Wednesday, 2020-10-21

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kiwi_29Hello...I get this error when trying to start toaster using "source toaster start"02:21
kiwi_29Failure while trying to setup toaster: Problem installing fixtures: no such table: orm_build__old02:21
kiwi_29More details here -->      Any ideas?02:21
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kiwi_29All toaster dependencies are installed inside python virtual env ie. I am using python virtualenv for this02:22
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LetoThe2ndyo dudX06:35
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mckoangood morning06:52
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cengiz_iohello there. I'm on dunfell and whenever I do "devtool modify virtual/kernel", do_preconfigure fails due to missing "defconfig" in devtooltmp-XYZ directory. any clues?07:53
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paulbarkercengiz_io: What kernel recipe are you using?08:10
cengiz_iopaulbarker hello. linux-fslc from meta-freescale08:10
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paulbarkerThat could easily be an issue with the linux-fslc recipe. I'd recommend testing this with linux-yocto for a qemu machine, if that works then the issue is in meta-freescale, if not the issue is in poky/oe-core08:12
cengiz_ioit probably is.08:15
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cengiz_ioI don't know devtool internals but there's "file://defconfig" in SRC_URI of linux-fslc's recipe. and it obviously doesn't ship with the recipe.08:17
qschulzcengiz_io: then scream at nxp for such a bad layer :D08:18
cengiz_ioI have my own defconfig in a matching directory of my own layer. but somehow it doesn't get copied08:18
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qschulzcengiz_io: do you have FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend := in your bbappend?08:18
cengiz_ioqschulz can't do because this is totally community effort. their layer is even worse08:18
qschulz(you need a bbappend)08:18
qschulzcengiz_io: triple check that there are no typos, that you're using prepend and not append, that you are using := and not another operator and that the path you have set it to exists and is where you have your defconfig08:19
qschulzyou can check the oath is correct by using bitbake virtual/kernel -e | grep -e "^FILESPATH="08:19
cengiz_ioqschulz interesting thing is, kernel compiles fine08:19
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qschulzcengiz_io: even not all recipes in poky are tested against devtool so it's not surprise really a recipe from a non-core layer isn't working either08:29
qschulzndec: RP: just a reminder that one needs to remove the build directory entirely (or at least the static dir, can't remember) when css changes have been made (which is the case for my css fix from a few weeks ago). Not urgent, but needs to be remembered :)08:31
qschulz(I'm talking about the docs)08:31
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cengiz_ioqschulz do you know a way to keep devtooltmp directory whenever an error occurs?09:18
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qschulzcengiz_io: I do not, I'm not really a devtool power-user :/09:24
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RPqschulz: thanks for the reminder!09:38
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qschulzRP: I'll try to think of some hacks so we don't need manual intervention, but the couple hours I looked for something nice from within Sphinx, nothing turned out that great :/09:49
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qschulzwell, let's say it's a known issue and couldn't find someone with a nice work-around :)09:50
RPqschulz: it would definitely be good to try and fix it, I've not looked into it rally09:52
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yannwhile generating eSDK (on a different machine than the one that produced the sstate) I'm getting systematically getting the single error "ERROR: Task packagegroup-core-x11-xserver.do_populate_lic attempted to execute unexpectedly and should have been setscened", while diffsigs show no diff between that task's sigdata and the one in sstate, any idea ?10:10
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RPyann: is hashequiv enabled or not? is there an sstate artefact with that hash?10:39
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yannRP: no hashequiv.  Do you mean the hash from the do_populate_lic.sigdata filename ?11:05
Ad0hm should I a) make a separate image bb file for development version of my image, or have conditional includes based on my own DISTRO_FEATURES variable?11:09
RPyann: are the hashes from the sigdata and the one in sstate the same?11:09
RPAd0: that is one of those "it depends" situations11:10
yannRP: yes, same hash11:11
JaMaRP: ah I've overlooked the /unix suffix in that tcl, sorry for noise11:12
RPyann: that suggests the eSDK can't find the sstate then as if the hashes match, they should be used :/11:12
RPJaMa: its ok, I did too at first11:12
Ad0RP, yeah11:26
