Thursday, 2024-02-08

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dvergataland it is working :D nice00:38
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jdiezrob_w: are you RobW from yesterday? we were talking about some meta-ros* build failures08:08
rob_wnope sorry08:09
jdieznp sorry08:09
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LetoThe2ndyo dudX09:01
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MeyrevivedHey all, I have a question for an automation job I'm building09:10
mckoanMeyrevived: dont't ask to ask, ask :-D09:11
MeyrevivedPart of the job is to benchmark a qemu emulator running various yocto versions. The job code is in Python, I'm using qemu.qmp and I keep getting "qemu.qmp.ConnectError Failed to establish connection: [Errno 2] No such file or directory"09:12
MeyrevivedI suspect that it's because even though I'm running my program from the yocto's build dir after running source oe-init-build-env, the new process the python runs does not have this command run and I'm not sure how to incorporate it into my code.09:12
MeyrevivedActually, it's impossible to run "source" commands with python. I thought about a separate bash script that would run these commands and bitbake etc. but the rest of the automation job is python and if there's the slightest chance that it can be done via python or just more elegantly, I prefer to find a way to do it.09:16
MeyrevivedI've only been familiar with the Yocto project for the past ~4 months so there's a lot I don't know yet.09:16
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luc4Hello! I'm creating my first image with yocto for an embedded device that will run a single task. For such a device, would you run everything as the root user? Or would you create a multi-user system?09:39
neverpanicAlways create a multi-user system. Never run services as root.09:47
abellonidefinitively run the service as a simple user09:47
neverpanicIt's just basic security hygiene to do this right.09:47
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jdiezhow do you guys iterate on image builds? in the general case where more than a single package has changed. Do you rewrite the flash every time? or only update the rootfs somehow?10:22
rburtonjdiez: you can turn on package management and update with that, assuming you have networking between target and build machine10:23
rburtonjdiez: if you're writing code then devtool can deploy binaries over ssh directly10:23
jdiezyeah, I have package management enabled. If you mean `devtool deploy-target`, AFAIU that only works on a single package basis10:24
jdiezfor example, I just added generation of a locale to my distro config. That caused a couple of other packages to be rebuilt. Would I do `devtool deploy-target core-image-minimal` or so?10:27
rburtondevtool deploy-target is, as you say, for a single traditional recipe10:29
rburtonnot image-wide10:29
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rburtonjdiez: see and for how to use a package feed.  basically: set PACKAGE_FEED_URIS in your distro/local.conf for where the build machine's http server will be.  rebuild image once to get that information in the image and install that.10:33
rburtonthen run a web server on the deploy feed (python3 -mhttp.server works) and 'bitbake package-index' when you want to use it.10:33
rburtonat that point you can opkg/dnf/apt update/upgrade/install as needed.10:33
jdiezokay, I see. Neat. Thanks.10:34
rburton(if you set PACKAGE_FEED_URIS you don't need to do any config on the target)10:34
jdiezI suppose a PR server is also needed to increment package versions after rebuilds?10:36
rburtonif you want it to just work yes.  i'm too lazy and know what i changed so just tell opkg to reinstall :)10:38
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jdiezI'm ending up with ~1GB of unneeded firmware in /lib/firmware and 177 linux-firmware-* packages installed, even though my `MACHINE_FIRMWARE` variable only contains like 5 entries. Why would that happen?10:52
JaMajdiez: see package dependencies something is pulling linux-firmware package for you probably10:53
JaMajdiez: last time it was symlink from one of the linux-firmware-* packages to a file in linux-firmware10:53
