Thursday, 2024-05-02

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LetoThe2ndyo dudX07:53
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landgraf looks really bad (note inc and inc~ difference in the filename)08:13
landgrafwhy bitbake includes inc~ while recipe has `require *inc` ? o_O08:14
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rburtonlandgraf: have you verified that its actually reading the ~ file by changing the value in it?10:36
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landgrafrburton: nope. I've removed it right away :(11:14
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RPlandgraf: it nearly sounds like the cache invalidation didn;t work11:28
landgrafRP: I thought so but the SRCREV bitbake used was really old one and I rebuild this recipe few times per hour.11:32
RPlandgraf: does it reproduce at will?11:32
landgrafRP: Nope. At least at the first try11:34
landgrafRP: It's really my bad (good for QE) karma or cache issue :)11:34
landgrafor birthday gift from bitbake :-D11:35
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amurray_tgpI've just starting my first build of Scarthgap, following instructions from and using sstate mirrors, however i'm seeing lots of do_fetch's and it looks like its going to build gcc from source - in previous releases the sstate has been pretty good allowing a build to be completed in 1512:04
amurray_tgpmins (with mickledore at least). I thought I'd flag it up in case this wasn't expected. "Wanted 4699 Local 0 Mirrors 1925 Missed 2774 Current 0 (40% match, 0% complete)"12:04
rburtonthat matches what LetoThe2nd saw. i wonder why the sstate isn't matching in the cdn.12:08
rburton40% match smells like its grabbing the license files but not the actual binaries12:09
RPamurray_tgp: did you enable the hash equivalence server as well?12:09
LetoThe2ndrburton: oh the joy of live sessions!12:09
amurray_tgpRP: It's set to auto as per instructions, i.e.12:10
amurray_tgpBB_HASHSERVE_UPSTREAM = ""12:10
amurray_tgpSSTATE_MIRRORS ?= "file://.*;downloadfilename=PATH"12:10
amurray_tgpBB_HASHSERVE = "auto"12:10
amurray_tgpBB_SIGNATURE_HANDLER = "OEEquivHash"12:10
amurray_tgpnot auto, OEEquivHash12:10
RPoh, I know what happened :(12:12
RPamurray_tgp: could you try replacing with wss:// ?12:12
amurray_tgpIt's not happy with that.12:20
amurray_tgpWARNING: BB_HASHSERVE_UPSTREAM is not valid, unable to connect hash equivalence server at 'wss://': gaierror(-8, 'Servname not supported for ai_socktype')12:20
amurray_tgpfollowed by exceptions12:20
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RPamurray_tgp: do you have the python websockets module available? It sounds like we'll have to look into this a bit more :/12:22
RPamurray_tgp: I see that error too so it isn't you :/12:23
RPamurray_tgp: BB_HASHSERVE_UPSTREAM = '' might work12:26
* RP wonders if JPEW happens to know the right thing to do here offhand12:27
landgrafdoesn't work for me either. Same warning followed by exceptions (python-websockets installed)12:29
amurray_tgpUsing :443 results in connection error exception "ConenctionError: Connection Closed".12:30
amurray_tgpI didn't have websockets installed (on my Ubuntu 22.04 machine) - installing python3-websockets has no effect (same ai_socktype error and exceptions).12:30
amurray_tgpHowever, pip3 install websockets gives something different... still get ai_socktype error, but 'Initialising tasks' seems to get stuck12:30
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JPEWamurray_tgp73: Hmm, that is actually an error from libc, not python. Can you see if `curl -v` works?13:51
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RPJPEW: I think we may be processing the /ws in there incorrectly in the _UPSTREAM variable13:56
RPJPEW: that curl line works for me but it doesn't work in the variable13:57
JPEWRP: mmm, OK. Let me look13:57
JPEWOk, the connection check13:58
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amurray_tgp73The curl command works to some degree:14:01
amurray_tgp73* TLSv1.2 (IN), TLS header, Supplemental data (23):14:01
amurray_tgp73* TLSv1.3 (IN), TLS handshake, Newsession Ticket (4):14:01
amurray_tgp73* TLSv1.2 (IN), TLS header, Supplemental data (23):14:01
amurray_tgp73* TLSv1.3 (IN), TLS handshake, Newsession Ticket (4):14:01
amurray_tgp73* old SSL session ID is stale, removing14:01
amurray_tgp73* TLSv1.2 (IN), TLS header, Supplemental data (23):14:01
amurray_tgp73* Mark bundle as not supporting multiuse14:01
amurray_tgp73< HTTP/1.1 426 Upgrade Required14:01
amurray_tgp73< Server: nginx/1.24.014:01
amurray_tgp73< Date: Thu, 02 May 2024 14:00:08 GMT14:01
amurray_tgp73< Content-Type: text/plain14:01
amurray_tgp73< Content-Length: 15314:01
amurray_tgp73< Connection: keep-alive14:01
amurray_tgp73< Upgrade: websocket14:01
JPEWamurray_tgp73: Ya, that's working as expected14:01
JPEWcurl doesn't speak websockets, so it fails when it get to that point :)14:01
ldywickierr, try using pastebin for anything longer than 2 lines ;-)14:01
