Burn ♫ | 18:37 | |
*** druppy is now away: I am currently away from the computer. | 18:38 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Heart - Never ♫ | 18:41 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ DeVision - Slaves to Passion ♫ | 18:45 | |
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khem | rburton:I have fixed tk8 for autoconf facelift there are couple of more recipes I am seeing in world build - https://errors.yoctoproject.org/Errors/Build/201436/ | 18:47 |
khem | hmm - make[2]: *** No rule to make target 'MyPaint-1.6.typelib', needed by 'all-am'. Stop. | 18:48 |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Apocalyptica - Enter Sandman ♫ | 18:49 | |
khem | these happen with gir usually when its not able to understand compiler output and/or qemu-user can not run | 18:49 |
khem | so these could be related to clang-20 as well | 18:49 |
*** pilonsi_ is now away: Auto away at Fri Feb 28 18:49:44 2025 UTC | 18:49 | |
khem | cant be, since the clang and gcc are still whats in master on these builds | 18:50 |
khem | so I can rule those out atleast | 18:50 |
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*** Saur is now away: ♫ U2 - Heartland ♫ | 18:52 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ The Cardigans - Hanging Around ♫ | 18:57 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Yello - Pinball Cha Cha ♫ | 19:01 | |
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*** pilonsi_ is back | 19:03 | |
*** Kubu_work is now away: Je ne suis pas là pour l'instant. | 19:03 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Dr Alban - It's My Life ♫ | 19:05 | |
*** pilonsi_ is now away: Auto away at Fri Feb 28 19:06:10 2025 UTC | 19:06 | |
*** RP is back | 19:08 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ S.P.O.C.K - Never Trust a Klingon ♫ | 19:09 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Enya - Once You Had Gold ♫ | 19:13 | |
*** RP is now away: I'm not here right now | 19:14 | |
*** RP is back | 19:14 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Phil Collins - In the Air Tonight ♫ | 19:17 | |
*** pilonsi_ is back | 19:21 | |
*** RP is now away: Auto away at Fri Feb 28 19:21:44 2025 UTC | 19:21 | |
*** Kubu_work is back | 19:23 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Alphaville - Forever Young ♫ | 19:23 | |
*** pilonsi_ is now away: Auto away at Fri Feb 28 19:26:16 2025 UTC | 19:26 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ U2 - Rejoice ♫ | 19:27 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Gregorian - Boulevard of Broken Dreams ♫ | 19:31 | |
*** Kubu_work is now away: Je ne suis pas là pour l'instant. | 19:31 | |
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*** Dracos-Carazza is now away: Auto away at Fri Feb 28 19:32:24 2025 UTC | 19:32 | |
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*** Saur is now away: ♫ Madonna - The Power of Goodbye ♫ | 19:36 | |
*** pilonsi_ is back | 19:39 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Emma Shapplin - Ira di dio ♫ | 19:40 | |
*** pilonsi_ is now away: Auto away at Fri Feb 28 19:43:47 2025 UTC | 19:43 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Depeche Mode - It Doesn't Matter Two ♫ | 19:45 | |
*** sakoman is back | 19:46 | |
*** Kubu_work is now away: Je ne suis pas là pour l'instant. | 19:46 | |
*** Dracos-Carazza is back | 19:47 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Assembly - Never Never ♫ | 19:48 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Clannad - Most Seems (Too Late to Turn) ♫ | 19:51 | |
*** florian_kc is now known as florian | 19:56 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Phil Collins - If Leaving Me Is Easy ♫ | 19:56 | |
*** Kubu_work is back | 19:56 | |
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*** sakoman is now away: I'm not here right now | 20:01 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Unknown - Mangalores ♫ | 20:01 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Genesis - Hold On My Heart ♫ | 20:02 | |
*** Kubu_work is now away: Je ne suis pas là pour l'instant. | 20:03 | |
*** Kubu_work is back | 20:04 | |
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*** tec4 is now away: away... | 20:06 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Midnight Oil - Power & The Passion ♫ | 20:08 | |
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*** Saur is now away: ♫ Howard Shore - A Storm Is Coming ♫ | 20:13 | |
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*** Saur is now away: ♫ Angélique Kidjo - Tombo ♫ | 20:16 | |
