Saturday, 2024-05-04

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khemzeddii: latest kernel update causes kernel-selftest build failures -
khemundefined reference to `ksft_perror'00:13
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gabriele_00hello everyone, I'm trying to get started with kernel development and for starters I'm trying to build the latest poky with a kernel cloned from the yocto git but sourced locally in my filesystem (in particular I added this line to the linux build recipe: `SRC_URI = "git:///home/gabriele/kernel-dev/linux-yocto;name=machine;branch=test/hello;protocol=file"`). the problem is that when running `source oe-init-build-env; bitbake co10:02
gabriele_00re-image-minimal` I get the following error: `pzstd: /home/gabriele/kernel-dev/poky/build/tmp/sysroots-uninative/x86_64-linux/usr/lib/ version `CXXABI_1.3.15' not found (required by pzstd)`. I am not sure what's wrong here and I don't think it's something related to my distro (fedora 40) since it's loading this shared object from inside the build environment and not my system. thanks in advance for the help!10:02
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JaMagabriele_00: uninative isn't compatible with gcc-14 in fedora-4011:06
gabriele_00what is uninative?11:08
gabriele_00and what shall id do then?11:08
JaMauniversal native (as glibc)11:11
JaMayou can disable uninative or use some less bleeing edge distro (e.g. in docker container) as gcc-14 will cause few more build failures in couple -native components (depending what exactly you're going to build)11:11
gabriele_00ok thank you so much11:13
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XogiumI think my friend just found a bug, kind of. It looks like the build for qemu on host has this11:15
Xogium# Append build host pkg-config paths for native target since the host may provide sdl11:15
Xogiumwhich is no longer required because sdl is now built anyway, so it leaks the host pkg config into the build for no reason ?11:16
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Xogiumqemu-system-native that is11:17
gabriele_00any tips on how to disable uninative? i wanna give it a try11:19
gabriele_00INHERIT_remove on the local.conf is enough?11:19
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gabriele_00I am tryng to bitbake on a docker with debian stable: i still got  pzstd: /home/gabriele/kernel-dev/poky/build/tmp/sysroots-uninative/x86_64-linux/usr/lib/ version `CXXABI_1.3.15' not found (required by pzstd)11:42
gabriele_00gcc 12.211:42
JaMadid you delete "tmp" directory after the build on fedora?11:44
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gabriele_00but still getting the same problem12:03
JaMathat's weird, you can try bitbake -c cleansstate pzstd-native to make sure it's gone12:11
JaMaINHERIT_remove is old syntax which doesn't work, you need :remove12:12
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usvihelp! I'm building upon and no matter what I do, opkg list-installed is empty12:46
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usviset image.bbclass:173 is resetting IMAGE_FEATURES to empty13:57
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gabriele_00solved by moving on nambield branch14:14
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JaMagabriele_00: and before that you were on latest master, right?14:31
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khemthese are minimal images it has IMAGE_FEATURES:remove = "package-management"16:55
khemwhich means you will not have opkg or any other O_P_M in image16:55
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usvikhem: yes they do seem to have.. I tried to re-add them but no luck. I should probably start again with  tisdk-default-image17:19
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khemit might be deleting package metadata during image creation18:17
usvifresh tisdk-default-image has final IMAGE_FEATURES="package-management splash" , tiny has it empty. It seems I'm too stupid to add it back to the tiny image18:24
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usviok finally, I cloned as new file and patched my custom stuff there (I could not get it fixed with a bbappend). now it seems to be going better IMAGE_FEATURES="package-management"20:30
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usviand boom, I finally see list-installed returning entries20:45
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