Friday, 2024-09-13

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viricHello yocto13:04
viricDoes anybody know why a change on DEBUG_OPTIMIZATION, while I don't switch DEBUG_BUILD=1 for any package, causes many different signatures?13:05
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viricAH I see.13:15
viricCannot it be written in a way that the var dependency picks exactly one or the other based on DEBUG_BUILD?13:16
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rburtonhm yeah possibly13:27
rburtonit should only really care about the actual flags in use13:27
viricHow can that be fixed?13:28
viricBecause now if you change DEBUG_OPTIMIZATION it will change signatures for ALL packages13:29
viriceven if not built with DEBUIG_BUILD=113:29
viricit seems signatures happen before variable evaluation13:29
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JaMarburton: some git submodules are now failing to parse with configparser (not sure if they are really invalid) Exception: configparser.NoOptionError: No option 'url' in section: 'submodule "components/bt/controller/lib_esp32"' will check what's in the submodule later, this is jut FYI20:04
JaMamaybe chip (matter) is missing fix like this somewhere20:06
rburtonJaMa: argh20:08
rburtonJaMa: feel free to point me at a repo that fails, or even better send a patch.  (a revert would be acceptable)20:09
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