Wednesday, 2018-12-05

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RPgah, green selftests but eclipse failed08:41
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DuClareSo I'm trying a core-image-minimal build of poky-tiny, and I'm spending a lot of time and space on native deps that I never intend to use, like 2.7 gigabytes worth of qemu(-helper) for a bunch of architectures I do not care about?12:13
DuClareAccording to, most of these are a direct dependency of core-image-minimal12:13
DuClareI just can't see where it pulls these deps or why, let alone how to disable it12:14
kroonDuClare, which machine ?12:19
DuClareWhatever the default is12:20
JaMayou can restrtict the architectures with QEMU_TARGETS variable, but it doesn't really have much time and space12:20
DuClareWhy is qemu built at all?12:20
JaMasome postinst scripts are executed in qemu12:21
kroonI believe qemu is used, as an example, for files that go into the target root fs, that are created by target programs12:21
kroonso they cant run on the host12:21
kroonalso, the qemu* machines inherit, which pulls in qemu-native, for booting the resulting image in qemu12:22
DuClareHuh.  I'm surprised you'd need to run target binaries to finish a cross build12:25
krooncache files for speeding up things, on a read-only rootfs for instance12:26
JaManobody wrote cross tools to generate e.g. fontcache, gio-module-cache, gobject-introspection, gtk-immodules-cache12:28
DuClareMy plan was to build something that doesn't really need such things.. basically just bootloader + kernel + busybox + custom application in initramfs12:28
JaMathan start with initramfs image instead of core-image-minimal12:29
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DuClareWell I checked out core-image-minimal-initramfs but from what I can tell, it's pulling the same deps12:31
DuClareSame for core-image-tiny-initramfs12:32
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DuClareWell.  It is smaller and quicker, though it still pulls qemu12:38
DuClareI wonder if that's because of MACHINE12:38
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rburtonbuilding qemu-native really isn't that time consuming13:12
rburtonyou'll spend longer chipping away at removing it13:12
rburtoni believe a non-qemu minimal image is buildable without building qemu-native though, so presumably something you're building needs it13:14
rburtonnote that both systemd and eudev need it to build the hwdb13:15
rburtonof course sstate means you built qemu-native once and it won't be built again unless it changes13:15
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acrapHi, folks!13:16
acrapI have a newbie question13:16
acrapCan I use more than one bbappend file for one recipe13:17
acrapok. Does layer priority affects th eorder?13:18
acrap*the order13:18
rburtonhm probably13:18
rburtoneasy to inspect with bitbake-layers13:18
acrapok. It's good idea13:19
acrapgood news, actually13:19
acrapI just fooled myself that I've heard the opposite information before. Like bbappend files override another ones.13:20
rburtonoh that's definitely wrong13:21
acrapGlad to hear I was wrong13:21
rburtonthey all pile up13:21
acrapmay be it worked that way I thought early...13:22
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LetoThe2ndrburton: BTW, as it was already mentioned a couple of times now: my don't start your project on raspi submission was actually accepted!13:30
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RPLetoThe2nd: nice! :)13:38
LetoThe2ndRP: :-)13:39
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CroftonLetoThe2nd, what did you submit?13:42
LetoThe2ndCrofton: to a german iot conf. basically "whats on the menu besides raspberry pie", and the abstract pointing out that often the "lets just start quickly" approach using raspi+armbian backfires badly13:43
Croftonexcellent talk!13:44
CroftonBe sure to focus on the postitive13:44
LetoThe2ndi'll focus on  metal.13:45
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CroftonYou would13:49
rburtonLetoThe2nd: nice13:50
LetoThe2ndactually, i expect the audience to not even be properly aware of no-OS/RTOS/runtime environments other than armbian13:51
RPLetoThe2nd: gold, platinum, cobalt, so many to choose from ;-)13:52
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cdgarrenI'm running into an issue in my do_rootfs step: "nothing provides xf86-video-imx-vivante needed by packagegroup-core-x11-xserver-1.0-r40.var_som_mx6"15:21
cdgarrenthe oe-pkgdata-util claims that it's provided by imx-gpu-viv, so I added that to my local.conf, but I'm still getting the same error.15:21
LetoThe2ndcdgarren: IIRC we've had about the same topic just a couple of days back15:22
LetoThe2ndseomthing changed in the DEPENDS/REPENDS across layers, so might start checking there15:22
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LetoThe2nd(sorry don't remember the actual outcome)15:22
cdgarrenNo problem. Thanks for the pointer.15:22
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cdgarrenLetoThe2nd: Any chance you remember anything else about that fix? I'm not figuring anything out yet.15:38
cdgarrenOr does anyone else have advice on how to track this down?15:38
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seebs <-- hey so systemd is really good and carefully written15:45
seebs <-- the actual issue15:46
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rburtonnot actually a systemd thing,
