Monday, 2024-02-19

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abellonisimonew: this is the failure:
abelloni../libsoup-2.74.3/libsoup/soup-xmlrpc.c:1206:15: error: implicit declaration of function 'xmlParseMemory' [-Werror=implicit-function-declaration]00:39
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newbieHi I am trying to add meson0.63 to dunfell but facing Could not inherit file classes/python_setuptools_build_meta.bbclass. If I add this file classes directory gettting another issue as ERROR: ExpansionError during parsing /openembedded-core/meta/recipes-devtools/meson/
newbie| ETA:  0:00:0006:38
newbieTraceback (most recent call last):06:38
newbie  File "Var <install_templates>", line 1, in <module>06:38
newbie  File "/home/khan/bin/sources/openembedded-core/meta/classes/meson.bbclass", line 38, in meson_array(var='BUILD_READELF', d=<bb.06:38
newbieHow can I fix this?06:38
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RPAt least the builds feel faster now we're not rebuilding glibc/qemu every build run08:53
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dvergatalis it possible to set initramfs image bundle name?09:25
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Ad0hm, I modified systemd-networkd-wait-online.service, and I can see it in my resulting image, but in real linux it's unmodified10:08
Ad0something must be generating it10:08
Ad0maybe I have to modify /etc/systemd/system/ instead10:11
* RP notes we didn't say exactly when the freeze was today. I could make my life easier and say it was now passed and we're done for 5.0 while the builds work :)10:20
RPthat is what I should do...10:20
* RP notes toaster has a CVE announced: CVE-2024-25626
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Tyaku_Hello, I am looking how to remove the "login prompt" in the serial console of my linux board. Currently I successfully remove: U-Boot logs and kernel loading logs, But I still have the login prompt10:56
Tyaku_On internet I found many solutions, like looking in /etc/inittab10:56
Tyaku_but I don't have this file10:56
rburtonTyaku_: are you using systemd?10:56
Tyaku_Yes I am using systemd10:57
Tyaku_It seems that the software doing this is "/sbin/agetty -8 -L ttymxc1 115200 linux"10:57
rburtondon't install the systemd-getty service10:57
Tyaku_I think I already disabled it, by modifing 90-preset file (I found it on google)10:58
rburtonthere's a package called something like systemd-getty which installs .service files that start gettys10:58
Tyaku_do_install:append:hub-mz() { sed -i -e "s/enable getty@.service/disable getty@.service/g" ${D}${systemd_unitdir}/system-preset/90-systemd.preset10:59
rburton <-- don't install that10:59
Tyaku_I'm going to check this11:01
luc4Hello! I used useradd to add a user in a recipe. During rootfs creation I'm getting this error: "configuration error - unknown item 'SYSLOG_SU_ENAB' (notify administrator)". Any idea what it means?11:08
JaMaluc4: is that fatal for you? SYSLOG_SU_ENAB is available only without pam11:11
JaMaluc4: see this thread
luc4JaMa: mmh... actually it may not be fatal, you are right. The fatal error may be this one: "useradd: group 'render' does not exist".11:14
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RPkanavin: and are a bit puzzling :/11:40
kanavinRP: FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/srv/autobuilder/'11:41
kanavinI think it's another case of wonky NFS?11:41
RPkanavin: hmm, seems yes :(11:44
RP-??????????   ? ?         ?         ?            ? sstate:update-rc.d-native:x86_64-linux:0.8:r0:x86_64:11:9011ce22ce830d73f6a51ba8733624f9c4a2640671acfd1e06268e2304f998ae_configure.tar.zst.siginfo11:44
RPwish we knew how these were getting wedged11:46
kanavinsomething for halstead perhaps?11:48
RPkanavin: yes, although he has other challenges atm :/11:49
RPmaintenance later will probably make it go away11:49
RPkanavin: I've merged the conf changes. I have some reservations about bits of this but nothing I have time left to send out and discuss :/11:50
RPHopefully things we can tweak later11:50
kanavinRP: thanks! btw I'm planning to send a proposal for 'config fragments' to oe-architecture. There's no code for it, and any changes will of course happen after LTS.11:54
