Sunday, 2024-09-15

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tlwoernerhas anyone noticed, the last update seems to have broken mounting. looks like base-files might need an update14:30
rburtonin master? eeek.14:30
tlwoerneron sysvinit, it complains but continues with non-tmpfs mounts14:31
tlwoerneron systemd it halts during boot14:31
tlwoernerrburton: yes, master14:31
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tlwoerneri don't have time to dive into it now, maybe an easy fix is to remove the mode= arguments from the default fstab14:31
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rburtonbut but but the tmpfs fs a mode argument14:39
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rburtontlwoerner: i'd check your machine etc.  with master and systemd:15:12
rburtonroot@qemuarm64:~# journalctl |grep tmpfs15:12
rburtonSep 15 15:09:37 qemuarm64 kernel: devtmpfs: initialized15:12
rburtonSep 15 15:09:37 qemuarm64 kernel: devtmpfs: mounted15:12
rburtonSep 15 15:09:38 qemuarm64 kernel[239]: [    0.011584] devtmpfs: initialized15:12
rburtonSep 15 15:09:38 qemuarm64 kernel[239]: [    0.925183] devtmpfs: mounted15:12
rburtonno messages about mode or mounts failing15:12
rburton"tmpfs on /run type tmpfs (rw,nosuid,nodev,size=46088k,nr_inodes=819200,mode=755)" is mounted correctly15:13
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rburton(qemuam64, linux 6.10.8)15:13
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vermaeteHow do I send a patch to Meta-OpenEmbedded with a request for careful review?15:47
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vermaeteI'm working on the netdata recipe to have the plugins written in Go to be enabled.15:47
rburtonvermaete: post the patch with [RFC] in the subject and a cover letter explaining why you need careful review15:47
vermaete@rburton: Thanks an have a nice weekend (In Vienna?)15:48
rburtonoooooh viieeeennnaaaaaa15:48
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