*** pilonsi_ is back | 00:01 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Enya - Only If... ♫ | 00:03 | |
*** pilonsi_ is now away: Auto away at Sat Mar 1 00:04:03 2025 UTC | 00:04 | |
*** jbo is now away: Auto away at Sat Mar 1 00:04:52 2025 UTC | 00:04 | |
*** ahussain <ahussain!~Thunderbi@> has joined #yocto | 00:05 | |
*** ahussain is now away: I am currently away from the computer. | 00:05 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Modern Talking - Give Me Peace on Earth ♫ | 00:06 | |
*** ehussain <ehussain!~Thunderbi@> has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) | 00:07 | |
*** ahussain is now known as ehussain | 00:07 | |
*** sakoman is back | 00:08 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Era - The Mass ♫ | 00:10 | |
*** sakoman is now away: I'm not here right now | 00:13 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Unknown - Vivaldi-FourSeasons-01.mp3 ♫ | 00:14 | |
*** RP is now away: Auto away at Sat Mar 1 00:15:30 2025 UTC | 00:15 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Titiyo - I See Good in People ♫ | 00:18 | |
*** pilonsi_ is back | 00:18 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Carly Simon - Nobody Does It Better ♫ | 00:21 | |
*** pilonsi_ is now away: Auto away at Sat Mar 1 00:22:48 2025 UTC | 00:22 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Diana Krall - l Remember You ♫ | 00:25 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Kraftwerk - The Voice of Energy ♫ | 00:28 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Lisa Miskovsky - You Dance Just Like Me ♫ | 00:29 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Ricky Martin feat. Meja - Private Emotions ♫ | 00:33 | |
*** pilonsi_ is back | 00:36 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Bee Gees - Staying Alive ♫ | 00:37 | |
*** pilonsi_ is now away: Auto away at Sat Mar 1 00:39:05 2025 UTC | 00:39 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Pandora's Box - It's All Coming Back To Me Now ♫ | 00:41 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ U2 - Where the Streets Have No Name ♫ | 00:45 | |
*** pilonsi_ is back | 00:52 | |
*** pilonsi_ is now away: Auto away at Sat Mar 1 00:54:36 2025 UTC | 00:54 | |
*** ndec is now away: Auto-away | 00:58 | |
*** kevinrowland <kevinrowland!~kevinrowl@> has joined #yocto | 00:58 | |
kevinrowland | are python tasks always executed with host python? or if I inherit python3native, should I expect them to be executed with native python? | 00:59 |
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*** ahussain is now known as ehussain | 01:07 | |
*** pilonsi_ is back | 01:08 | |
*** pilonsi_ is now away: Auto away at Sat Mar 1 01:11:37 2025 UTC | 01:11 | |
*** goliath <goliath!~goliath@user/goliath> has quit IRC (Quit: SIGSEGV) | 01:14 | |
*** Daanct12 <Daanct12!~danct12@user/danct12> has joined #yocto | 01:21 | |
*** pilonsi_ is back | 01:25 | |
*** pilonsi_ is now away: Auto away at Sat Mar 1 01:28:38 2025 UTC | 01:28 | |
*** jmiehe <jmiehe!~Thunderbi@user/jmiehe> has joined #yocto | 01:36 | |
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*** pilonsi_ is back | 01:42 | |
*** pilonsi_ is now away: Auto away at Sat Mar 1 01:44:39 2025 UTC | 01:44 | |
*** kevinrowland <kevinrowland!~kevinrowl@> has quit IRC (Quit: Client closed) | 01:51 | |
*** pilonsi_ is back | 01:58 | |
*** pilonsi_ is now away: Auto away at Sat Mar 1 02:00:40 2025 UTC | 02:00 | |
*** davidinux <davidinux!~davidinux@host-87-14-32-189.retail.telecomitalia.it> has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) | 02:03 | |
*** smurray is now away: Auto-away | 02:05 | |
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*** dmoseley is now away: Auto away at Sat Mar 1 02:09:20 2025 UTC | 02:09 | |
*** Minvera <Minvera!~Minvera@user/Minvera> has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) | 02:10 | |
*** starblue <starblue!~juergen@> has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) | 02:15 | |
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*** starblue <starblue!~juergen@> has joined #yocto | 02:17 | |
