Saturday, 2024-09-14

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clementpHello, I have a strange issue and would like to have a tip and how to investigate this.08:41
clementpI'm on top of kirkstone branch and I build container images for both X86 and ARM64.08:41
clementpI have added a simple bbclass that do_print_component_info before the do_build for a long time now.08:41
clementpBut it seems that it's now randomly stucked around the beggining of the build (only on ARM64) and I can see multiple try to start my task08:41
clementpNOTE: Running task XXX of 6093 (
clementpBut without really starting it I don't see the08:41
clementp"task do_print_component_info: Started"08:41
clementpThe build is then stuck indefinitely.08:41
clementpPS: My bbclass is really simple it just print with bb.plain(PV, PN and SRC_URI) but It seems that at this point the scheduler didn't call the function08:41
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JaMarburton: the gitmodule is indeed the esp one from (spaces instead of tab) which is in turn included as submodule in and mcuboot is submodule of so it might take a while to propate the fix, not sure how19:59
JaMawidespread such issues are (this was the only failure in my world builds)19:59
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rburtonSurprised white space was enough to upset configparser, such a pedantic thing20:35
rburtonThe doc says white space is allowed20:36
JaMathe issue is that there is path indented by 1 tab and then url indented by 8 spaces (so it takes url with the value as part of the path value) :/20:40
JaMamixing tabs and spaces like oe-core does is terrible :)20:40
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