Wednesday, 2024-06-19

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TyakuHello, Did someone know an alternative to BASH non GPLv3 without using meta-gplv2 ?07:33
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JookiaTyaku: zsh is a pretty good shell07:35
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mcfrisk_Tyaku: busybox shell, for many things bash and bashisms are just not needed07:37
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Xogiumwell given busybox hasn't been updated in over a year, that's kind of not looing good though07:46
Xogiumit already has a couple of nasty vulnerabilities reported iirc07:46
luc4Hello! I'm trying to apply a patch to the kernel of my device. The main recipes are these: I therefore added two files in my layer, named linux-raspberrypi_%.bbappend and linux-raspberrypi-v7_%.bbappend with the patch. Apparently, I can see the patch is applied in the build directory and it seems to be built (build fails if I intentionally break the patch). The07:48
luc4resulting image, however, is not including the patch. Any idea why?07:48
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JaMaDvorkinDmitry: just remove the missing file from SRC_URI to get -e output08:37
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LetoThe2ndyo dudX08:54
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rburtonXogium: what vulnerabilities? upstream git last changed at the beginning of this month, so if there's a fix we need to backport then we can do that09:07
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Xogiumrburton: I'll see if I can find that again09:13
Xogiumrburton: but what I meant also is that no release in a year is kind of worrysome09:19
rburtonyeah they need to actually make another release for sure09:20
rburtoni'd be interested in a decent and non-partisan comparison of busybox vs toybox09:21
Jookiaisn't the main difference the license?09:21
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Jookiait semes more for bootstrapping systems for compiling09:23
rburtonlicense and entirely different codebase but same goal09:23
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Jookiaisn't busybox intended to be a swiss army knife style thing but toybox is meant to bootstrap build systems09:25
Jookiaone seems to be an environment for embedded systems, the other for build systems09:26
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rburtonmy understanding is toybox was basically busybox but BSD09:26
rburtonas i said, a good and recent comparison would be nice09:27
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Jookiai've only read the toybox website and goals09:28
Jookiait says it's intended for compiling android09:28
Jookiaso i would guess it's less GNU-style commands and more what android needs to compile itself09:29
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ThomasRoosAnyone using "wic cp" to copy a small file to ext4 partitions in an image?11:50
ThomasRoosDo see strange behaviour. And errors like EXT4-fs error (device vda): ext4_lookup:1857: inode #2: comm ls: deleted inode referenced:11:50
ThomasRoosSo I guess I do something wrong and some "flush" is missing?11:50
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ThomasRoose2fsck -y tmp/deploy/images/qemuarm64/image-qemuarm64.ext413:46
ThomasRooshelps - but is this a bug?13:46
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JPEWThomasRoos: My guess would be that wic cp is not respecting the EXT4 journal14:13
ThomasRoosYes, have the same feeling, so it is probably a bug.14:14
JPEWThomasRoos: Worth reporting at least; it may not be trivial to fix (other than running e2fsck to flush the journal first)14:16
ThomasRooswill do, agree14:17
ThomasRoosat least I have a workaround14:17
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Jones42So I want to build the kernel fitimage only after my rootfs is finished because I want to put my rootfs.ext4's dm-verity roothash into said (signed) fitimage.15:03
Jones42addtask fitimage after do_rootfs  seems to cause quite a lot of dependency issues. Is there any way I can find out how to resolve that?15:04
AdrianFJones42: Are you adding an initramfs to the fitImage?15:06
Jones42no. I'm not using an initramfs15:06
Jones42I'm using the phytec fitimage class: (to be precise, I used "addtask do_unpack after do_rootfs15:06
Jones42whoops, here's the link
Jones42so I'm building my fitimage with just kernel and dtb (and my custom verity-hash-node) and the rootfs has it's own partition15:08
AdrianFJones42: There is also a kernel-fitimage.bbclass in poky which seams to do be similar to the bbclass from Phytec. Is there a reason for using a Phytec class instead of the one from poky?15:11
Jones42AdrianF: there's no strong reason. It was in phytec's example image, and pengutronix mentioned that they use that class in one of their recent talks (CLT2024)15:13
Jones42AdranF: I'm not sure if the kernel-fitimage supports signed fitimages15:15
Jones42ah, no, it does.15:15
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static_rocketHey lads, I've got a bug around O2 optimization in a C++ project that only seems to be occurring with aarch64 targets using Yocto GCC 13 and 14 (the tip of scarthgap and master branches). Where should this go? Yocto bugzilla?23:47
static_rocketWas going to send it upstream but I realized there were actually a few patches Yocto was applying to GCC...23:51

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