*** pilonsi_ is now away: Auto away at Sat Mar 1 02:18:41 2025 UTC | 02:18 | |
*** Emantor <Emantor!~Emantor@magratgarlick.emantor.de> has quit IRC (Quit: ZNC - http://znc.in) | 02:20 | |
*** Crofton is back | 02:21 | |
*** Emantor <Emantor!~Emantor@magratgarlick.emantor.de> has joined #yocto | 02:21 | |
*** Emantor is now away: Auto away at Sat Mar 1 02:20:12 2025 UTC | 02:21 | |
*** JPEW is now away: Auto-away | 02:22 | |
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*** pilonsi_ is now away: Auto away at Sat Mar 1 02:34:12 2025 UTC | 02:34 | |
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*** pilonsi_ is now away: Auto away at Sat Mar 1 02:49:43 2025 UTC | 02:49 | |
*** jclsn <jclsn!~jclsn@> has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) | 02:56 | |
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*** pilonsi_ is back | 03:04 | |
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*** ahussain is now away: I am currently away from the computer. | 03:04 | |
*** pilonsi_ is now away: Auto away at Sat Mar 1 03:07:06 2025 UTC | 03:07 | |
*** ehussain <ehussain!~Thunderbi@> has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) | 03:07 | |
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*** sfo is back | 03:10 | |
*** sfo is now away: Auto away | 03:10 | |
*** pilonsi_ is back | 03:19 | |
*** pilonsi_ is now away: Auto away at Sat Mar 1 03:22:15 2025 UTC | 03:22 | |
*** Daanct12 <Daanct12!~danct12@user/danct12> has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) | 03:30 | |
*** pilonsi_ is back | 03:36 | |
*** pilonsi_ is now away: Auto away at Sat Mar 1 03:38:46 2025 UTC | 03:38 | |
*** pilonsi_ is back | 03:53 | |
*** pilonsi_ is now away: Auto away at Sat Mar 1 03:56:48 2025 UTC | 03:56 | |
khem | With python3native: Tasks use the native Python built within the Yocto build system | 03:59 |
*** khem <khem!khem@2600:3c02::f03c:93ff:fe83:edf2> has quit IRC (Quit: WeeChat 4.5.1) | 03:59 | |
*** hoyes <hoyes!~hoyes@user/hoyes> has quit IRC (Quit: The Lounge - https://thelounge.chat) | 04:03 | |
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*** ehussain <ehussain!~Thunderbi@> has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | 04:07 | |
*** ahussain is now known as ehussain | 04:07 | |
*** pilonsi_ is back | 04:10 | |
*** Articulus <Articulus!~Articulus@2601:642:4f7f:1df1:16ac:60ff:fed8:386b> has joined #yocto | 04:11 | |
*** pilonsi_ is now away: Auto away at Sat Mar 1 04:12:49 2025 UTC | 04:12 | |
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*** pilonsi_ is now away: Auto away at Sat Mar 1 04:45:51 2025 UTC | 04:45 | |
*** Daanct12 <Daanct12!~danct12@user/danct12> has joined #yocto | 04:47 | |
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*** Daanct12 <Daanct12!~danct12@user/danct12> has joined #yocto | 05:00 | |
*** pilonsi_ is back | 05:00 | |
*** pilonsi_ is now away: Auto away at Sat Mar 1 05:03:22 2025 UTC | 05:03 | |
*** ahussain <ahussain!~Thunderbi@> has joined #yocto | 05:05 | |
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*** pilonsi_ is back | 05:18 | |
*** pilonsi_ is now away: Auto away at Sat Mar 1 05:21:34 2025 UTC | 05:21 | |
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*** pilonsi_ is now away: Auto away at Sat Mar 1 05:38:24 2025 UTC | 05:38 | |
*** frgo <frgo!~frgo@p548a3eea.dip0.t-ipconnect.de> has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | 05:39 | |
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*** pilonsi_ is back | 05:52 | |
*** pilonsi_ is now away: Auto away at Sat Mar 1 05:54:55 2025 UTC | 05:54 | |
*** smurray is back | 05:58 | |
*** smurray is now away: Auto-away | 06:03 | |
*** GNUmoon <GNUmoon!~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon> has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) | 06:06 | |
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*** pilonsi_ is now away: Auto away at Sat Mar 1 06:28:27 2025 UTC | 06:28 | |