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paulbarkerIs there any way to remove override all _append statements on a variable? I thought I could do this with _forcevariable but it looks like the appends still get applied after that12:21
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JaMapaulbarker: _remove, but that's ugly, if you can change the original recipe then I usually use separate variable which you can then just set to empty if you don't want the _append to add anything12:30
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JaMa2nd stage is to use separate variable also in the _remove so that it can be disabled once you find out that special case or change your mind later in some other layer12:31
paulbarkerJaMa: I need to cancel any _append statements performed in machine conf files without knowing what they are12:31
JaMa is indeed quite ugly :/12:32
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Ninic0c0Hello all, I'm trying to manage several distros but I have probably miss something. The main goal is to select correct version according the selected distro...13:01
LetoThe2ndNinic0c0: have recipes for all versions, and the distro sets PREFERRED_VERSION. thats the canonical approach for packages/recipes.13:04
RPpaulbarker: you can reset things from anonymous python with a setVar iirc13:06
Ninic0c0LetoThe2nd Thx for the tip!13:08
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RPsakoman: Sorry, I am trying to sort something on the autobuilder so your build was cancelled14:51
paulgsakoman, demand a refund!14:52
sakomanOh, sorry, restarted it thinking I screwed up somehow!14:52
LetoThe2ndjust realized that the YPS schedule says its all in the afternoon, late afternoon, even evening for EU timezones. is this correct and intentional?14:53
LetoThe2ndndec: ^^^^14:54
ndecIt's correct, and intentional ;)14:54
ndecit's the same 'schedule hours' as ELCe14:55
LetoThe2ndseriously? for some reason i was totally expecting a somewhat 9-5ish thing as conferences usually are.14:56
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LetoThe2nd*sigh* so much of an USian organizer taking care of Europe.14:57
qschulzLetoThe2nd: already ranted about it last week with rburton and someone else14:59
qschulzbut yeah, that's f-ed up14:59
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rburtonyeah for some reason they picked US eastern as a base time despite the point of ELC-E being that it's for europeans-and-further-east14:59
rburtongenuinely stupid15:00
LetoThe2ndyeah. thats really hilarious.15:01
qschulzLetoThe2nd: I'm surprised you don't want to watch a talk at 10pm though15:01
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dv_has anyone ever managed to get qmake to work with yocto sdks? when I tried to use nativesdk-packagegroup-qt5-toolchain-host , qmake did not find qmakespec files.15:03
dv_and I am confused what meta-toolchain-qt5 is for. "Meta package for building an installable Qt5 toolchain and SDK" - so it is its own entire SDK? why would one want that? why have an entirely separate SDK just for qt5?15:04
LetoThe2ndNo trolling now,
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lxchow to get git tag from the yocto repo? essentially wan't to do "git describe"15:08
JaMawhat? there is life outside the office??15:16
JaManow I know that I should blame daily calls at 6PM and 9PM :)15:17
LetoThe2ndJaMa: outside office == drinking space15:18
JaMaI drink in the office15:19
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khemlxc: you need to do that externally, I suppose you are trying to get tags for yocto repositories not for the components its building16:57
khemdv_: its about usecase, many folks write QT apps standalone, using QTCreator and other tooling provided by QT itself, so having a SDK address that is what meta-toolchain-qt5 does16:59
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khem halstead RP: is AB down ? I am getting 502 Bad Gateway errors17:01
halsteadkhem checking17:02
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halsteadkhem, Yes it is. Checking the logs and then bringing up17:04
halsteadkhem, Looks like it was send SIGTERM and exited gracefully.17:06
halsteadkhem, Back up now.17:06
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dv_khem: ah, okay17:14
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dv_khem: any way how I can qmake to work with a yocto sdk17:14
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dv_right now, I get "Cannot find feature spec_pre.prf"17:15
kiwi_29Hello...I get this error when trying to start toaster using "source toaster start"17:17
kiwi_29Failure while trying to setup toaster: Problem installing fixtures: no such table: orm_build__old17:17
kiwi_29More details here -->      Any ideas?17:17
kiwi_29All toaster dependencies are installed inside python virtual env ie. I am using python virtualenv for this17:17
lxckhem think ${GITVER} may do what I want17:17
RPhalstead: sorry, I've been trying to fix something17:18
alejandrohsmoto-timo: ^^17:18
RPkhem: please hold off builds for the moment, I need to fix something I've broken17:19
halsteadRP did I mess up your procedure by restarting the controller?17:20
