Thursday, 2013-12-19

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chrisw95xHow can I remove something from MACHINE_FEATURES without resorting to editing the machine conf file?  Is there an equivalent from EXTRA_MACHINE_FEATURES for removing?04:18
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ramoseCan any body know the use of UBOOT_MACHINE ?08:25
Dennis__ramose: I think it defines the U-BOOT configuration, since this doesn't necessarily need to change for different MACHINEs, UBOOT_MACHINE can stay the same while MACHINE changes for example08:31
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ramoseDennis__: Would it gives the name of config file?Is it U-boot specific config file?08:34
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Dennis__Try the following command from the yocto directory to find where the variable shows up $: grep UBOOT_MACHINE -r meta*08:40
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kbouharahi all, Im wondering how can I choose gcc 4.6 instead of gcc 4.8 in dora ? Is there a variable to set in the local.conf ?08:55
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kbouharaok, PREFERRED_VERSION_gcc = "4.x.x"09:01
kbouharabut still don't know if it still working or deprecated09:02
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bluelightningmorning all09:53
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kbartpreferred version 3.2 of linux-libc-headers not available (for item linux-libc-headers-dev)12:19
kbartHow do I solve this?12:19
kbartGoogle is not very helpful at this point..12:20
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bluelightningkbart: people shouldn't be setting PREFERRED_VERSION_linux-libc-headers nor providing their own linux-libc-headers recipe (unless they really know what they are doing)12:24
bluelightningkbart: if you're using a layer that does either of those things, go and hit the layer maintainer with a stick until they remove it12:24 set it12:25
kbartis it a good idea to remove "PREFERRED_VERSION_linux-libc-headers_am335x-evm = "3.2"" ?12:25
bluelightningI would suggest trying that yes12:25
bluelightningdenix: ^12:25
kbartok, thank bluelightning, I'll try12:27
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kbartIf I want to increase layer's priority (it must be the topmost) do I increase or decrease BBFILE_PRIORITY?12:57
Dennis__BBFILE_PRIORITY only works if a file exists with the same name in 2 different layers, it then takes the file with higher priority13:06
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kbartIt's about PREFERRED_VERSION_, lower layer (arago) defines one version of package, but I want to use another. I define PREFERRED_VERSION_ in my layer,, but it gets overwritten. How do I solve this?13:11
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Dennis__you can use a .bbappend file for the recipe that defines preferred_version_ and set your own in there, this overwrites the lower layer13:17
kbartthe problem is, that this PREFERRED_VERSION is defined in layer conf file. As far as I know, there no .bbappend files for them.13:21
kbartand if I define PREFERRED_VERSION in my .bbappend or conf, it gets overwritten.13:21
bluelightningkbart: PREFERRED_VERSION can't work in a bb/bbappend13:23
bluelightningkbart: you can probably force it with _forcevariable but really arago should not be doing this if it's leading to problems13:24
kbartI see. Thanks again.13:27
kbartI guess the problem is that my kernel (3.2) is too old for this Arago release, probably the best would be to use older one that matches my kernel13:28
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bluelightningkbart: but hang on, linux-libc-headers does not need to match the kernel version - is that what it's trying to do?13:35
kbartNot, it's another problem..;]13:37
kbartI'm now trying to get libgles working13:37
kbartI've got 4.09 working, but now it's defined to 5.01 and I can't overwrite it13:38
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bluelightningultimately if you're fighting against the distro configuration it's a sign you should have your own13:40
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kbartHm, I was thinking about that.. but it looks a messy job, setup all these toolchains etc.. is it worth it? I'm actually satisfied by Arago, I only need to use different kernel and change version of some packages13:47
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T0mWWhy does devshell now invoke as the root user?  It used to run as the same user as the bitbake (e.g. tom) in Bernard-5.0.114:14
gagiIs there a way to change a configuration of a recipe from another recipe ? Perhaps by using a global variable in and the is reading that ?14:19
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boucman_workhello everybody14:19
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boucman_workI managed to compile the default meta-ivi image, and now I am trying to build the meta-toolchain-sdk with it14:20
boucman_workbut I get the following error
weebethow to debug a bbappend recipe that patch a configuration file ? the patch is not applied14:20
