Sunday, 2024-02-18

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khemit would be cool to have buildtools tarballs for all build host deps included, might speed up incremental builds01:54
khemsometimes I change a patch for a package like zlib trying to build a ptest and it rebuilts zlib-native and I am in for rebuilding whole world01:54
khemofcourse I know way around it, but its not intutive01:55
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JaMakhem: are you using hashserv? that should stop zlib-native causing rebuilds for everything when the ptest change for target zlib doesn't affect the build output of zlib-native02:06
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khemRP: something in master-next broke riscv32 core-image-sato run on AB :( did you see ?02:14
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khemJaMa: interestingly, this is a report on older LTS like dunfell02:54
khemso I have to say new upcoming LTS might be good02:55
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RPkhem: not always, I think there is an intermittent kernel crash in there13:50
RPJaMa: sadly the native builds are not reproducible :(13:51
RPkhem: next up is to clean up - rust tests need filtering a bit13:52
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RPkhem: I've added some in master-next, we'll see how the next attempt goes13:59
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JPEWRP: sent the siggen patches. Be aware of the dependency of the OE patch on the bitbake patches20:09
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Ad0MACHINE_FEATURES and DISTRO_FEATURES sometimes has to be in tandem, for example bluetooth, but I guess it's unorthodox to modify DISTRO_FEATURES in your machine.conf if it's even available there, which I assume it is20:49
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JaMaAd0: there is COMBINED_FEATURES but modifying DISTRO_FEATURES from machine.conf is just wrong21:03
Ad0yeah where do you put that even21:04
Ad0I ended up doing it all in distro with MACHINE_FEATURES:machine:append21:04
Ad0COMBINED_FEATURES is interesting but should it be used?21:06
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JaMaCOMBINED_FEATURES is the intersection between DISTRO and MACHINE FEATURES, you don't set it anywhere, but you can use it in conditionals21:07
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JaMabut if DISTRO_FEATURES intentionally doesn't have bluetooth, then machine.conf shouldn't try to enable it even when the machine does support bluetooth21:08
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Ad0Some distro features are also machine features. These select features make sense to be controlled both at the machine and distribution configuration level. See the COMBINED_FEATURES variable for more information.21:14
Ad0"Provides a list" is the key here I guess21:15
Ad0also another thing is some recipes use ${THISDIR}/${PN} vs ${THISDIR}/files21:18
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simonewabelloni:  We now have a CVE for libxml2 in the current version 2.11.5  in oe-core. A upgrade to 2.12.5 would help, I however saw your note that already the upgrade to 2.12.3 would break webkit. Any hope to fix this? How exactly would this break? Otherwhise I was thinking of just backporting the fix for the CVE only.21:34
RPJPEW: thanks22:00
RPJPEW: looks like it conflicts with the hashserv duplicates patch :/22:09
JPEWRP: Ah yes. Do you want me to rebase on master next, or wait until it's merged?22:16
RPJPEW: is that patch ok? I wasn't sure you'd reviewed it. I could ask them to resend?22:17
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JPEWRP: ya it looks good. Addressed my comments, I must have missed v222:32
RPSaur_Home: why do issues like wait until after I merge patches :/22:33
RPI cant know for sure it was that sstate one but the timing is suspicious :(22:34
RPJPEW: is it straight forward for you to rebase or should I drop that and test your patches? I'm conscious yours is a bit more complex to get in22:34
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JPEWProbably easier to rebase that change on mine; I've just done that, running the tests now to make sure they pass22:47
JPEWRP: I'll send the patches shortly22:47
JPEWOr I guess just the one22:47
JPEWIf that's OK with you22:48
Saur_HomeRP: It is suspicious indeed. :( However, the .siginfo file is not handled by the functions Tobias changed, which made me realize that I actually do not know when and how the .siginfo file is created (compared to the code we just changed).22:49
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JPEWblerg, I also forgot a patch in the bitbake series b/c I cannot count :/22:50
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RPSaur_Home: you're right, particularly given this is a non sstate task22:58
RPJPEW: that is fine with me22:59
JPEWRP: Ok, just resent the whole series that now includes tobias patch23:00
JPEWAnd the 2 I missed :D23:00
JPEWI have to take my kid to a birthday party, but if there are any problems I'll look first thing in the monrinig23:01
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RPJPEW: ok, thanks23:14
Saur_HomeRP: Btw, I found a bug in the Git version of latest_versionstring() while working on the fixes for my devtool patches. I'll send a patch for it, once I figure out how to make bb.tests.fetch.FetchLatestVersionTest.test_git_latest_versionstring actually test for the case. Is there some way I can make bitbake-selftest print a debug message while23:19
Saur_Homerunning the test so that I can see what is happening?23:19
RPSaur_Home: print() should work in selftest23:24
RPwill display if the test fails23:24
Saur_HomeWell, it doesn't fail, which it should, and no matter what I change, I cannot seem to get it to fail...23:25
Saur_HomeThe only thing I know is that I am running the correct version of the test because if I make a syntax error, it does fail...23:28
RPSaur_Home: put in an assert for False being True, that should fail...23:32
Saur_HomeMeh, I figured it out by modifying one of the old entries so it failed.23:32
Saur_HomeThe problem is that the test is written so that any version higher than the one specified satisfies the test. The problem with the case I found (from the sysdig recipe), is that it is supposed to find 0.35.2, but it incorrectly finds 11.0.0, which obviously is much higher than the expected...23:34
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