Friday, 2024-05-03

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Beartamayes, i have 2 issues, 1st is the `disable_network` function in bitbake not working which makes the build fails, and 2nd is the `quilt` package doesn't build also (some dependency problem) while it builds fine on Ubuntu 22.0407:50
Beartamai did only try Nanbield instead of Scarthgap though07:52
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Beartamasame thing for Scarthgap actually08:02
mcfrisk_I presume openssl 3.3.0 pkg-config libdir change from /usr/lib to /usr is breaking build elsewhere too..08:04
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rburtonmcfrisk_: ouch wtf where?09:38
mcfrisk_rburton: at least in my config, all .pc files from openssl have libdir=/usr now. trying to patch it away. there is a new way to generate .pc and .cmake files.09:39
rburtonmaster or scarthgap or what?09:39
rburtonyou'd have thought that wouldn't make it through the AB but you never know09:40
rburtongive me five and i'll replicate or not09:40
mcfrisk_meta-security/meta-tpm tpm2-openssl failed to compile09:41
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mcfrisk_I presume a lot of openssl users hardcode /usr/lib and don't use pkg-config libdir09:42
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mcfrisk_jeez, openssl-native is one of the roots of all (evil) build dependencies10:20
Saur_HomeIt is. Change openssl, and everything (more or less) rebuilds (unless you use a Hash Equivalence server)...10:21
mcfrisk_openssl change triggers recompilation of libcc, gnutls...10:22
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rburtonmcfrisk_: bblock for the win10:24
mcfrisk_cmake-native depends on openssl-native too. we need a hero with an axe to these dependency bushes10:24
rburton$ more openssl.pc10:25
rburtoni guess it works because the real libdir is in the search path10:25
mcfrisk_rburton: I have a patch, guess I will send before all the builds finish..10:26
rburtonmcfrisk_: recipe bug or upstream bug?10:26
mcfrisk_upstream, could be seens as a config change thing10:27
mcfrisk_patch out10:27
rburtonyeah i don't think that's the right fix at all10:27
rburtonwhat if libdir is /usr/lib64?10:28
mcfrisk_tried a few ways to set this to LIBDIR=${BASELIB} in do_configure() and do_install(). didn't work.10:29
rburtonso yeah --libdir is the directory under prefix, not the full path10:32
rburtonand yes, --prefix=/usr --libdir=lib64 doesn't do the right thing with upstream either10:33
rburtonluckily i know a openssl contributor10:34
rburtonright master doesnt' have the same problem10:35
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rburtonok looks like passing --libdir=${baselib} should do the right thing10:39
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rburtonmcfrisk_: try what i just posted10:59
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mcfrisk_rburton: thanks! testing..11:12
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JaMarburton: your change doesn't fix the empty prefix (failure for chip and matter), but I still like it much more than the .patch file, thanks12:29
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landgrafhmmm. nodejs is broken in meta-oe :-/ have to wait for the fix to be accepted now12:40
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JaMayou can backport the fix in your layer (like I did)12:40
landgrafI've done this already12:40
landgrafbut not have to monitor upsteam to drop the backport :)12:41
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landgrafJaMa: The fix works fine for me btw. We have quite a few npm packages in the layer.12:42
JaMait works for me as well12:42
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amurray_tgpHey, no bugs from me today, but i do have a question. When inheriting cve-check and building an image, e.g. core-image-sato.... you end up with two lists of CVEs:12:49
amurray_tgpI've interpreted the first as all the CVEs related to software included in the image12:49
amurray_tgpIs it correct to interpret the second as all the CVEs related to software that was built in order to create the (last) image (built)? (I.e. it may include -native packages that could have vulnerabilities, e.g. a compiler that builds vulnerable binaries)12:49
amurray_tgpThere is documentation here, but it's very subtle12:49
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rburtonJaMa: what empty prefix?13:15
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JaMarburton: pkg-config --variable=prefix openssl as in
rburtonthats an upstream bug, there is no prefix in the .pc files13:26
rburtonfile a bug with them about that13:26
JaMathere was in older openssl I believe, with new openssl it started to fail, that's why I've sent the PR13:27
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JaMa"there is no prefix in the .pc files" grep -c ^prefix= ../lib32-recipe-sysroot/usr/lib*/pkgconfig/* | wc -l -> 77 "exceptions" just in chip's RSS :)13:36
JaMaand 73 more in native RSS13:38
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rburtonin openssl's .pc file, i meant13:44
rburton99% do have it and i've no idea why openssl removed it13:44
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JaMaah, ok13:47
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JaMabeartama: how does `disable_network` and quilt build fail?14:38
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rfs613wondering about commit from 2 years ago by sean anderson,
rfs613k=$(expr $j + 1);    i'm thinking it should be   k=$(expr $k + 1);14:57
rfs613but not sure if I am missing some understanding...14:57
JaMayes, look like copy&paste from L36314:59
rfs613as written, it ends up calling uboot_assemble_fitimage_helper multiple times with the *same* arguments (well, at least in the case where you have two entries in UBOOT_CONFIG)15:01
qschulzJPEW: BTW, for checking the websockets min version, I think you could use (but well... that adds another dependency :) )15:02
JPEWqschulz: Right :)15:02
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beartama@JaMa mostly this16:13
alperakap6256 wifi/bt firmware seems to be used in many boards but it is not added to linux-firmware and is available in different repos. what makes sense to use as a license for this?16:16
rburtonalperak: if you can't identify the license then that would be why its not in linux-firmware.  if you can, submit it.16:17
alperakall right, i will try. thanks.16:21
JaMabeartama: are you using lxc or some container to run ubuntu or natively on host? I have it in docker16:54
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beartamajama: i'm running natively, no virtualization17:31
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Guest77We have installed management system on top of yocto kirkstone within a balena engine but we are unable to communicate with the wifi camera. We need to know if there is any specific configuration we may need on the yocto level for processing video?22:17
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Guest77If you want to install camera system within a container on top of yocto do we need to configure yocto to be able to process videos on the board?22:22
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