Ad0my CMDLINE variable does not exist when doing bitbake -e but a cmdline is still produced from my variables ...12:00
RPAd0: bitbake -e or bitbake -e <recipe> ?12:01
Ad0I guess it's not produced on my image recipe which is weird12:01
Ad0I do bitbake -e my-image12:01
kanavinhopefully the idea of self-documented config snippets in conf/fragments/ and simple, optional tooling to add/remove/list/search them isn't too controversial12:01
Ad0 bitbake -e rpi-cmdline | grep ^CMDLINE= produces the cmdline12:02
RPkanavin: we're definitely moving along something like those directions12:03
Ad0CMDLINE_ROOTFS it was in kirkstone12:06
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Tyaku_Thanks rburton, removing systemd-serialgetty removed the login prompt on startup.12:43
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speederWhen applying a .patch file, does the "index" matter?15:10
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RPspeeder: depends which tool you apply it with15:19
RPpatch, no, git, yes15:19
speederhow yocto applies patch files anyway?15:22
RPspeeder: quilt (which is patch underneath)15:23
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speederYocto ptest allows you to printf debug info?15:48
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rburtonanything output to stdout is in the log15:51
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Tyaku_Just to be sure, is it a normal usecase to switch between DISTRO when building (for exemple Dev/Prod image) ? Because I got some stranges issues: First the changes of one distro was not taken in rootfs when built, and after I arrived at a point where there are missing common stuffs (like kernel modules) in the two distro images. So currently I am rebuilding everything to see If I restart from 0 how it is,16:06
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mckoanTyaku_: First: i this case would be better to use bitbake -C imagename ('-C' uppercase)16:11
LetoThe2ndTyaku_: it is a standard use case, IMHO16:11
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ederibaucourtHello! I'm testing my patches after a rebase on top of poky-contrib/abelloni/master-next. Is there a public shared state cache to speed up my core-image-minimal/x86_64/poky build?16:19
rburtonederibaucourt: see your local.conf, there's two lines you can uncomment to use the sstate on the CDN16:20
rburtonederibaucourt: i'd rebase to origin/master as of right now though16:21
ederibaucourtrburton: thanks! that's all I needed to know <316:21
RPrburton: master and master-next are one patch different and you owe review on that one ;-)16:23
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JaMaheh master is on fire today, cannot keep up rebasing and rebuilding today :)16:26
RPJaMa: decision time on far too many things16:28
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RPkhem: has qemuriscv64 test results in FWIW16:32
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halsteadkanavin: it does look like wonky NFS.17:15
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Ad0seems like I can't get rid of bluez5 heh17:33
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rburtonAd0: turn off bluetooth machine and distro features, and its gone17:48
Ad0I tried for my machine but the damn thing is still there17:49
Ad0and distro of course17:49
Ad0MACHINE_FEATURES:remove = "alsa pulseaudio bluetooth bluez5"17:49
Ad0and in distro: DISTRO_FEATURES:revpi-flat:remove = " bluetooth bluez5"17:50
rburtonthen do the bitbake -g trick to figure out where its coming from17:50
rburtonmaybe something isn't being conditional when it should17:50
Ad0-g ? ok let me check that out17:50
rburtonbitbake -g [myimage]; oe-depends-dot -k bluez5 --why task-depends.dot17:50
Ad0heh interesting17:51
rburtonas seen in the most excellent Why Is My Build So Slow presentation on youtube17:51
Ad0ERROR: Can't find key bluez5 in task-depends.dot17:52
Ad0let me try bluetooth17:52
Ad0think that's the culprit17:52
rburtonits recipe names17:52
rburtonthere is no recipe called bluetooth17:52
rburtonthat tool is fickle, just grep the dot17:52
Ad0file is empty17:53
Ad0ERROR: Nothing PROVIDES '[my-image]'. Close matches: my-image17:55