*** smurray is now away: Auto-away | 06:37 | |
*** pilonsi_ is back | 06:43 | |
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*** pilonsi_ is now away: Auto away at Sat Mar 1 06:47:22 2025 UTC | 06:47 | |
*** smurray is back | 06:59 | |
*** pilonsi_ is back | 06:59 | |
*** Emantor is back | 07:01 | |
*** pilonsi_ is now away: Auto away at Sat Mar 1 07:02:44 2025 UTC | 07:02 | |
*** pilonsi_ is back | 07:15 | |
*** wooosaiiii <wooosaiiii!~Thunderbi@89-212-21-243.static.t-2.net> has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) | 07:15 | |
*** wooosaiiii <wooosaiiii!~Thunderbi@89-212-21-243.static.t-2.net> has joined #yocto | 07:16 | |
*** LocutusOfBorg is now away: Auto away at Sat Mar 1 07:16:30 2025 UTC | 07:16 | |
*** LocutusOfBorg is back | 07:17 | |
*** pilonsi_ is now away: Auto away at Sat Mar 1 07:18:11 2025 UTC | 07:18 | |
*** smurray is now away: Auto-away | 07:21 | |
*** pilonsi_ is back | 07:32 | |
*** pilonsi_ is now away: Auto away at Sat Mar 1 07:35:01 2025 UTC | 07:35 | |
*** pilonsi_ is back | 07:43 | |
*** LocutusOfBorg is now away: Auto away at Sat Mar 1 07:46:07 2025 UTC | 07:46 | |
*** pilonsi_ is now away: Auto away at Sat Mar 1 07:47:45 2025 UTC | 07:47 | |
*** RP is back | 07:57 | |
*** pilonsi_ is back | 07:59 | |
*** pilonsi_ is now away: Auto away at Sat Mar 1 08:03:17 2025 UTC | 08:03 | |
*** ahussain <ahussain!~Thunderbi@> has joined #yocto | 08:05 | |
*** ahussain is now away: I am currently away from the computer. | 08:05 | |
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*** ahussain is now known as ehussain | 08:06 | |
*** pilonsi_ is back | 08:14 | |
*** smurray is back | 08:15 | |
*** RP is now away: I'm not here right now | 08:16 | |
*** pilonsi_ is now away: Auto away at Sat Mar 1 08:17:04 2025 UTC | 08:17 | |
*** RP is back | 08:19 | |
*** pilonsi_ is back | 08:22 | |
*** pilonsi_ is now away: Auto away at Sat Mar 1 08:25:42 2025 UTC | 08:25 | |
*** RP is now away: I'm not here right now | 08:29 | |
*** ahussain <ahussain!~Thunderbi@> has joined #yocto | 08:35 | |
*** ahussain is now away: I am currently away from the computer. | 08:35 | |
*** ehussain <ehussain!~Thunderbi@> has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) | 08:36 | |
*** ahussain is now known as ehussain | 08:36 | |
*** RP is back | 08:36 | |
*** vthor <vthor!~thor@user/vthor> has quit IRC (Excess Flood) | 08:37 | |
*** smurray is now away: Auto-away | 08:38 | |
*** pilonsi_ is back | 08:38 | |
*** vthor <vthor!~thor@2605:59c8:71e9:3e10:3ddf:de9c:8320:ac9f> has joined #yocto | 08:40 | |
*** pilonsi_ is now away: Auto away at Sat Mar 1 08:42:21 2025 UTC | 08:42 | |
*** ahussain <ahussain!~Thunderbi@> has joined #yocto | 08:43 | |
*** ahussain is now away: I am currently away from the computer. | 08:43 | |
*** ehussain <ehussain!~Thunderbi@> has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) | 08:44 | |
*** ahussain is now known as ehussain | 08:44 | |
*** RP is now away: I'm not here right now | 08:45 | |
*** ablu <ablu!~m-bfyrfh@user/Ablu> has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) | 08:45 | |
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*** ptsneves <ptsneves!~Thunderbi@088156093164.unknown.vectranet.pl> has joined #yocto | 08:49 | |
*** ptsneves is now away: I am currently away from the computer. | 08:49 | |
*** ptsneves is now away: I am currently away from the computer. | 08:49 | |
*** pilonsi_ is back | 08:55 | |
*** pilonsi_ is now away: Auto away at Sat Mar 1 08:58:20 2025 UTC | 08:58 | |
*** Jones42 <Jones42!~Jones42@user/Jones42> has joined #yocto | 09:03 | |
*** ahussain <ahussain!~Thunderbi@> has joined #yocto | 09:05 | |
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*** sfo is back | 09:12 | |
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*** sfo is now away: Auto away | 09:12 | |