moto-timokiwi_29: I've never seen that, but perhaps you need to run the migrations... $ source toaster migrate17:20
* moto-timo needs to double check syntax17:21
moto-timothanks alejandrohs for the ping17:21
kiwi_29moto-timo ... I did and it gave me error too. :(17:21
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moto-timokiwi_29: what is your host linux distribution and version?17:22
kiwi_29ubuntu 20.0417:22
moto-timokiwi_29: also, the CROPS toaster-container works so you could go with docker instead
moto-timokiwi_29: ok let me kick the tires in a vm17:23
kanavin_homeRP: right, I am also doing a bit of AB testing :)17:24
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RPkanavin_home: sorry, it will be back shortly17:26
RPWhat should have been a quick change in idle time earlier turned into a total disaster :(17:26
kiwi_29moto-timo the error when I run "../bitbake/lib/toaster/ makemigrations" is
khemdv_: usually adding nativesdk variant of qmake is all you need17:27
RPhalstead: it didn;t help but no harm done17:27
dv_nativesdk-qmake ?17:28
khemRP: ok so bring it down was intentional? maybe a good msg instead of 502 would have helped :)17:28
RPkhem: we've no way to do that :/17:28
khemhmm ok17:29
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khemusually a standing page to redirect queries maybe17:29
moto-timokiwi_29: that seems like a permissions issue. Does the sqlite database file exist and does your user have permissions on it?17:30
RPkanavin_home, sakoman, khem, halstead: ok, its back now and the BuildLog archival is now working as expected17:31
dv_Nothing RPROVIDES 'nativesdk-qmake'17:31
RPsorry about the interruptions17:31
* RP was worried about it breaking the wiki pages17:31
moto-timomy vm is out of disk space meh17:31
kanavin_homeRP: thanks, I started a-full :)17:33
kanavin_homefray: you owe me one
kiwi_29moto-timo .. sqlite3 itself was not installed.. I did apt install sqlite3 but still receiving same error17:34
kiwi_29let me do the whole thing again and will report17:35
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kiwi_29I do have write permission on toaster.sqlite file yes17:41
kiwi_29same error after redoing the whole thing17:41
kiwi_29I followed the toaster manual17:41
moto-timokiwi_29: it shouldn't be too different, but double check
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moto-timokiwi_29: I started a toaster-container build/test cycle with ubuntu-20.04 base container17:46
kiwi_29does the actual build also happen inside the container...or just toaster runs in container?17:47
moto-timotoaster and bitbake run in the container, your workspace should be on your host and bind mounted in as a docker volume17:48
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moto-timoso it will run with all the available cores and so on. Very little performance hit if any to running with Docker17:48
kiwi_29got it... let me try to solve my issue..if it is too much of hassle..I will have to shift to docker17:49
kiwi_29I have a lot of custom layers and stuff17:49
kiwi_29but I also tried on vanilla poky and still got same errors17:49
moto-timokiwi_29: feel free to file a bug on Toaster and we can dig in deeper. Not much more I can do until after the YP Summit next week17:50
moto-timotime constrained until then17:50
kiwi_29no problem...thank you for your time moto-timo .. I will ping again though ;) if I m stuck17:51
moto-timokiwi_29: happy to help... within the time I can spare right now :)17:51
moto-timokiwi_29: I pinged a co-worker to see if she has any other insights17:54
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manuel1985Do I have `devtool deploy-target` available in an Yocto-created SDK?18:00
moto-timomanuel1985: you need extensible SDK for that18:01
moto-timomanuel1985: but yes, it should work... I haven't done that in a couple years though18:01
manuel1985Oh, yeah, I was thinking about the extensible SDK to be honest :D Great, thank you18:01
moto-timomanuel1985: after the YP Summit next week I plan to revisit extensible SDK and the crops container for it. We as a community need to figure out how to use it with e.g. VSCode18:03
moto-timomanuel1985: including the Debug Console18:03
manuel1985Looking forward to that! And the the YP summit as well. I'm already signed up. Yes, VSCode integration sounds very interesting, and eSDK, and CI/CD... and just about everything :D18:04
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moto-timoapparently travis has a huge queue18:37
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rburtonmoto-timo: vscode+crops should be super trivial18:48
moto-timorburton: please blog about it <wink>18:51
moto-timorburton: especially including debugging and deploy to target18:51
moto-timovscode plus pyrex too18:52
moto-timoJPEW: ^^^18:52
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kiwi_29many thanks moto-timo  ... let me know if there is any solution to the issue18:59
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moto-timokiwi_29: the travis job errored out, so it might be time for you to file a bug on it19:16
kiwi_29got it...will do moto-timo19:16