Ad0I would say that's an exact match17:55
rburtonyeah that was a replacement marker17:55
rburtonie bitbake -g core-image-sato17:55
Ad0doh :D17:55
Ad0I thought there was some weird syntax or something with the -g17:55
Ad0-> packagegroup-base -> neard -> bluez5, networkmanager -> bluez5, packagegroup-base -> ofono -> bluez517:56
Ad0well I can't get rid of network manager17:56
rburtonbut you can turn off bluetooth in network manager, and it should be doing that already17:56
rburtonyou're not doing the machine/distro removes in your image file are you?17:57
Ad0neard I don't klnow what even is17:57
rburtonNFC daemon17:57
Ad0I def don't need that17:57
rburton(this is why i tell people to build your own distro)17:57
Ad0you mean instead of poky?17:58
rburtonpoky is a reference distro for QA17:58
rburtonwhich is why it turns on NFC, bluetooth, wifi, debuginfod, opengl, vulkan, pulseaudio...17:58
Ad0I soon end up doing more :remove than anything haha17:59
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rburtonthat's a sign that you should stop using poky :)17:59
Ad0I guess I can just use meta-openembedded17:59
Ad0yes true17:59
rburtonpoky-the-git-repo is oe-core+bitbake+meta-yocto.  you can still use poky the git repo if you wish for the convenience of bitbake+oecore in one, but that's unrelated to poky-the-distro18:00
rburtonand meta-oe is just a collection of layers18:00
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rburtonanyway, my question remains unanswered: where did you do DISTRO_FEATURES:remove?18:00
rburtonRP: can you merge my poky patch to make it more verbose about being a reference distro?18:01
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Ad0yeah, I mean there's systemd etc in poky. where else would I find that? or is it just some patching on top or something18:02
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rburtonpoky is just oe-core + bitbake18:02
Ad0I have been leaning on poky forever18:02
rburtoncompare the contents of the poky repo with what happens if you clone bitbake and oe-core in the same directory.  the extra pieces are yocto-docs (the documentation) and meta-yocto (the poky distro and the reference hardware BSPs)18:03
rburton <-- that is all the poky distro actually is18:03
Ad0yeah I don't use those because I use PI and that has it's own layer18:03
Ad0what I am trying to understand is where all this stuff is included, I do have my own distro conf files18:06
Ad0like pulseaudio18:07
rburton"all this stuff"?18:07
rburtonanyway, my question remains unanswered: where did you do DISTRO_FEATURES:remove?18:07
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Ad0in my-distro.conf18:07
rburtoni'll ask that for the third time because its important18:07
rburtonand you set DISTRO=my-distro?18:07
rburtoni'd just set DISTRO_FEATURES directly instead of inheriting the defaults and extending it, no need to :remove then18:08
rburtoncan you do bitbake-getvar -r networkmanager DISTRO_FEATURES18:08
Ad0yes I set the distro in my env file18:08
Ad0thanks! I think I found the culprit18:09
Ad0I have a common.conf that is common for the distros and it's there ... *smack*18:09
Ad0no, that was remove heh let me show you the pastebin18:10
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Ad0I am 100% sure the machine is revpi-flat18:13
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JaMaI am 100% sure the meta-my-layer/conf/distro/common.conf is just wrong :)18:16
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Ad0that could be true18:17
Ad0it managed to remove pulseaudio so18:19
JaMayes, because pulseaudio was :removed without incorrect use of an override18:21
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rburtoncan you share the common.conf?18:22
Ad0you are right18:22
Ad0I missed the prefix of the machine name18:22
JaMaAd0: you should experiment with :override:remove and :remove:override to understand what you did wrong18:22
Ad0thanks a lot, that  bitbake-getvar was really useful18:23
Ad0it's when it looks right and you look at it 10 times, the 11th time you see the mistake18:23
rburtoni wonder if we can make doing FOO:bar:append an error now that overrides have their own syntax18:23