jdiezyeah, I'm looking at, but it's not clear to me what is depending on the whole linux-firmware package10:54
jdiezoh I see, it's this:
jdiezhow rude of meta-sdr :) (I found it by `rg linux-firmware meta*`)10:56
jdiezseems kind of unusual to include linux-firmware in a package group that deals with userspace applications, not sure why the author would do that in the first place (except a misconfigured build on their side?)10:59
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abelloniI'm using nfs so I don't have to flash anything11:11
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JaMajdiez: it was there before 2014 (when the package wasn't so big yet) already see
JaMajdiez: patches are surely welcome11:17
JaMajdiez: Crofton:
jdiezJaMa: yeah will gladly open a PR, just wanted to understand the context of why that was added11:18
JaMayeah, the commit message sucks11:18
usvihello. I have a strange problem where out of a sudden, th sqlite database gets corrupted11:20
usviI collected a couple of run logs here:
usviI start to get "Removing 3 stale sstate objects for" messages and then in the next run the build fails11:22
rburtonusvi: if you want a quick fix, deleting the tmp/ and rebuilding from sstate would do that and take about a minute11:26
rburtonbut saving tmp/ and filing a bug would be useful11:26
usviI'm probably just doing something against the rules, so I'll go with deleting the cache first11:27
rburtondeleting all of tmp is save, it will just pull from your sstate-cache11:31
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rburton(and the database that pseudo is talking about is in tmp/)11:31
usviaHaa TMPDIR = "${TOPDIR}/arago-tmp"11:33
usvihmm, I did not have that directory. I had arago-tmp-default-glibc11:39
usvithis is directly from TI, I just checked fresh checkout & setup11:40
usvishould I have the variable as ${TOPDIR}/arago-tmp-default-glibc ?11:40
rburtonarago probably extends the value11:43
rburtonbitbake-getvar TMPDIR will tell you what the value is11:43
rburtonbut also: the file you have on disk tells you what the value is :)11:44
RPDoes anyone know if ninja changed the way it forks off processes?11:46
CroftonHey! I'm not at a computer right now and am in a tube. I suspect it was a case of I needed a demo to work11:46
RPI'm suspecting it might fork off "as much as it can" with a lowered nice level11:47
RPCrofton: as long as it isn't a sealed tube I guess11:47
RPkanavin, rburton: any ideas what ninja is doing or if it changed?11:48
kanavinnot off the top of my head11:49
kanavinRP, ^11:49
usvirburton: you were right, it is expanded correctly to arago-tmp-default-glibc11:50
RPkanavin: ok, thanks11:50
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Crofton@jdiez: I'm traveling at the moment. The Linux firmware is likely a 9 year old artifact. Things were likely very different then.11:54
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usviI am NOT building on tmpfs, I hope this is not a problem12:03
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jdiezCrofton: yeah, gotcha. I will open a MR with some fixes soon. Thank you for the feedback!12:38
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usvimy predecessor had made this in a recipe  install -m 0700 ${S}/src/lib/* ${D}/usr/lib/python3.5/12:46
usvibut how do I make this dynamic ?12:46
usvibecause now I updated from thud to kirkstone and python got updated from 3.5 to 3.1012:46
usviis there a dynamic lib variable for python3 version?12:47
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yoctonDoes that make sense for a recipe to inherit native AND useradd ? (It feels wrong to me)12:59
rburtonRP: not aware of any ninja changes and we last upgraded a long time ago13:10
rburtonusvi: see python3-dir.bbclass13:10
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rburtonusvi: a better way is to use a python build system to install, and that will know where to put it13:10
RPrburton: this performance thing does seem to have been there a while :/13:12
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usvirburton: okey thanks13:18
RPhow big/heavy are vulkan-samples and vulkan-validation? :/13:29
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michalsieronlandgraf: do you remember this bug with premirrors I reported two weeks ago?