*** pilonsi_ is now away: Auto away at Sat Mar 1 09:15:07 2025 UTC | 09:15 | |
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*** pilonsi_ is now away: Auto away at Sat Mar 1 09:30:38 2025 UTC | 09:30 | |
*** smurray is back | 09:33 | |
*** RP is back | 09:33 | |
*** ptsneves <ptsneves!~Thunderbi@088156093164.unknown.vectranet.pl> has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) | 09:34 | |
*** ehussain is back | 09:38 | |
*** RP is now away: I'm not here right now | 09:40 | |
*** ehussain is now away: I am currently away from the computer. | 09:48 | |
*** RP is back | 09:51 | |
*** ehussain is back | 09:56 | |
*** smurray is now away: Auto-away | 10:11 | |
*** ehussain is now away: I am currently away from the computer. | 10:12 | |
*** dkl <dkl!~dkl@prometheus.umask.eu> has quit IRC (Quit: %quit%) | 10:14 | |
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*** dkl is now away: Auto away at Sat Mar 1 10:28:36 2025 UTC | 10:28 | |
*** RP is now away: I'm not here right now | 10:52 | |
*** smurray is back | 10:53 | |
*** ahussain <ahussain!~Thunderbi@> has joined #yocto | 11:05 | |
*** ahussain is now away: I am currently away from the computer. | 11:05 | |
*** RP is back | 11:06 | |
*** ehussain <ehussain!~Thunderbi@> has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) | 11:06 | |
*** ahussain is now known as ehussain | 11:06 | |
*** smurray is now away: Auto-away | 11:24 | |
*** madisox_ is back | 11:48 | |
*** smurray is back | 11:52 | |
*** madisox_ is now away: Auto-away | 11:53 | |
*** darko311 <darko311!~darko@> has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) | 11:53 | |
*** RP is now away: I'm not here right now | 12:00 | |
*** goliath <goliath!~goliath@user/goliath> has joined #yocto | 12:08 | |
*** RP is back | 12:23 | |
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*** RP is now away: I'm not here right now | 12:39 | |
*** smurray is now away: Auto-away | 12:58 | |
*** smurray is back | 13:10 | |
*** RP is back | 13:13 | |
*** Jones42 <Jones42!~Jones42@user/Jones42> has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) | 13:18 | |
*** Daanct12 <Daanct12!~danct12@user/danct12> has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) | 13:19 | |
*** sakoman is back | 13:52 | |
*** Danct12 is back | 13:54 | |
*** RP is now away: I'm not here right now | 14:05 | |
*** RP is back | 14:05 | |
*** RP is now away: I'm not here right now | 14:14 | |
*** sfo is back | 14:26 | |
*** sfo is now away: Auto away | 14:26 | |
*** ndec is back | 14:35 | |
*** sakoman is now away: I'm not here right now | 14:44 | |
*** ptsneves <ptsneves!~Thunderbi@> has joined #yocto | 14:46 | |
*** ptsneves is now away: I am currently away from the computer. | 14:55 | |
*** ptsneves is back | 15:03 | |
*** ptsneves is now away: I am currently away from the computer. | 15:09 | |
*** enok <enok!~Thunderbi@> has joined #yocto | 15:11 | |
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*** ndec is now away: Auto-away | 15:29 | |
*** Jones42 <Jones42!~Jones42@user/Jones42> has joined #yocto | 15:30 | |
*** sakoman is back | 15:34 | |
*** RP is now away: I'm not here right now | 15:46 | |
*** enok <enok!~Thunderbi@> has joined #yocto | 15:48 | |
*** sakoman is now away: I'm not here right now | 15:54 | |
*** RP is back | 15:56 | |
*** enok <enok!~Thunderbi@> has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) | 15:59 | |
*** sakoman is back | 16:15 | |
*** Crofton is now away: Auto-away | 16:17 | |
*** RP is now away: I'm not here right now | 16:23 | |
*** sakoman is now away: I'm not here right now | 16:24 | |
*** RP is back | 16:26 | |
*** sarahn is now away: Auto-away | 16:33 | |
*** ahussain <ahussain!~Thunderbi@> has joined #yocto | 16:34 | |
*** ahussain is now away: I am currently away from the computer. | 16:34 | |
*** ehussain <ehussain!~Thunderbi@> has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) | 16:36 | |
*** ahussain is now known as ehussain | 16:36 | |
*** Danct12 is now away: Auto away at Sat Mar 1 16:40:46 2025 UTC | 16:40 | |
*** darko311 <darko311!