Ad0I would love if you could have a strict bitbake that will throw a warning or error if what you are overriding does not exist18:24
JaMait might not exist in the current build, but it might be valid expression in different build (e.g. when different DISTRO/MACHINE is used)18:25
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rburtonyeah that would break the point of overrides, really18:25
JaMaso it's hard to guess what's just wrong and what's PEBKAC18:25
JaMawith great power comes great responsibility, so learn the syntax and use getVar whenever you're not sure18:26
Ad0you can remove based on machine like that in the distro conf right?18:29
Ad0when I don't specify the machone and just do :remove it works, when I specify the machine, it doesn't18:29
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khemRP: rv64 results look ok for toolchain pieces no big red flags, some failures in gcc testsuite are clustered around floating point/snan which could be looked into and also riscv/predef seems to be another area18:30
Saur_Homerburton: There are many cases where FOO:bar:remove is used, e.g., RDEPENDS:${PN}:remove18:32
khemit could be how be configure toolchain for single ABI18:33
Ad0DISTRO_FEATURES:remove works from machine but DISTRO_FEATURES:machine:remove does not work from distro18:44
JaMaDISTRO_FEATURES:machine:remove is almost always wrong18:45
Ad0yeah but one machine has bluetooth, another one has not18:45
Ad0to me it feels equally wrong18:45
JaMaI was talking about syntax, not feelings :)18:46
Ad0yeah so 1) why does it not work 2) where should I remove it ?18:46
Ad0it works from machine, but is that the right place to remove the distro feature?18:47
JaMait isn't, DISTRO_FEATURES are DISTRO policy18:47
Ad0but bluetooth are both distro and machine features18:48
JaMaand it works, because you didn't use override there (incorrectly)18:48
Ad0so you have to specify it based on machine somewhere18:48
JaManm uses just DISTRO_FEATURES, it would be better for your use-case to use COMBINED_FEATURES (as discussed yesterday)18:48
Ad0I thought that wasn't supposed to be written to , also I run into the same problem18:49
JaMaCOMBINED_FEATURES is better in many cases, but unfortunately it causes all recipes which use COMBINED_FEATURES to be effectively MACHINE_ARCH18:49
JaMayou shouldn't be building nm with and without bluetooth support in the same TUNE_PKGARCH, so it's still DISTRO policy to either disable bluetooth for all MACHINEs or enable it for all18:51
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JaMaor if they really care about bluetooth, then they can use COMBINED_FEATURES in nm, mark it (and everything which depends on it) as MACHINE_ARCH18:52
Ad0I gfuess I have to read about MACHONE_ARCH18:52
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Ad0I don't use X but I use the dbus , I guess I need X18:55
Ad0MACHINE_ARCH is set to my machine with underscores instead of -18:56
JaManow read about PACKAGE_ARCH18:58
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Tyaku_< mckoan> Tyaku_: First: i this case would be better to use bitbake -C imagename ('-C' uppercase)19:36
Tyaku_What does it changes exactly ? 'Invalidate the stamp for the specified task such as 'compile' and then run the default task for the specified target(s).'19:37
Tyaku_Is it like a clear ?19:37
Tyaku_'This new command line option forces the specified task and all dependent19:38
Tyaku_tasks up to the default task to re-run.'19:38
Tyaku_Oh nice19:38
rburtonAd0: you don't need X to use dbus19:56
RPrburton: added to -next19:58
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Tyaku_I'm not sure how to use -C :20:11
Tyaku_'bitbake -C myimage' produce this: 'Nothing to do.  Use 'bitbake world' to build everything, or run 'bitbake --help' for usage information.'20:11
JaMabitbake -C compile foo20:12
JaMawill rerun do_compile and the tasks after that until default task (do_build usually)20:12
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JaMasimilarly as "bitbake -c compile -f foo && bitbake foo" would do20:14
Tyaku_I tryed this: "bitbake --clear-stamp=INVALIDATE_STAMP myimage", it seems working but the build is VERY fast. (less 1 minute) so not sure if it works. I'm going to try like you said when finished.20:15