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michalsieronit turns out the provided solution didn't fix my use case13:34
michalsieronor at least not directly13:34
michalsieronwhat did fix it was this patch
rburtonRP: i don't _think_ samples is that heavy13:35
michalsieronbtw. how am I supposed to understand this paragraph from the RRECOMMENDS docs
michalsieron> Packages specified in RRECOMMENDS need not actually be produced. [...] If such a recipe does exist and the package is not produced, the build continues without error.13:40
michalsieronIf recipe `foo` pulls in recipe `bar` through RRECOMMENDS and `bar` has an error during compilation, should the build continue (as in `bar` errors degraded to warnings) or fail?13:40
Sauryocton: No, it does not make any sense for a recipe that inherits native to also inherit useradd.13:42
rburtonmichalsieron: all that means is that its not an error to recommend a package that doesn't exist, and it won't cause dependency failures when you build an image13:43
yoctonSaur: Thanks for the confirmation! :)13:44
michalsieronrburton: > However, there must be a recipe providing each package, either through the PACKAGES or PACKAGES_DYNAMIC variables or the RPROVIDES variable, or an error will occur during the build.13:45
michalsieronIn what situation does package not exist but is still being provided?13:45
rburtonyeah that needs rewording13:46
rburtonpackage A can recommend B, and it's fine if B doesn't exist13:46
Saurmichalsieron: There are many cases where packages are provided but not created. E.g., most recipes do not actually produce an ${PN}-doc package even if it is listed in PACKAGES.13:47
michalsieronSaur: so situations where package is empty and doesn't set ALLOW_EMPTY?13:48
rburtonit literally just means a package can recommend another package that doesn't have to exist13:51
michalsieronok. thanks13:54
Ad0how do I completely turn off hostname and serial console both in u-boot and kernel?13:57
Ad0I want to sent a transient hostname and yocto fills it in with the machine13:57
Ad0it has to be empty to be set as a transient in kernel 5.10+13:57
Ad0or at least in kirkstone13:58
rburtonAd0: you'll want to poke at base-files13:58
michalsieronand when it comes to difference between RRECOMMENDS and RSUGGESTS, is it:13:58
michalsieronrecommends -> package manager will install (possibly by default, with potential option to disable) all recommended packages, but removing one later would not break dependency chain13:58
michalsieronsuggests -> user can see, which packages may be related and beneficial to have installed alongside, but has to install them on their own13:58
michalsieronor in other words, RRECOMMENDS is opt out and RSUGGESTS is opt in?13:58
michalsierondo I understand that correctly?13:58
Ad0hostname:pn-base-files has to be empty if it's even allowed13:58
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rcwjdiez: I am RobW from yesterday (I was being lazy about fixing my NickServ, but just did it to avoid future confusion)14:45
rcwjdiez: How are things going?14:46
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jdiezrcw: welcome back :) I got ros2 humble running on my board, with the pyyaml PACKAGECONFIG fix that moto-timo suggested. I tried your mickledore-next branch, but I still had the build error14:48
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rcwjdiez: I'm glad to hear that!  If you have a moment could you file an issue on github about the pyyaml error you saw with the fix?14:49
jdiezrcw: I can definitely do that, but it's not a problem with any code in meta-ros*14:49
* rcw nods14:50
rcwSince Mickledore is EOL, I don't mind taking the patch in meta-ros14:50
jdiezokay, gotcha. Will file an issue shortly14:51
jdiezin the meantime, I have another ROS-related question, if you don't mind14:51
jdiezhow should user-created/downstream ROS packages or workspaces be packaged? Should I use superflore as well?14:51
jdiezI added demo-nodes-cpp to my IMAGE_INSTALL, and they end up getting installed in /usr/lib/demo_nodes_cpp14:52
rcwjdiez: I wouldn't recommend superflore, it is really just for the packages tracked by rosdep15:01
rcwjdiez: In our working group, we discussed creating sample recipes as a starting point for different ROS application types15:02
rcwIn the mean-time, you might take a look at the recipes for the ros2/demos examples (
jdiezrcw: that would be highly useful for us as well :) but if you can just give me general hints or some docs pointers, that would be cool15:04
jdiezyep, was looking at that15:06
jdiezso we would write something like this:
usvilets say a recipe builds an ipk. is there possibility to copy that ipk somewhere for archival purposes as a part of the recipe?15:07
rcwjdiez: Also, if you have questions specific to ROS or meta-ros instead of Yocto, you may also get in touch with me here:
jdiezwhich using the classes and such in meta-ros, will create a package containing a ros workspace with the nodes/launch files in demo_nodes_cpp, and deploy it to /usr/share/demo_nodes_cpp?15:07
usviI tried to spy the environment but could not find anything I could use15:07
jdiezrcw: cool, thanks, will join!15:07
rcwWe just created #cwg-openembedded.  So far Ryan and I have started talking about this stuff there15:08
Ad0rburton, if [ "${hostname}" ]; then15:08
Ad0what if I set it to a whitespace15:09
Ad0or should I rather do a do_install:append15:09
jdiezrcw: don't see that in the channel browser15:09
Ad0I guess that is the safest since the check might change in the future15:10
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rcwIt is just under "Working Groups" I am "robwoolley" on Discord, if you message me I can invite you.15:11
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jdiezrcw: friend request sent :) I need to work on some other things for a bit, will catch up with you all later on Discord15:14
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rburtonusvi: is the archiver class what you're after?15:20
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usvirburton: I'll take a look, thanks again15:26
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rburtonusvi: might not be but depends on your needs15:29
usvirburton: btw I ran the build from point 0 scratch, again "Removing 3 stale sstate objects for arch"15:30
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usviand failed build, again with different output15:33
usviok I gotta analyze later15:33
usviIf I clean the image and rebuild, it works15:33
rcwHere is the proper link for anyone else that wants to join @cwg-openembedded on the OSRF Discord server:
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landgrafhas ordering ROOTFS_POSTPROCESS_COMMAND been changed recently? It broke usecases (workarounds) like this one
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moto-timorcw: is there a way to get an .ical for the ROS OE WG meetings?16:43
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rburtonlandgraf: remove the ;16:59
rburtonapart from that i didn't think it meaningfully changed16:59
RPlandgraf: it shouldn't have changed, we did just add code to remove the ';' chararcters17:01
landgrafRP: I had to replace += with :append to fix it. += from the recipe added the fixup function before empty_volatile one17:03
landgrafnot sure if it's bug or feature :)17:03
landgrafchanged in 'classes/recipes: Switch to use inherit_defer' commit according to bisect17:04
RPlandgraf: it might be inherit_defer that changed17:04
RPlandgraf: right17:04
landgrafI was suprised that my inteview task I did few weeks ago stopped working :-D Thankfully it worked at the time of the interview17:05
landgrafRP: for that qemu bug I've deployed debian 12 and trying to reproduce it locally. Hopefully will have more time tomorrow/Sat.  Forgot about the triage today while bisecting rootfs postcommand issue :-/17:08
RPlandgraf: glad it worked when it needed to! :)17:08
RPlandgraf: np, it will be interesting to see if you can reproduce it or whether there is something about the autobuilder setup. Worst case we can get you access to one of the workers17:09
* landgraf was hit by bugs/features in meta-aws, meta-virtualization, meta-oe and oe-core this week :)17:12
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RPlandgraf: quite the collection. I'm sure the oe-core ones were all features :)17:13
JaMaRP: isn't the BB_PRESSURE_MAX_CPU still a bit low? bitbake is reporting higher numbers since nanbield (will find the link with details)17:18
RPJaMa: could be. I'll have a look at the logs after this and see if it needs to be higher17:19
JaMaRP: I'm using 200K and still it throttles, but YMMV on your builders17:21
JaMawhile before I was using just 1K with similar results17:22
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RPJaMa: on current builds with the previous setting it has 5 of 16 tasks running and hovering in and out of load which is kind of what you'd expect it to do17:23
RP is a live one with the previous values17:23
JaMa shows that with kirkstone 1K and 100K finished in ~2:15, while with the "logic fixes" backported it went down to 3:42 for 1K and for 2:15 build time I had to use 100K17:24