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*** Saur is now away: ♫ John Farnham - You're the Voice ♫ | 20:21 | |
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*** sakoman is now away: I'm not here right now | 20:22 | |
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*** Dracos-Carazza is now away: Auto away at Fri Feb 28 20:24:57 2025 UTC | 20:24 | |
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*** Saur is now away: ♫ Pink Floyd - On the Turning Away ♫ | 20:26 | |
*** Dracos-Carazza is back | 20:27 | |
*** ndec is back | 20:28 | |
*** RP is back | 20:28 | |
*** Lihis is now away: I'm away.. | 20:31 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ U2 - Trip Through Your Wires ♫ | 20:32 | |
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*** Saur is now away: ♫ Clannad - Do Chuid Eadaigh ♫ | 20:36 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Fairground Attraction - Perfect ♫ | 20:44 | |
*** sfo is back | 20:46 | |
*** sfo is now away: Auto away | 20:47 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ The Alan Parsons Project - Old and Wise ♫ | 20:48 | |
*** RP is now away: I'm not here right now | 20:49 | |
*** adadad is back | 20:51 | |
*** RP is back | 20:51 | |
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*** Saur is now away: ♫ Depeche Mode - People are People ♫ | 20:52 | |
*** adadad is now away: Auto away at Fri Feb 28 20:53:31 2025 UTC | 20:53 | |
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*** Saur is now away: ♫ Unknown - Everybody Knows.mp3 ♫ | 20:57 | |
*** RP is now away: Auto away at Fri Feb 28 20:59:30 2025 UTC | 20:59 | |
*** pilonsi_ is now away: Auto away at Fri Feb 28 21:00:52 2025 UTC | 21:00 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Fastloaders - Hybris ♫ | 21:03 | |
*** enok <enok!~Thunderbi@> has joined #yocto | 21:03 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Simon and Garfunkel - Mrs. Robinson ♫ | 21:05 | |
*** pbiel <pbiel!~bielpa@89-73-120-30.dynamic.chello.pl> has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 268 seconds) | 21:09 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Savage Garden - Truly Madly Deeply ♫ | 21:13 | |
*** pilonsi_ is back | 21:14 | |
*** savolla <savolla!~savolla@> has quit IRC (Quit: WeeChat 4.4.3) | 21:15 | |
*** pilonsi_ is now away: Auto away at Fri Feb 28 21:17:23 2025 UTC | 21:17 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ U2 - All Along The Watchtower ♫ | 21:17 | |
*** Aaron <Aaron!~Aaron@> has joined #yocto | 21:20 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Dido - Isobel ♫ | 21:22 | |
*** enok <enok!~Thunderbi@> has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) | 21:24 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Vonda Shepard - Hooked on a Feeling ♫ | 21:26 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Pink Floyd - Vera ♫ | 21:29 | |
*** pilonsi_ is back | 21:30 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Lene Marlin - A Place Nearby ♫ | 21:30 | |
*** Aaron <Aaron!~Aaron@> has quit IRC (Quit: Client closed) | 21:34 | |
*** pilonsi_ is now away: Auto away at Fri Feb 28 21:34:24 2025 UTC | 21:34 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Mike Oldfield - Crime of Passion ♫ | 21:34 | |
*** ndec is now away: Auto-away | 21:38 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Unknown - Microsoft Jingle Bells Spoof.mp3 ♫ | 21:38 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Mike Oldfield - Crime of Passion ♫ | 21:39 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Unknown - Microsoft Jingle Bells Spoof.mp3 ♫ | 21:39 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ The Cranberries - Daffodil Lament ♫ | 21:40 | |
*** Jones42 <Jones42!~Jones42@user/Jones42> has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) | 21:46 | |
*** pilonsi_ is back | 21:47 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Fjeld - The Emigrants ♫ | 21:47 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Fastloaders - The Inner Sanctum Loader ♫ | 21:50 | |
*** pilonsi_ is now away: Auto away at Fri Feb 28 21:53:25 2025 UTC | 21:53 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Jumper - När hela världen står utanför ♫ | 21:55 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Enigma 2 - Out from the Deep ♫ | 21:59 | |
*** halstead is now away: Auto-away | 22:02 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Musical Youth - Pass the Dutchie ♫ | 22:04 | |
*** pilonsi_ is back | 22:06 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Elegant Machinery - Black Town ♫ | 22:08 | |
*** pilonsi_ is now away: Auto away at Fri Feb 28 22:09:56 2025 UTC | 22:09 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Kraftwerk - Computerlove ♫ | 22:12 | |
*** wojci <wojci!