Tyaku_'bitbake --clear-stamp=INVALIDATE_STAMP myimage' takes: real3m37,057s20:17
Tyaku_Now I'm going to try 'bitbake -C compile myimage'20:17
JaMaI haven't read the whole backlog but -C compile doesn't make much sense for image recipe, maybe you should start by explaining what you want to achieve20:19
Tyaku_That's maybe the same, tomorrow I will try to build with DISTRO=a and DISTRO=b multiple times, to check if with the option '-C compile' I get better results as before.20:19
Tyaku_JaMa, This is because I remark something strange when building with multiple DISTRO, sometimes, the image is not containings the "things" of the "last distro" beging built20:20
JaMait shouldn't be needed to re-run tasks which are supposed to be re-run20:20
JaMafor that I would use bitbake -S to verify that the sigdata changed when it should (and how it should)20:20
JaMabut for different DISTROs I usually use separate builddirs20:21
Tyaku_Oh yeah, I don't get this idea.. But are my remarks "normal" if we use the same builddir ?20:23
Tyaku_I mean, is it a normal behavour that sometimes , when we build with DISTRO=A then DISTRO=B and DISTRO=A, we are not sure about what will be in the image ?20:24
JaMano, that's not normal and would be a bug somewhere20:24
Tyaku_Maybe using separate build-dir will fix it, but it will hide the problem so.20:25
JaMareusing builddir should trigger inefficient rebuilds/unpacks from sstate, but not undeterministic image content20:25
Tyaku_I need to make some more tests, maybe tomorrow, because today I rebuild Everything (I mean: 'rm -rf tmp' && 'rm -rf ~/yocto-cache')20:26
Tyaku_@JaMa, ok, so then I need to do more tests. But this kind of tests takes me a lot of compilation times. I will see tomorrow.20:27
JaMa-S doesn't need any compilation20:27
Tyaku_I mean "trying to build/flash/test with DISTRO=A then DISTRO=B and then DISTRO=A after a fresh build)" I didn't try -S option yet, (bitbake is building)20:28
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Ad0rburton, ok20:37
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smokeynewbie yocto user looking for some help...22:36
smokeyanyone there?22:39
Saur_HomeDepends on what you need help with?22:41
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Saur_Homesmokey: ^22:41
smokeythanks,. I am getting an error during packaging:22:47
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smokeySummary: 1 task failed:   /home/tdowty/cfc510p/christian_devel/poky/meta/recipes-core/images/
smokeyLog looks like this:22:47
smokeyDEBUG: Executing python function extend_recipe_sysroot NOTE: Direct dependencies are ['/home/tdowty/cfc510p/christian_devel/poky/meta-secure-core/meta-efi-secure-boot/recipes-bsp/efitools/', '/home/tdowty/cfc510p/christian_devel/poky/meta/recipes-bsp/grub/', '/home/tdowty/cfc510p/christian_devel/poky/meta/recipes-core/gli22:47
smokeyhmmm... pasting long data didn't work22:48
landgrafsmokey: use pastebin22:48
Saur_HomeUse pastebin to paste logs etc...22:48
smokeyAnyway... how to debug this?22:48
Saur_HomeCan't say from the above. Need the actual error...22:49
smokeyI started with a working build and added secure boot layers and configuration, which has broken the build22:49
smokeyhere;s the actual error from the log:22:50
smokeyinstall: cannot stat '/home/tdowty/cfc510p/christian_devel/poky/build/tmp/deploy/images/innoflight-cfc510-live-usb/grub-efi-bootx64.efi': No such file or directory22:50
smokeyThere is no indication in terminal output of an earlier build failure.22:51
nerdboyshould probably be a dependency on grub-efi somewhere for that ^^22:52
smokeygreat. i will try that.22:54
smokeyOK, I do see that one of my receipes has a dependency on grub-efi.22:57
smokeyCan I use pastebin from an irc web client?22:57
landgrafsmokey: you can paste pastebin link here22:59
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smokeyBTW, my additions are from here:
smokey^ wrong url on the clipboard...23:04
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Saur_HomeIMAGE_INSTALL:remove = "grub" in anything but an image recipe and/or .conf file will have no effect. One recipe cannot affect another recipe.23:05
smokeyAhhh... that sounds like it could be the problem.23:08
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