manuel1985How do I need to write the `install(TARGET)` clauses of my CMakeLists.txt that they play well with Yocto and any other distribution?19:24
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* derRichard finds recipes-kernel/linux/ and pukes19:41
derRichardit took me a full hour to figure why the kernel source in my sdk is complete bonkers19:42
derRichardnow i find
derRichardyou assume a specific source layout. $customer kernel has patched in many drivers/headers with a layout which does not understand19:43
JPEWderRichard: You are trying to compile kernel modules in the SDK?19:47
derRichardso, i need a "sane" kernel tree :-)19:48
derRichardwe did an upgrade from sumo to zeus and faced super odd sdk regressions19:48
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derRicharde.g. our kernel makes use of xenomai, misses most xenomai headers/c files. so the kernel shipped by the sdk is broken19:49
derRichardand cannot be used to build modules19:49
derRichard        cp --parents $(find  -type f -name "Makefile*" -o -name "Kconfig*") $kerneldir/build19:50
derRichard        cp --parents $(find  -type f -name "Build" -o -name "Build.include") $kerneldir/build19:50
derRichardis clever, but in xenomai not every directory has a Build or Makefile...19:50
derRichardso whole directories of headers and source files are missing19:50
JPEWderRichard: Interesting. I've never tried to compile a kernel module with the SDK before19:51
derRichardwhy else do you ship a kernel tree with the sdk?19:52
derRichardSUMMARY = "Linux kernel Development Source"19:52
derRichardDESCRIPTION = "Development source linux kernel. When built, this recipe packages the \19:52
derRichardsource of the preferred virtual/kernel provider and makes it available for full kernel \19:52
derRicharddevelopment or external module builds"19:52
derRichardsounds like building modules is the purpose :-)19:52
derRichardanyway, sorry for the rant. i try to find a fix for now19:53
JPEWderRichard: I don't doubt that the purpose, I just haven't ever found a need to do it :)19:53
derRichardlucky you19:54
JPEWBut, I also most use monlithic r/o root filesystem images that get replaced with a new image when updated, so building a single module outside of Yocto itself (and having it baked into the rootfs in the process) isn't useful19:55
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derRichardJPEW: yocto produces a full rootfs for us, with all modules. but developers need to work with the sdk to be able to rebuild some parts of the system quickly19:57
derRichardso, they have the sdk installed and just clone the main software and type make19:57
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derRichardwe actually ship a sdk in terms of software development kit to our inhouse developers19:58
derRichardand only the core team is allowed to mess with yocto directly19:58
JPEWderRichard: Ya, we do that too (with waf though.... I don't recommend it ;) )19:59
derRichard(saldy) a huge part of the main software are kernel modules19:59
JPEWderRichard: Ah, that is sad20:00
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RPderRichard: Sorry you're running into issues. With some things we can't win with the size/time/completeness conflicts :/20:03
RPI'd think the kernel-devsrc changes were in the migration guide20:03
derRichardRP: well, i didn't realize that kernel-devsrc works only with "well known" kernels20:05
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derRichardRP: is it really worth the hassle? git log on meta/recipes-kernel/linux/ shows that the thing needs fixing for every new kernel version/arch over and over :-(20:12
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RPderRichard: it uses huge amounts of space/resources in testing on the autobuilder?20:12
moto-timoJPEW: waf is a curse word in German for a reason20:13
JPEWmoto-timo: It's getting to be a curse word in English for me....20:13
derRichardRP: disk space is cheap. developer's mental health not ;-)20:13
moto-timoJPEW: better than bazel I suspect20:14
derRichardmoto-timo: huh? i speak german but don't know "waf" as word.20:14
RPderRichard: its also time. What is developer time in test cycles runs worth?20:14
JPEWmoto-timo: Never used it, but I suspect you are correct20:14
RPderRichard: clearly my mental health is worthless for example20:14
moto-timoderRichard: I might have got that wrong but it was one of the names of a server that was supposedly based on German curse words20:15
derRichardRP: we have both good arguments. right now i'm a little grumpy. so... ;-)20:15
RPderRichard: I'm just trying to show its not an entirely straight forward issue :/20:15
moto-timoderRichard: I think the SDK and kernel (and extensible SDK) needs some love and perhaps rethinking things20:15
moto-timoRP: indeed20:15
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derRichardmoto-timo: agreed20:16
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RPderRichard: The sad thing is I think we have tried all the different approaches. We get complains whichever one we use (its too big, its too slow, its incomplete, etc)20:18
RPand if its configurable, its not obvious and nobody knows :)20:18
RPwe just can't win20:19