cdgarrenOk, I have another issue in trying to get this building. The do_prepare_sysroot step fails trying to copy a file to a recipe-sysroot because the file already exists. I seem to be able to fix it by removing the file it complains about it, but I'm a littel confused about why this file isn't cleaned up if it shouldn't be there?15:51
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rburtoncdgarren: two recipes shouldn't be providing the same files15:52
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sveinseHow can I remove a package from an image, even if it breaks rdepends?15:54
cdgarrenrburton: Makes sense. How can I tell which recipes are providing the file? It looks like all of the failures were complaining about recipe-sysroot/usr/lib/
rburton$ oe-pkgdata-util find-path /usr/lib/\*15:56
rburtonwayland: /usr/lib/
rburtonwayland: /usr/lib/
rburtonlooks like your driver conflicts with upstream wayland15:56
rburtonso you'll need to figure out what bit of the bsp is broken15:56
rburtonshould the driver not be shipping that? should the bsp be removing those bits from wayland?15:57
cdgarrenit only says it's coming from the wayland package.15:58
cdgarrenDo I even need the wayland package? I'm planning on running chromium-x11, so would the easiest thing to do be remove wayland from my distro_features?16:00
rburtonthat is certainly one option16:00
rburton(this is why building your own distro is a good idea: poky turns a fair amount of stuff on for testing)16:00
cdgarrenMaybe that's really what I should be doing then.16:00
rburtoncp poky.conf mydistro.conf, and delete anything you don't want16:00
rburtonits definitely what you should be doing16:01
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cdgarrenAlright, I'll start down that path. Thanks for the input.16:01
rburtonmaybe we should have called the poky distro file example.conf16:01
sveinseSince yocto supports having no pkg manager on target, does yocto/bitbake have any functions for collecting an additional set of packages into a .tar.xz or similar for deployment to target? Making an arbitrary image is of course easy, but I'm thinking of an image containing only additional packages to a base image16:03
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rburtonadelcast: any chance of a opkg-utils release soon?16:08
rburtonadelcast: also we're carrying a patch to change the #! to python3, would you accept that?16:08
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adelcastrburton: yes, I plan to release opkg and opkg-utils, version 0.4 on December 1516:10
adelcastaround the same time I was planning on creating the recipes16:10
rburtonwe still carry an ugly patch for tar16:11
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adelcastyikes, yeah, that's pretty ugly...its a copy of the one used by dpkg16:14
rburtonproblem being we'll hard-link the package tree for each packaging class, so they'll be running in parallel16:15
adelcastso, while opkg-build is running we change the build directory links?16:16
rburtonnot sure about the new compressorargs logic in opkg-build.  imo, things like -nT to gzip should be handled for you as that's universally good behaviour16:16
rburtonyeah, opkg-build could be running when do_package_rpm starts and does a hardlink farm of the package tree16:17
adelcastI see...then its pretty OE specific16:18
* rburton looks at the class and wonders if his knowledge is wrong16:19
adelcastregarding -nT, we could add it as a part of the default options since yeah, the option makes sense. I still want to leave compressorargs since others may want to customize the call with other flafs16:21
rburtonyes, i'm looking at this because i wanted to control how much parallelism xz used16:22
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rburtonas lame people with lame amounts of memory are lamely complaining that do_package_ipk can kill their machine by eating all the ram16:22
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rburtonoh the target of my troll isn't even in this channel :)16:23
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rburtonhm, the patch that was in dpkg has been lost16:32
rburtonclaims to be upstream but it's not16:32
frayrburton, doesn't everyone have at least 128 GB of ram, and 64 cores?!16:32
rburtonfray: apparently some people do builds on laptops!16:32
fraydefinitely madness..  256 GB of ram and 96 cores works for me..16:33
rburtonadelcast: so dpkg appears to effectively do a find and then tell tar that file list16:37
rburtonwhich i have a hunch means the count thing changing isn't an issue16:37
sveinsesome of us are stuck with a IT provided server that MUST RUN VM. Thats even more madness than laptops.16:38
sveinseOr more specifically, my decent i7 laptop is comparable on compile times as the server...16:39
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rburtonadelcast: that might be a better solution.  just tar -T, basically16:39
adelcastinteresting...yeah, the patch is gone16:41
sveinseOur IT want to outsource building to the cloud, Azure specifically, and have challenged our Yocto team to get it up and running.... and are set back when I say how much tmp disk and memory is needed16:41
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adelcastok, I can take a look to do something similar before 0.416:41
rburtonsveinse: using rm_work will save you a load of disk space16:42
rburtonthe time overhead is pretty much insignificant16:42
sveinserburton: yeah sure. And its tmp, so the transferrable file artifacts is much much less than that16:43