boucman_workI'm pretty new to yocto, any clue how to debug and/or fix this ?14:20
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WarheadsSEbluelightning: kergoth remember prior speaking of a qt4-x11-free issue where it does not build webkit?  I tracked it down to getQMakeConf3's gawk statement in the gcc version detection14:25
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weebetany documentation out there to apply a patch to modify a configuration file ? ( I want to uncomment # mod_fastcgi in /etc/lighttpd.conf ) ?14:49
vmesonboucman_work: there are several similar fixes in the oe-core history, git log then search for "iles/directories were installed but not shipped"14:49
vmesonboucman_work: you have to either add the files explicitly or remove them before the QA check happens. Not sure which is right in your case.14:50
boucman_workvmeson: thx, i'll git log a little and come back here after that...14:51
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jackmitchellI'm having issues with libffi and it's include directory15:16
jackmitchelljamvm is trying to find ffi.h15:16
bluelightning_weebet: well, you don't need to patch it since that file is one supplied directly next to the recipe - just create a bbappend in your own custom layer to add your own version15:17
jackmitchellwhich is in the directory ./x86_64-linux/usr/lib/libffi-3.0.13/include/ffi.h15:17
jackmitchellrather than the more usual /usr/include, should I be hard coding an additional include path in the recipe?15:17
jackmitchellor is it possible that pkg-config might be able to pull out the correct include dir?15:18
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weebetthank you again bluelightning !15:20
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jackmitchellah hah, a pkg-config hack in CFLAGS solved it15:23
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T0mWAnyone have an idea why gettext-native sleeps forever in do_configure?  Appears to be waiting for something?15:34
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bluelightningT0mW: anything interesting if you tail -f on log.do_configure for that recipe?15:37
T0mWI've seen this before...15:39
T0mWwasn't there a bug with the nvidia driver that was causing a SIGnal from the sleep to be corrupted?15:40
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T0mWIf I set the BBTHREADS + make -j flags to one thread, it progresses, but very slowly.  If I set it to 8 threads, it locks forever.15:41
T0mWIIRC, I patched the automake config script, at one time, to skip certain tests involving sleeping.15:41
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T0mWbluelightning: yes, it is the nvidia bug15:43
bluelightningT0mW: that is a strange one...15:44
T0mWbluelightning: it really is, I had to google like mad to find some reference to it.  this was a few weeks ago when I was updating another project to Dora.15:45
T0mWI'm running Nvidia GTX-650 video here with the proprietary driver, so, I've the bug.15:46
bluelightningT0mW: out of interest do you know if the bug has been acknowledged/fixed by nvidia?15:47
T0mWbluelightning: naw, did not drill down that far.  There was like one message on a site that someone identified the problem.  I tried later drivers but did not resolve the issue.  so, I patched gettext (bbappend) to skip those tests and force the proper result.15:50
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T0mWbluelightning: check this link:
T0mWbluelightning: that is where I got the info on the issue, then was able devise a work-around.16:02
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ramoseDISTRO_FEATURES_append = " pam" leading white space give me build error while bitbake16:14
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ZaifThere are 8 patches of mt9v032(gumstix-camera) sensor in media-tree which are not included to my linux-gumstix. Is it a good idea to add those patches? or just work with what I have?16:17
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denixbluelightning: you shouldn't tell what people should do and shouldn't :)16:21
bluelightningdenix: we can make pretty strong recommendations16:21
bluelightningdenix: what would you have told kbart instead?16:22
denixbluelightning: arago is a distro and not a bsp16:22
bluelightningI'm not sure anyone suggested otherwise...16:23
denixbluelightning: plus we have a very wide range of kernel versions for different platforms - from 2.6.32 to 3.1216:23
denixso, setting pref-version is rather required in our case16:24
bluelightningproviding a different linux-libc-headers per platform is still not advisable, for the reasons Richard outlined in the link I posted above16:25
denixmaking any suggestions or recommendations w/o knowing all the details is rather ill advised16:25
ramoseDISTRO_FEATURES_append = "  pam" leading white space give me build error while bitbake.but DISTRO_FEATURES_append = "pam" works ok,why it is so?16:25
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bluelightningdenix: ok, well next time I will direct enquiries to you then... ;)16:26