amurray_tgp73ah yeah, will do ldywicki14:02
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JPEWamurray_tgp73: There is a patch on the ML that I think will fix it if you want to give it a try14:18
JPEWOops wrong ML14:19
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RPJPEW: I've queued it on master-next regardless14:21
RPJPEW: thanks!14:21
JPEWRP: Ya, it's the same patch on both14:21
RPsakoman: this may speed up the need for a point release14:22
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amurray_tgp73JPEW I'll give it a test14:45
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RPamurray_tgp73: I've merged fixes for the hashequiv issues to the scarthgap branches15:08
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amurray_tgp73RP JPEW - I applied the single patch (cooker: Use hash client...) though I'm still seeing it fetch gcc, trying to rule out anything on my side. Are any changes needed to update doc to reflect package requirements for websockets, and/or changes to BB_HASHSERVE_UPSTREAM ?15:16
RPamurray_tgp73: did you change the local.conf BB_HASHSERVE_UPSTREAM address too?15:17
amurray_tgp73I tried all three (original, wss and :443)15:17
RPamurray_tgp73: you might need to clean out the build directory to force it to go back to the servers too15:17
JPEWamurray_tgp73: Pretty sure you need the wss:// one15:17
RPamurray_tgp73: the tmp/cache and cache/ directories15:18
amurray_tgp73yeah i've been getting rid of the build directory each time. It takes a while to test as it seems to spend an eternity at the 44% of the "Initialising tasks" state without any feedback, have no idea what its doing15:18
rburtonthat's it hitting the hashserv15:19
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RPand sstate15:24
amurray_tgp73right, so with the wss:// upstream with fresh build/ I get this
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RPthat looks like an old websockets version :(15:27
amurray_tgp73Also its the information on that needs to be updated to reflect use of websockets version of BB_HASHSERVE_UPSTREAM - not sure if anything already in pipeline (rather than sample.conf version)15:27
RPmichaelo: around? ^^^15:28
RPamurray_tgp73: we do need to fix that, yes15:28
amurray_tgp73So on my Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS,  the error i just pastebin'd happens when you apt-get install python3-websockets, however if i uninstall that and pip3 install websockets - then it doesn't error. It's at the 44% stage, I'll let you know how far it goes15:29
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JPEWamurray_tgp73: pip is usually way ahead of the distro version of a python module; and the recommendation from python is to use pip instead of the distro packages. The distro packages are more or less _just_ for distro installed software15:32
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amurray_tgp73JPEW show the docs be updated to reflect this dependency? Someone may not have websockets installed, update their local.conf in hope of faster builds, but not see that improvement or an error?15:35
JPEWI think if your websockets are old/not-installed you _should_ see the error though15:39
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amurray_tgp73I'm happy with those patches, I now get 99% match with sstate on core-image-sato. I'd give my acked-by but i'm not currently subscribed or setup my email to do mailing list stuff. But thanks for all the support today :)15:57
amurray_tgp73JPEW with no websockets installed you get a module not found python error -
JPEWamurray_tgp73: Ok, we can improve that I think16:00
JPEWAt least improve the error message; if you don't want to install websockets, you need to change BB_HASHSERVE_UPSTREAM16:01
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RPJPEW: I suspect we need a version check too, older websockets versions seem problematic16:02
JPEWRP: Ya, I'll have to see what we can do there16:02
RPamurray_tgp73: sorry you ran into issues and thanks for reporting them. I'm a bit embarrassed we shipped with this issue :/16:02
amurray_tgp73RP not a problem at all, i'm super happy to have helped.16:04
amurray_tgp73RP JPEW if you can't ping the hashserv then you should def throw an error, otherwise you end up in the situation where people are saying sstate is unreliable where there isn't really much visibility in what's happening. At least with an error someone can see that the configuration they've specified (i.e. BB_HASHSERVE_UPSTREAM) isn't going to work16:06
amurray_tgp73for some reason (i.e. server not there, local tools not suitable)16:06
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RPamurray_tgp73: I've just pushed some changes to that manual page too, it should updated after it runs through the various build processes16:08
JPEWYa, it should probably also not keep trying to use the upstream hash server if it can't be pinged16:08