JaMasimilarly with nanbield with 1K it was terribly slow 4:34 and only after bumping to 100K it went to reasonable 2:3317:25
RPJaMa: do you have any load graphs for that system under these different scenarios ?17:26
JaMayes, there are somehwere in the repo for various builds17:26
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RPJaMa: builds do feel slow on the AB at the moment17:27
RPvmeson: any thoughts on whether we do need higher values?17:28
JaMaTBH my local and jenkins builds feel slower recently even without regulation enabled on jenkins builds17:29
JaMabut our jenkins are now on some cloud nodes which I don't have access to HW, so I blame the HW/virtualization there17:29
RPJaMa: our autobuilder hw hasn't changed so I'm not sure what is going on17:30
JaMawebruntime from OSE eating all the CPUs :)17:30
RPheh, probably :)17:31
JaMathat's the benchmark for me, because webruntime.do_compile time fluctuation on our jenkins nodes is terrible (from 1 to 6 hours)17:31
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JaMaI've added list of graphs in but unfortunatelly didn't create screenshots from grafana from this last pressure regulation testing17:48
JaMaso last is e.g. from langdale
rcwmoto-timo: We are on the Open Robotics Community Event calendar:
rcwI think you can just click on the ROS OpenEmbedded meeting and do "copy to my calendar"17:51
rcwHere is the ICS file for the whole thing:
RPJaMa: I'll have to try and find a way to run some isolated tests I think...17:56
moto-timorcw: thank you I was able to add only the OE WG meeting from the ics link.18:12
moto-timorcw: this coming week it will conflict with OE TSC meeting (and a US holiday)18:13
rcwmoto-timo: Thanks, we have a holiday here too.  I updated the minutes but haven't sent out a notice yet:
vmesonRP: I haven't read #yocto yet and I'm in yet another meeting so I won't have time for a while.  load average changes so slowly that I think it's okay to raise it . Could it make things worse? !!18:26
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jdiezwhen using a remote sstate cache (i.e. on a webserver NOT in the LAN), how much data would be downloaded by a developer who doesn't have a local copy, when building e.g. core-image-minimal?18:46
jdiezand what (roughly) order of magnitude of requests? 10? 1k?18:47
kanavinjdiez, it's not difficult to run a local experiment that would establish the answers to these18:48
kanavinjdiez, when building images with a fully populated sstate, only the final rpm (opkg/deb) packages would be fetched from there, and a few extras needed to construct the image18:50
vmesonRP: I read the #yocto  history and see that you're asking if we should raise the pressure limit, not the load average limit. As you say, more data would be useful.18:50
kanavinrpm sstate is not split by package, it's one object per recipe with all the packages inside though, so you'd be fetching -dbg -dev etc even if they're not used18:50
* vmeson runs some tests on a 24 core system overnight...18:51
jdiezkanavin: gotcha, thanks18:52
vmesonI'll likely just change the CPU pressure limit: 1000, 2000, 4000, ... and see how long a "no-sstate, with all the source fetched"  build of  core-image-minimal build takes.18:53
JaMavmeson: I would start with no regulation to get the baseline, then 1K, 10K, 100K, on 64 thread machine I have similar build time only with 100K or more19:03
khemkanavin: I think jdiez is asking if say the metadata checkedout with no local state and configured to fetch from a remote sstate mirror on internet, and say bitbake finds that 100% of cache can be found on the remote sstate server then how much data will be downloaded. Its important to know for capped internet speeds. What I would say it will depend upon what is being built. but we can have rough numbers for say unmodified core-image-minimal and19:03
khemcore-image-sato etc.19:03
khemJaMa: hmmm I might be a victim of this slowness as well.. how much RAM do you have on these machines with 64 cores19:04
jdiezkhem: yeah, I just wanted to get a general idea. It seems the number of requests/downloaded data is "roughly proportional" to the packages affected by whichever changes are done by the remote developer. I guess if they want to compile anything, they would download the sstate for the cross compiler and such19:05
khemjdiez: I would say do an experiment with unmodified tree and see how much it fetches19:06
jdiezyeah, will do19:06
khemit will be in few GBs since thats what I see generated when building from scratch and populating local sstate on the way19:07
khemmy builds do have clang etc. so it is a bit more19:07