~wojci@0x573e61cb.static.cust.fastspeed.dk> has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) | 22:17 | |
*** pilonsi_ is back | 22:23 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Di Leva - Regnbågsdiamant ♫ | 22:23 | |
*** pilonsi_ is now away: Auto away at Fri Feb 28 22:27:27 2025 UTC | 22:27 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Gary Jules - Owen Down ♫ | 22:27 | |
*** pilonsi_ is back | 22:28 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Bruce Springsteen - Dancing in the Dark ♫ | 22:31 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Fastloaders - The Mansion ♫ | 22:35 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Depeche Mode - 08 Blue Dress.mp3 ♫ | 22:38 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Alphaville - Romeos ♫ | 22:44 | |
*** lexano <lexano!~lexano@pool-99-232-7-221.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com> has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) | 22:46 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Vogon Poetry - Tomorrow (Glenn Main Remix) ♫ | 22:49 | |
*** piie is back | 22:52 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Dido - Mary's in India ♫ | 22:53 | |
*** Jones42 <Jones42!~Jones42@user/Jones42> has joined #yocto | 22:55 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Unknown - Protect Life ♫ | 22:57 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Pink Floyd - Take It Back ♫ | 22:59 | |
*** gchiii <gchiii!~gchiii@> has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | 23:02 | |
*** florian <florian!~florian@2a02:3100:4141:c00:cbdf:7cb6:8548:3ef3> has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) | 23:03 | |
*** lexano <lexano!~lexano@pool-99-232-7-221.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com> has joined #yocto | 23:03 | |
*** Jones42 <Jones42!~Jones42@user/Jones42> has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 268 seconds) | 23:04 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Gary Moore - Parisienne Walkways (Live) ♫ | 23:05 | |
*** ahussain <ahussain!~Thunderbi@> has joined #yocto | 23:06 | |
*** ahussain is now away: I am currently away from the computer. | 23:06 | |
*** ndec is back | 23:06 | |
*** ehussain <ehussain!~Thunderbi@> has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 268 seconds) | 23:08 | |
*** ahussain is now known as ehussain | 23:08 | |
*** RP is back | 23:09 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ U2 - All I Want Is You ♫ | 23:11 | |
*** piie is now away: Detached from screen since 2025-03-01 00:11:55+0100 | 23:11 | |
*** _lore_ is now away: Auto away at Fri Feb 28 23:13:35 2025 UTC | 23:13 | |
*** Dracos-Carazza is now away: Auto away at Fri Feb 28 23:15:49 2025 UTC | 23:15 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Bruce Springsteen - With Every Wish ♫ | 23:21 | |
*** ahussain <ahussain!~Thunderbi@> has joined #yocto | 23:22 | |
*** ahussain is now away: I am currently away from the computer. | 23:22 | |
*** ehussain <ehussain!~Thunderbi@> has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) | 23:23 | |
*** ahussain is now known as ehussain | 23:23 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Foreigner - Juke Box Hero ♫ | 23:26 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Unknown - Ashkenazy-FavoriteBeethoven2-07.mp3 ♫ | 23:30 | |
*** ahussain <ahussain!~Thunderbi@> has joined #yocto | 23:35 | |
*** ahussain is now away: I am currently away from the computer. | 23:35 | |
*** ehussain <ehussain!~Thunderbi@> has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) | 23:36 | |
*** ahussain is now known as ehussain | 23:36 | |
*** florian <florian!~florian@2a02:3100:4141:c00:eeae:fb3c:efdf:c53e> has joined #yocto | 23:36 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Vangelis - Alpha ♫ | 23:41 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Jean Michel Jarre - Oxygène 10 ♫ | 23:46 | |
*** pilonsi_ is now away: Auto away at Fri Feb 28 23:48:48 2025 UTC | 23:48 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Depeche Mode - Somebody ♫ | 23:51 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Unknown - Bull's Theme ♫ | 23:55 | |
*** florian <florian!~florian@2a02:3100:4141:c00:eeae:fb3c:efdf:c53e> has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) | 23:56 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Dionne Warwick - Heartbreaker ♫ | 23:58 |
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