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JPEWRP: Do you happen to know the minimum websockets version?16:24
JPEWLooks like 9.116:25
khemthis is with master-next today, did not see it before, rings any bells ?16:26
JPEWLooks like a `sync()` call was missed. michaelo ^^16:26
RPJPEW: I wasn't sure which versions work/don't16:28
JPEWRP: Reading the e-mail, it looks like 9.1 is the oldest version in use on the AB; unless those workers aren't using websockets16:28
RPJPEW: they all should be. I did see earlier which puzzled me a bit though16:29
khemJPEW: yeah it seems one of prserv: patches from michaelo16:40
khemI removed the series locally and it works16:40
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RPkhem: it is good data to have thanks. I'll hold off merging. Could you reply on list please?16:40
* RP 's head is spinning from too many patches and directions today16:40
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khemRP:yeah, I will try to narrow it down to a patch if I can if not I will reply soon16:41
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khemmy builds keep breaking for one reason or other16:42
applepiI've got a weird issue that I'm not even sure what to google... I've got a git repo that uses git-lfs, and a recipe that uses this git repo.  When it is pointing to my most up to date commit, everything works normally, it clones and checks out and builds, etc..   but if I change the recipe to use an earlier source rev, I get errors about git-lfs16:43
applepiis not found.  I'm not sure how just changing the SRCREV is changing whether git-lfs works or not16:43
RPapplepi: which version of the project? We've seen various git lfs patches/changes in the fetcher16:44
applepiRP: which version of yocto?16:44
applepiI can't remember..  let me dig.  This is a vendor's yocto and I just add stuff onto it16:45
RPapplepi: basically I'm saying there are changes in bitbake/lib/fetch2/ related to lfs you may want/need16:46
RPI don't use lfs so I don't know more16:46
applepiTheir yocto is on sumo16:48
RPapplepi: things have changed a lot, that is a very old and out of date release16:49
applepiYeah, it's a vendor distro16:50
applepiI just don't understand why I can git clone it myself and checkout the srcrev manually, or set the srcrev="newer commit" and bitbake it, but srcrev="old commit" dies16:50
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khemsometimes repos get rebased etc. have you checked that manually cloning the concerned repo and checking our the sha in question works ok ?17:27
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applepikhem: yeah that works17:31
khemso I guess, it might be something in fetcher that got fixed. I would suggest to try master branch of poky and see if that helps if it does then trace it back from there where it got fixed. If it is still broken with master then file a bugzilla entry would be good17:41
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Beartamais there a plan for supporting Ubuntu 24.04?18:57
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RPBeartama: we will, just a question of fitting it around other infrastructure changes that are more pressing20:23
Beartamacool, is there some where i can track the progress?20:23
RPYou could see when we add such a worker to the autobuilder I guess20:39
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moto-timoWith the new USERADD_DEPENDS that landed in scarthgap, and the removal of the (bad idea) -P plain text password hack to useradd that we used to have... I am now working on a method to make it easier to generate passwords with "openssl passwd -6 -salt $SALT $PASSWD $USER | sed 's/\$/\\$/g'" (the sed is probably not good enough).20:52
moto-timoNow I'm trying to decide between a shell function and a python function... and some way to make this a someone generalized universal contribution (e.g. classes-recipe/safe_passwd_hash.bbclass or something like that)20:53
moto-timoI've been doing this for customers for two years now, so it's about time to figure out a generalized solution.20:54
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moto-timoI should add that the solution needs to be variable safe in bitbake space, hence the escaping of $20:59
RPmoto-timo: could we have an external script to do it?21:00
RPi.e. some tool in scripts ?21:00
moto-timoRP: perhaps yes.21:00
moto-timoI am definitely into finding the most universal solution so I can contribute it and use it21:01
RPmoto-timo: I'm just making drive by suggestions :)21:01
moto-timo(more security authentication stuff to come based on conversations at EOSS Seattle)21:01
moto-timoRP: yes, I appreciate that21:01
moto-timomaybe I should use tr instead of sed21:02
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JaMaBeartama: ubuntu 24.04 works fine for me, it just isn't marked as sanity tested by Poky until there is autobuilder node doing the regular testing, do you see any issue with 24.04 or why are you asking?21:49
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