~darko@> has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) | 16:42 | |
*** ahussain <ahussain!~Thunderbi@> has joined #yocto | 16:43 | |
*** ahussain is now away: I am currently away from the computer. | 16:43 | |
*** rynofinn____ is now away: Auto-away | 16:44 | |
*** piie is back | 16:46 | |
*** ehussain <ehussain!~Thunderbi@> has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) | 16:47 | |
*** ahussain is now known as ehussain | 16:47 | |
*** RP is now away: I'm not here right now | 16:49 | |
*** tgamblin <tgamblin!~tgamblin@d24-150-219-207.home.cgocable.net> has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) | 16:51 | |
*** florian <florian!~florian@2a02:3100:3c1c:a900:940f:7a7e:92c9:2b5a> has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) | 16:56 | |
*** Emantor is now away: Auto away at Sat Mar 1 16:59:21 2025 UTC | 16:59 | |
*** ahussain <ahussain!~Thunderbi@> has joined #yocto | 17:05 | |
*** ahussain is now away: I am currently away from the computer. | 17:05 | |
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*** piie is now away: Detached from screen since 2025-03-01 18:14:45+0100 | 17:14 | |
*** starblue <starblue!~juergen@> has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) | 17:17 | |
*** enok <enok!~Thunderbi@> has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) | 17:33 | |
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*** ehussain is now away: I am currently away from the computer. | 17:36 | |
*** RP is back | 17:52 | |
*** RP is now away: I'm not here right now | 18:21 | |
*** RP is back | 18:38 | |
*** dkl is back | 18:39 | |
*** ptsneves <ptsneves!~Thunderbi@088156093164.unknown.vectranet.pl> has joined #yocto | 18:39 | |
*** ptsneves is now away: I am currently away from the computer. | 18:39 | |
*** ptsneves is now away: I am currently away from the computer. | 18:39 | |
*** ahussain <ahussain!~Thunderbi@> has joined #yocto | 18:49 | |
*** ahussain is now away: I am currently away from the computer. | 18:49 | |
*** ehussain <ehussain!~Thunderbi@> has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | 18:50 | |
*** ahussain is now known as ehussain | 18:50 | |
*** RP is now away: I'm not here right now | 18:59 | |
*** Lihis is back | 19:12 | |
*** ptsneves is back | 19:15 | |
*** enok <enok!~Thunderbi@> has joined #yocto | 19:15 | |
*** enok is now away: I am currently away from the computer. | 19:15 | |
*** enok is back | 19:18 | |
*** ehussain <ehussain!~Thunderbi@> has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) | 19:20 | |
*** ptsneves is now away: I am currently away from the computer. | 19:20 | |
*** ehussain <ehussain!~Thunderbi@> has joined #yocto | 19:21 | |
*** ehussain is now away: I am currently away from the computer. | 19:21 | |
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*** Minvera <Minvera!~Minvera@user/Minvera> has joined #yocto | 19:49 | |
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*** Lihis is now away: I'm away.. | 21:02 | |
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*** savolla <savolla!~savolla@> has quit IRC (Quit: WeeChat 4.4.3) | 22:57 | |
*** LocutusOfBorg is now away: Auto away at Sat Mar 1 23:00:32 2025 UTC | 23:00 | |
*** ahussain <ahussain!~Thunderbi@> has joined #yocto | 23:04 | |
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*** ahussain is now known as ehussain | 23:05 | |
*** jbo is back | 23:07 | |
*** Dracos-Carazza is now away: Auto away at Sat Mar 1 23:12:04 2025 UTC | 23:12 | |
*** RP is now away: Auto away at Sat Mar 1 23:17:32 2025 UTC | 23:17 | |
*** ahussain <ahussain!~Thunderbi@> has joined #yocto | 23:20 | |
*** ahussain is now away: I am currently away from the computer. | 23:20 | |
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*** florian <florian!~florian@2a02:3100:3c1c:a900:a198:8314:a645:d66b> has joined #yocto | 23:35 |
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