bluelightningramose: without a space is definitely wrong... what is the error you get with one?16:28
denixbluelightning: I understand Richard's point. but read Khem's comments in that discussion. he's quite rights and that's what I do in arago16:29
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denix"However one case where it showed up was when building udev > 164 with kernels where accept4 call was not wired for arm e.g. since udev looked up definition of SOCK_CLOEXEC which it found but that 2.6.32 kernel really did not support it."16:34
ramosebluelightning: getting error while patching shadow.automake-1.11.patch16:35
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ramoseis it expected?16:35
denixbluelightning: and btw, the table can be rotated - why would kbart need to change pref-version for linux-libc-headers anyway?16:37
rburtonramose: errors are never expected, what are the errors?16:39
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ramosepatch is rejected while patching man/ru/ file16:45
weebetbluelightning: in the bbappend recipe to use another lighttpd.conf, what should be inside ? Only : princ := "${@int(PRINC) + 3}" \ SRC_URI += "file://lighttpd.conf" ? or I need something more ?16:46
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Xzhow does the openembedded-core mailing list work? I just submit a patch and it gets applied with no discussion?16:59
Xzis there any confirmation whether patch is gonna be applied or not?16:59
JaMait's reviewed on the list16:59
JaMaif it's OK it's applied, if not you'll get comments in reply17:00
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rburtonXz: you generally have to watch the repo to see if it got merged, and occasionally patches get missed without discussion.  it's not ideal but it (mostly) works.17:04
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Xzrburton: is there any schedule for merging? like every Friday or sth similar?17:07
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rburtonXz: stuff generally merges twice a week, after review+build tests in master_under_test on the autobuilder17:07
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ndecXz: there is a mailing list for commit notifications as well: openembedded-commits@lists.openembedded.org17:09
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Xzndec: ok, so monitoring that one actually gives an overview of what exactly gets merged, is that correct?17:10
ndecit gives you anything which is committed. the email is sent once the commit is pushed.17:11
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ccubeCan't install oracle-jse-jdk-arm-1.8.0-u120r0@cortexa8hf_vfp_neon: no package provides
ccubeany hints how to solve? locally working fine, autobuilder throws error :(17:38
rburtonccube: nothing depends on libx11 so it isn't getting built?17:38
ccubeno gui stuff here17:39
ccubebut why then error?17:39
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ccuberburton, should my java package depend on it? Dont see any reason for.17:41
rburtonbecause the jdk wants libx1117:41
rburtonthe error says that the jdk package has a dependency on libx1117:41
ccubejava crap17:41
ccubeyes, but if it depends on, then it should build it17:42
mr_scienceyou should be able to configure your way out of that one...17:42
rburtonccube: as it's the oracle jdk, was that built yourself or just a downloaded binary?17:42
mr_sciencethe jdk doesn't *need* x/gtk unless you want to build java/swing stuff17:42
ccubei dont want swing17:43
ccubeso no x1117:43
mr_scienceis there a java virtual?17:43
rburtonfwiw, debian's openjdk packages has a no-x11 version.17:43
ccubeRPROVIDES_${PN} += "java2-runtime"17:43
mr_sciencei bet icedtea would satisfy the no-X dependency17:43
* mr_science needs a yocto build env here in the office...17:46
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ccubeopenjdk is building fine17:47
ccube(with dirty workarounds)17:47
Zaifrburton: There are 8 patches of mt9v032(gumstix-camera) sensor in media-tree which are not included to my linux-gumstix. Is it a good idea to add those patches? or just work with what I have?17:47
mr_scienceshould be able to pass it via extra oeconf17:47
ccubewhat kind of vnc packages do i need for sanity tests?17:47
rburtonZaif: igenuinely have no idea whatsoever17:48
Zaifrburton: haha ok. no problem17:49
rburtonccube: what you actually need is an X server.  xfake, tigervnc, a real one, doesn't matter.17:49
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ccuberburton, kk thx17:51
rburtonccube: tigervnc is useful because when it totally breaks, you can vnc in and see17:52
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ccubekk, give it a try17:57
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bluelightningdenix: fair enough; perhaps I was a little too hasty in responding18:03
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ccubeCan't install oracle-jse-jdk-arm-1.8.0-u120r0@cortexa8hf_vfp_neon: no package provides :/18:10
ccubejava sucks18:10
ccubeseems to be random errors18:10