moto-timoderRichard: what we really need are use cases and the collateral so we can actually write test cases... but so much of the vendor kernel stuff is closed/private/not FOSS20:19
RPmoto-timo: this one isn't really about use cases, we know them, we just can't win :(20:19
moto-timoRP: it is indeed hard to please everyone20:19
moto-timoRP: not my normal daily usage, so I'm a bit naive20:19
derRichardhow about offering a kernel-devsrc-minimal, kernel-devsrc-full or kernel-devsrc-default?20:20
derRichardin my case, kernel-devsrc-full is also fine20:20
RPderRichard: we probably should. Which one do we test?20:20
derRichardall three?20:20
rewittisn't kernel-devsrc a target package though? I guess I don't understand how it fits in the context of the sdk20:24
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JPEWrewitt: IIUC, you want the kernel source in the SDK so you can compile kernel modules against it, just like you would have the -dev package for a target library in the SDK20:25
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* derRichard has kernel-devsrc in TOOLCHAIN_TARGET_TASK20:29
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rewittIn most cases with the kernel I would just prefer to rebuild everything and not get the target modules/etc, but I suppose if you were just trying to debug using kgdb or the like then it would be an extra step.20:42
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derRichardrebuild everything takes too long. rebuilding a single kernel module is a matter of seconds20:44
RPderRichard: testing all three for all architectures under qemu isn't something we have the time budget for :(20:45
derRichardRP: sad to hear :-(20:45
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rewittWould a variable that allows for including specific directories work? i.e. if you have a fork of the kernel with some unique layout KERNEL_DEVSRC_EXTRADIRS = "path/from/src/root/to/unique"20:47
derRichardrewitt: xenomai adds a *lot* directories :(20:49
derRichardright now i have bbappend file with a do_install_apppend(): cd ${S} && cp -a --parents $(find -type d -name "xenomai") $kerneldir/build20:49
derRichardthis seems to work. but needs more testing20:49
derRichardwhy don't you just copy every direcory what contains either a .{chS} file?20:50
oberstethi there! I'm looking for best practices / docs rgd structuring git repos, dir structure and conf files for a custom poky based distro (minimal/full flavors) for 3 different devices, so 2x3 images in total with different BSP layers needed for the devices and distro flavors. I am confused (beginner) - pls help ..20:51
RPderRichard: In general you don't need the .c or .S files if I remember correctly and we were trying to make something of a manageable size20:51
RPderRichard: I guess we thought copying all the source was easy enough for someone to write their own recipe for, its the subset which is harder20:52
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* RP thinks might be improved on where it was20:53
derRichardah right, just headers should be ok too.20:54
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RPtgamblin: I don't mean that reply to be negative, more that its a really hard problem to show information21:12
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khemRP: just cloned android tree, it took 4hrs just to clone :) I dont know how long to build21:16
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tgamblinRP: No worries, just wanted to make sure it was submitted for wider review before we started carrying it internally :)21:19
tgamblinOn the off chance it was useful to others, that is21:19
RPtgamblin: I'm torn on these things in core :/21:20
RPsome data can be better than non, equally people do tend to misunderstand it if we show it :/21:20
khemderRichard: I hope you have kernel dev manual handy especially
derRichardkhem: yes, we build all modules also in yocto21:23
tgamblinRP: Yeah, that was a concern I had when putting it together. It's clear to us what the new version would mean, but I can see how it would mislead people21:24
RPtgamblin: I was asked for a long time to add a general sstate usage summary. I did eventually. I've not heard anyone say its actually what they wanted as they don't understand it :/21:25
kergothyeah.. i used to use buildstats-summary as it was better than nothing, but i ended up disabling it for mel as it just didn't tell the whole story, so it was misleading21:26
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manuel1985I think in both Buildroot and Yocto it's possible to set if one would like recipes to create shared or static libraries. So this decision seems to be done by the package maintainer, not the developer. Why? I think most people set this in their project. That doesn't mean it's right, though.21:35
tgamblinRP: sounds good. I will respond to the mailing list too just for completeness21:35
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RPtgamblin: it is good to share these things as it gets others thinking and if a majority would find something useful...21:42
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