moto-timorburton: vmeson: on a hunch I disabled the 'perbranch' .annotate part of the StatsView code and it is ok... the overall statistics are:19:14
moto-timorburton: vmeson  we do want that per branch info though... because if you look at any modern branch, the number of layers is less by about 200 (the are a couple hundred "master" layers that are long bit rotted to not being functional, but layerindex doesn't currently know any better as far as the code goes)19:16
khemrburton: are we looking at layer.conf for LAYERSERIES_COMPAT19:17
JaMakhem: 128G19:17
khemsome layers may have single branch support multiple release branches19:17
khemJaMa: ok my case exact half of yours VM it is 32core/64G19:18
JaMakhem: but need to restrict -j for e.g. chromium to avoid OOMK, so 2G per cpu thread is no longer enough for some things like chromium and node19:18
JaMaBB_PRESSURE_MAX_CPU = "200000"19:18
JaMa#BB_PRESSURE_MAX_CPU = "1000000"19:18
JaMaPARALLEL_MAKE = "-j 70 -l 140"19:18
moto-timoand the multiple release support is a conundrum for LayerIndex... what if a 'kirkstone' git branch exists and yet real development/support is on 'master' git branch? (meta-webosose fits this model for instance). Then layerindex either has to guess, or a human has to be involved.19:18
JaMa#PARALLEL_MAKE:pn-qtwebengine = "-j 40"19:18
JaMaPARALLEL_MAKE:pn-webruntime = "-j 40"19:18
khemhmm my lazy math was 2G per core19:19
khemJaMa: BB_NUMBER_THREADS is a bit low isnt it19:20
khemwhen its not building these hoarders it will be not using full resources19:20
JaMaincreasing it doesn't help with build time for me, only makes the overload spikes worse19:20
khemhave you tries doing a world build with meta-openembedded included ?19:21
JaMaeven with 200K BB_PRESSURE_MAX_CPU it's still often restricted to less than 8 most of the time anyway19:21
vmesonJaMa: sure19:21
vmesonmoto-timo: thanks!19:21
JaMakhem: yes and with multilib and other bigger layers, then the world builds take ~30 hours19:22
moto-timovmeson: I'm a little bit surprised it's 25k recipes, but I still think it pales compared to debian or fedora.19:23
vmeson~25,000 recipes is about what I expected. I assume that Debian's QA is better than what we do for 80% of those recipes but I really don't know.19:23
moto-timovmeson: debian QA covers nearly all of their packages, we only cover OE core and whatever individual layer maintainers do.19:24
JaMait's true that our PCs as many times faster, but the things I do are as slow as they were 30 years ago (as the tasks get bigger and bigger as well)19:24
JaMawith 128G ram I still cannot search all the world builds in jenkins console output on web (is much faster to fetch the logs and search locally)19:25
moto-timovmeson: (922 recipes in oe-core)19:26
moto-timovmeson: some of those recipes marked as "Unknown" if you click through are deleted. again RRS doesn't have code to handle that yet.19:27
moto-timovmeson: (1755 recipes in meta-openembedded)19:28
JaMakhem: I'll probably give-up on those xfstests, I've reproduced the "cp:" error again during another 100 rebuilds, now checking without parallel make in do_install19:29
vmesonmoto-timo: yep. more than 3K, < 50K, and Debian has > 50K ( I don't care about the exact number).19:29
JaMakhem: but those cleanups are IMHO still useful so please keep them in master-next19:29
vmesonmoto-timo:  yeah, the 1775 number seems low: fd \.bb$ | rev | cut -d"/" -f1 | rev | sort  | rg -v packagegroup | wc -l -> 215019:30
moto-timovmeson: and non of those are cross compiled on debian or fedora.19:30
* vmeson looks at the list...19:30
moto-timovmeson: RRS code might have some issues... I was just happy to get it to display/run the reports again.19:30
vmesonignoring native recipes -> 213819:31
vmesonmoto-timo: yes!!19:31
moto-timovmeson: and last I checked, debian was significantly more than fedora... maybe 2x higher or something like that19:32
vmesonk, it's finally time to read today's batch of email.19:32
moto-timovmeson: maybe once you bring in rpmfusion you get similar numbers... not sure19:32
* moto-timo recalls that the code probably would answer the # of packages in Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora and OpenSUSE question19:34
moto-timobroken currently19:34
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fullstopAny suggestions on A/B partitioning schemes for a device which is connected over a cellular modem?20:05
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khemfullstop: is it constrained by amount of data it can have as update bundle?20:10