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bluelightningweebet: you also need FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend := "${THISDIR}/files:"18:13
bluelightningweebet: this allows the build system to locate additional files in a "files" subdirectory next to your bbappend18:13
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rburtonccube: a long list of missing dependencies more like18:25
ccubeyeah, would be nice...18:28
ccubeI really wonder why the build just failing on one box18:29
ccubenow it works18:29
ccubebut sanity fails :D18:29
ccubeoops, didnt emerge the server :/18:32
ccubenext try... :D18:32
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weebetdoes we need to inherit pkgconfig in every recipes ?18:53
bluelightningweebet: only if the software being built by the recipe uses the "pkg-config" tool to find how to link to some of its dependencies (usually its configure script)19:01
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weebetthank you bluelightning19:05
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WarheadsSEaha. got it.19:16
WarheadsSEqt4, 4.8, 0007-qmake_cxx_eval.patch19:17
bluelightningWarheadsSE: hmm, IIRC that was a patch I wrote19:23
bluelightningI do know it broke the ability to run configure outside of our environment, which is a bit bad...19:23
WarheadsSEgrep = bad.19:24
WarheadsSE>> MAKE_CONF_COMPILER=`getQMakeConf "$XQMAKESPEC" | grep "^QMAKE_CXX[^_A-Z0-9]" | sed "s,.* *= *\(.*\)$,\1," |19:24
WarheadsSEthat should read19:25
WarheadsSE+QMAKE_CONF_COMPILER=`getXQMakeConf QMAKE_CXX | sed "s,.* *= *\(.*\)$,\1," | sed -n 's/$[(]\([0-9a-zA-Z_]*\)[)]/$\1/pg' | tail -1`19:25
bluelightningI think that has been changed recently, let me check19:25
WarheadsSEwell this is also sadly against a 4.8.4 that someone _here_ copied off 4.7?*?19:26
bluelightningoh, well that might explain the difference19:26
WarheadsSEbut I looked at the dylan (which this should be based off) qt419:26
bluelightninglet me check what we have19:26
WarheadsSElooking at this :
WarheadsSEthat seems like it was a layered on patch19:27
bluelightningthat is the dylan version19:27
WarheadsSEno, that's denzil .. I have been punching people for being behind.19:28
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* WarheadsSE eyeroll19:28
* WarheadsSE goes to kick developer.19:28
ccubeThe following post-install scripts could not be run offline and rootfs is read-only: 100-openjdk-7-vm-zero19:30
ccubeany hints?19:30
ccubeI wanna keep the ro-fs19:30
ccube(if possible)19:30
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bluelightningccube: what's that script doing?19:33
ccubedont really know19:35
ccubecannot find it in my FS19:35
ccubeseems like openjdk pulls it in somewhere19:35
WarheadsSEbluelightning: Yeah.. we have a release version that is still denzil based19:37
ccubeon my local box it is working, on autobuilder not :(19:37
bluelightningWarheadsSE: understood19:37
WarheadsSESo I'll probably just pull dylan into our repo for 4.8.419:37
WarheadsSEer, dylans recipe19:37
WarheadsSEvs our broken 4.8.4 made from 4.8.0 or some nonsense19:37
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bluelightningccube: you should be able to see it under tmp/<arch>/<image>/1.0-r0/rootfs/etc/rpm-postinsts/19:38
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bluelightningWarheadsSE: good that you managed to track down the issue19:39
WarheadsSEyeah, that was a days worth of pain19:40
T0mWWarheadsSE: heh, yeah, simple shi^H^H^H stuff always seems to suck up a day to find the solution.  Hard stuff is easy.19:43
T0mWI was chasing why the USB keyboard would not work, turns out udev needed a volume mounted before it ran (time == 6 hours to resolve)19:44
bluelightningobviously there will always be problems like this, but if anyone can suggest places where the build system doesn't catch and report errors/misconfiguration in an appropriate way, we'd really love to hear about it19:46
ccubebluelightning, i dont see this folder structure somewhere19:47
ccubeit seems to be completely different on my builds19:47
bluelightningccube: what do you see currently?19:49
ccubeabout thousand open terminal windows^^19:50
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bluelightningccube: right... well in the one where you have the error you pasted there should be the path to the work directory for the image, can you see that?19:52
bluelightningand you don't see rootfs/etc/rpm-postinsts/ under that?19:53
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bluelightningccube: so, for some reason that is failing19:55
bluelightningccube: I can't tell why that would be, but the script's not that long, so I'm guessing it shouldn't be too hard to figure out19:56
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WarheadsSET0mW: yeah.. we all have days like that19:56
bluelightningccube: if it helps, $D would be set to the full path to the rootfs directory when this script was called19:56
ccubewhat I dont understand is why these build are fine on one box and failing on another.19:57