adelcastI'll look to drop that patch, then I'll also add -nT as a default, I agree its sane to be on the list of recommended defaults, if someone doesn't like it, they can still use compressorargs16:43
rburtonadelcast: yeah, ideally the class passes "use <core count> threads" but then users can tweak if it required16:44
rburtonadelcast: thanks16:45
adelcastright, and for opkg-build use outside OE, still make sense to use as much as you can16:46
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RPsveinse: with rm_work its also about removing IO load16:51
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rburtonhave a big enough commit timeout and you'll be deleting stuff before its on disk16:57
JaMaor build in tmpfs to make sure that it won't even try to hit disk16:59
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JaMabut even with tmpfs I'm waiting for the build to finish for last 4 hours..17:01
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yoctiNew news from stackoverflow: When using the meta-updater layer dtoverlays will not work <>17:30
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yoctiNew news from stackoverflow: Is it possible to use Embedded OS prepared for i.MX6solo over i.MX6UL...? <>18:30
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adelcasthaven't seen the stackoverflow bot, that's super cool19:16
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Croftonadelcast, It has been around a while :)19:31
khemyeah this is for oldies like us of the project who just dont look at anything besides IRC19:31
CroftonI believe we are called "coumudgeons"19:31
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khemany term you come up with will have negative connotations in my mind19:32
khem:), I think we should adopt modern communication methods19:33
khemlike have a discussion over twitter threads :)19:33
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khemmake patch as a facebook post19:34
adelcasthehehe, yes, a while back I used to check for opkg questions on stackoverflow, but wouldn't check it very often19:34
Croftonadelcast, I think you ca set up notification19:34
adelcastyeah, love those technical twitter discussion getting to the bottom of it in < 280 characters19:35
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aehs29khem: hahaha19:41
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RPkhem: speak for yourself, we're not all 'oldies' :)21:17
khemRP: oldies in technological age21:19
khemfact is you are included however you dissect the pie :)21:20
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yateswhen building the cross-tools is there a way to include specific development libraries, e.g., sqlite?21:24
khemlibraries for what target ? cross, native, target ?21:25
yatesi want to cross-build an app under x86 linux that targets my freescale i.mx6 arm21:26
yatesand be able to cross-link that app with sqlite21:27
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yatesam i not being clear?21:29
khemyes, DEPENDS += "sqlite3" in recipe will help21:29
khemcross-link ?21:29
khemwhat does cross link mean here ?21:30
yateslink (as in ld or g++) on one machine for which the output is targetting another machine21:30
yatesbut i don't mean via bitbaking a recipe.21:31
yatesthe app i'm building may not even have a recipe21:31
yatesi just want to build it, on my x86, for the arm, e.g., using my own makefile etc.21:31
yatesactually we already have a cross-development toolchain, but it lacks some of the libraries we use21:32
yatesi can build one application 4 different ways: 1) on the x86 linux targeting the x86, 2) on the x86 linux desktop targeting the arm, 3) on the arm targetting the arm (native), or 4) bitbaking in yocto21:34
RPkhem: sad but true in those terms21:34
RPkhem: I can be in denial though ;-)21:35
RPkhem: what was the conclusion on the waf patch btw?21:36
yateskhem: i think i am referring to the ADP:
yatesi didn't build the toolchain, so I'm not sure how it was done.21:39
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khemRP: waf is good to go, I fixed the offending recipe21:46
khemRP: I think the number of recipes which needs to be forwarded ported for this change in waf is not many21:46
khemyates: OK, so as I understand you want to link your app with sqlite3 so you need sqlite3 on target along with app righ t?21:47
khemyates: its possible that your SDK does not include sqlite3 so you have to rebuild your SDK to include sqlite3 in SDK21:48
khemother better option is to use eSDK21:48
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khemwhere you dont need to do much accept adding DEPENDS += "sqlite3" in your app recipe21:49
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RPkhem: thanks, will merge then21:57
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RPJPEW: FWIW I put a subset of your patches into -next and builds were fine22:39
RPJPEW: I didn't include the fork one22:39
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Croftondon't you mean hug?23:05
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rburtonyates: sound a lot like you just want to build a new toolchain.  if you've an image that you want to be able to compile for outside of yocto, then bitbake myimage -c populate_sdk23:27
rburtonsome people still ship the tarball built by the meta-toolchain recipe, but that's basically just the compiler23:27
rburtonso of limited use23:27
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