khemif not then symmetric dual bank system might be fine, it has redundancy20:11
fullstopI would like to send binary deltas, if that is what you are asking.20:11
fullstopbut I would be fine with sending kernel + dt + rootfs as one bundle.20:12
khemyeah thats what I thought, since you want these systems to have as small update as possible20:12
khemis  a good doc to get some ideas20:13
fullstopthanks, khem, I appreciate it.20:13
khemand this one too
khemanother consideration is to partition most frequent updates to one bundle and slow ones to other bundle, eg. lot of embedded apps are base OS + single application so separate application out to have its own upgradable bundle20:17
khemthats what I have seen, often app is upgraded more frequently20:18
fullstopI was planning on having, a much smaller application partition, and the remainder of the space being used for "data", and not included in A/B20:18
fullstopKernel + rootfs probably need to go together in one bundle because of kmod versions20:19
khemyeah or you can get more granular with bdiff and bpatch. see
khemI meant bsdiff/bspatch20:22
fullstopYes, I've used those in the Android world.20:28
khemRP: it seems core-image-sato-sdk:do_testimage gets stuck for qemuriscv64 builds on AB20:28
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khemwell its not really stuck I can ssh into qemu and it is running a build of cpio :) so I just need to be more patient I guess20:32
khemRP: I am also seeing "ERROR: Exited from signal Killed (9)" in some ptest runs e.g. with core-image-ptest-libmodule-build-perl on riscv qemu, if I run the test manually inside qemu it works ok so I guess it fails in core-image-ptest-all runs perhaps due to resource pressure on build host20:43
khemI am trying it with QB_MEM:virtclass-mcextend-libmodule-build-perl = "-m 2048" lets see20:44
khemJaMa those xfstests happens in my CI too, so I am interested in trying your patches out and see if it fixes them20:58
khemJaMa: interestingly it only happens for qemuarm builds in my case20:58
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AdrianF :q:q:q21:09
khemAdrian seems to quite annoyed, start using VScode :)21:10
simonewvim still open :D?21:10
AdrianFHm.. yes, I use vim as well.21:13
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shoraganfullstop, if you don't need to have the smallest possible download, RAUC's adaptive update can be a way to keep the simplicity of a A/B rootfs layout while skipping the download of unchanged parts:
shoraganthe more reproducible your build is, the smaller the changes in the rootfs image. yocto is pretty good for that by now, if configured correctly21:25
fullstopthanks, shoragan, I will definitely read more about adaptive updates.  It sounds promising.21:30
JaMakhem: I have reproduced it in qemux86-64 and various other MACHINEs21:32
JaMakhem: I have a lot of debug in install-sh now, but there is nothing which could explain this, now it's on 80th iteration without issue21:33
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JaMakhem: but I'll fix it eventually, now there is no turning back :) unless one of the people who touched the recipe will beat me to it21:35
jdiezfullstop: I'm also looking into small-as-possible updates (for satellite use cases, there the uplink is even more limited) and out of the options in the software update wiki page, meta-updater seems the most promising to me:
jdiezin short: it's file based binary diffs, you only need one partition and you can have multiple software versions (ostree commits)21:41
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JaMakhem: now I have xfstests reliable reproducer, fix comming soon (I hope)22:09
manuel_How are you people testing your yocto images? Are you using labgrid or
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khemJaMa: good going ! reproducing reliably is the hard problem, which you seem to have handle over22:31
khemzeddii: 6.6.15 is regressing riscv32 see -
khem6.6.12 does not have this issue so I wonder22:37
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DiogenesMountainHello, I hope everyone is well. I have two images: a production and development image. The machine and distro are currently the same. Is there any way to apply a patch to the kernel source but only for the development image? I believe that with packages in userspace you can create a separate recipe (e.g. recipe, recipe-dev) and install either23:57
DiogenesMountainpackage into an image as required. Is there a similar approach that can be done for patches to the kernel source? Thanks in advance.23:57
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