bluelightningI'm not sure either, sorry19:57
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ccubebluelightning, thx :)19:59
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T0mWI'm scratching my head over this one "Files/directories were installed but not shipped"20:17
frayfiles or directories were installed into the ${D} in do_install, but were not listed in the FILES_* directives used to package the files..20:18
T0mWok, I did have the dir in the FILES_${PN} though20:18
frayuse bitbake -e and check that it's there and hasn't been overridden in some way20:19
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T0mWWell, the file shows up in the image directory but it still complains about '... were installed but not shipped'21:31
T0mWThis worked with Bernard-5.0.1, but not with Dora21:31
mr_scienceupdate one or more package defs?21:32
mr_scienceeither that path is missing or the PN_files is too restrictive21:32
mr_scienceor maybe the order of packages is incorrect21:33
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mr_science*order of things getting packaged21:33
T0mWWell, this is the linux-yocto-custom which gets a strange name, I'm assuming that 'FILES_${PN}' is correct?  work directory struct looks odd: '...linux-yocto-custom/3.4.74+gitAUTOINC+c26a9a9684-r6/linux'21:35
T0mWnot sure of what ${PN} would be21:36
T0mWOr maybe I should be using 'FILES_${PN}${PV}' ?21:36
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T0mWhmm, maybe 'install -d ${PV}' and see what directory it creates within images21:39
bluelightningT0mW: the value of PN is derived from the recipe name21:42
T0mWyeah, should be21:43
bluelightningFILES_${PN} would be the correct variable to set/add to to influence what goes into the main package for the recipe21:44
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T0mWbluelightning: if you would please check this?
T0mWbluelightning: this is a simple recipe technique that worked under Bernard.  I just keep googling and come up with nothing.21:51
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T0mWThe do_install_append worked before.21:51
T0mWkernel builds and installs fine, but, I have a custom header within the kernel that I want to push out into the rootfs image inside /usr/include/linux/21:54
bluelightningwhich package do you want it in? ${PN}-dev ?21:56
T0mWin the general package, don't need it for dev21:57
T0mWI am building pkg-dev so if it can be triggered from that, ok.21:58
bluelightningtypically headers would go into the -dev package21:59
T0mW0: linux-yocto-custom-3.4.74+gitAUTOINC+c26a9a9684-r7 do_package (pid 7775)21:59
T0mWno dev extension?22:00
bluelightningthat's the recipe name rather than a package name (although there is almost always a main package with the same name as the recipe)22:00
T0mWnothing is working, I'm just throwing stuff into the recipe at this point.22:01
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T0mWtrying this now: FILES_${PN}-dev = "${includedir}/linux/sys3000.h"22:02
T0mWIt has got to be so obvious that I just cannot see it.22:03
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T0mWtomorrow is another day(tm)22:07
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bluelightningT0mW: hmm, FILES_${PN}-dev should already have /usr/include in its value, so it's odd that it wouldn't be picked up22:14
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RPbluelightning: doesn't the kernel alter PACKAGES?22:17
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bluelightningRP: well, I just checked the output of bitbake -e linux-yocto to get that answer...22:23
bluelightningoh, wait, you're right, no linux-yocto-dev22:24
bluelightningT0mW: ${PN}-dev probably doesn't exist for the kernel, try FILES_kernel-dev += "${includedir}/linux" instead22:25
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OutBackDingocan someone tell me if yocto supports the at91sam9m10g45ek22:45
OutBackDingoermmm AT91SAM9G4522:46
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mr_scienceOutBackDingo: what exactly is that chip?22:55
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OutBackDingomr_science: ARM926EJ-S [41069265] revision 5 (ARMv5TEJ), cr=0005317722:59
OutBackDingoMachine: Atmel AT91SAM9G45-EKES22:59
mr_sciencearmv5t should be supported, so you would probably need to tune it yourself23:00
mr_sciencei did that for the rpi23:01
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mr_scienceshould be very similar i would think23:01
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OutBackDingoit says it was supportd by the kalios project which was now integrated into yocto but i see no references to MACHINE ?= "at91sam9g45ek"23:01
mr_scienceit wouldn't be a machine name23:01
mr_sciencemy machine is still "raspberrypi" but i modified the tune stuff23:02
mr_sciencehang on a sec while i clone...23:03
mr_sciencelook in conf/machine/include/ for some tune files23:03
mr_scienceeg, for rpi23:04
mr_scienceyou might need to make one for AT91SAM9G4523:04
* mr_science goes back to testing23:05
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